So this is something some people might find cool. I was talking to a friend this evening and found out a cool bit of info about my Outgoing caller ID.
(History) - A few weeks back sprint did some crazy changes to my friends account and some how gave him a restricted caller ID. This was kind of a pain in the *** for him so tonight on a three way call to Sprint ( I was just listing and laughing he tends to get mad at the Reps after calling about the same thing 5 times) he called and said he wanted his name to come back up on the caller ID when he made a call and the Rep said sure he could have any name he wanted.
So this got me thinking. How cool would it be to call some one and it says "Optimus Prime" and your number, "Michael Knight" or "Timothy Leary" on their caller ID? I had to call Sprint and see if it could be changed and sure enough it can.
Just to let you know if you get a call from "Capt Cannabis" its me.