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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2008, 03:28 PM
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Best Verizon PPC Phone Recommendation

I'm due for a new phone. I like my VX6700 (when it works and doesn't lock), but want something thinner (same or smaller dimensions on width and heighth), no keyboard necessary, MUCH longer battery life. Must be Verizon (CDMA) and WM6. Must have a kitchen available. Must have touch screen. Any suggestions?

Wish I could get some of the great GSM phones out there, but GSM coverage where I live is just intolerable -- can't hold a call for 5 minutes anywhere in a 30 mile radius.
Brian D Luczywo
Verizon, VX6800 (Mogul/Titan) on 5060 Custom image thanks to PPCKitchen
Thanks to ImCokeMan, Helmi, No2Chem and the many other kind-souls here who help out
I truly feel like it proves the saying "standing on the shoulders of giants".
I've been in software for 20 years and I still can't see how you've done it.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2008, 07:02 PM
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Re: Best Verizon PPC Phone Recommendation

I'm in the same position. Was ready to dump my 6700 until the WM6 roms came out, but now am feeling like I need more from a phone. I'm on Sprint now, but I'd be willing to make the jump to AT&T or Verizon if it's for the right phone. I am hesitant to get a new phone with WM6.1 and 7 on the horizon, but it may be some time before phones come out on the major carriers.

Any idea if the X1 is coming out anytime soon? That would really be my ideal phone.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2008, 09:35 PM
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Re: Best Verizon PPC Phone Recommendation

well VZW really onl has 2 PPC phones, the xv6800 and the samsung i760. They have the new smt5800, but it's a smartphone. I have looked at all 3 of them.

I like the samsung's from key pad but its the only benefit I see, it has less memory and no revA.

if you had the 6700, get the 6800, it is actually smaller and seems even more so without the antenna.

The smt5800 is the smallest, but again, no touch screen so it's out.
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