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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2008, 12:49 AM
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very new to ppc....

ok dont shoot me but what does all this mean....ROM,PIE, opera mini,opera mobile...im sorry if these sound stupid but like mentioned in my post in the intro section i am extremely new to using a ppc...btw i just bought a mogul...and i dont know much about it...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2008, 01:10 AM
wldthng842's Avatar
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Originally Posted by draggin95niss View Post
ok dont shoot me but what does all this mean....ROM,PIE, opera mini,opera mobile...im sorry if these sound stupid but like mentioned in my post in the intro section i am extremely new to using a ppc...btw i just bought a mogul...and i dont know much about it...
ROM is basically the OS on the phone. It is like going from sp1 to sp2

PIE = Pocket Internet Explorer (what comes on the phone)

Opera is a browser company similar to mozilla who makes firefox. They make a browser for the PC, one for PPC (pocket pc) called opera mobile, and one for any java enabled phone called opera mini. Two other browsers available are Skyfire(in beta and hard to get), netfront(in beta/free download). These are supposed to be better browsing which has become popular since the release of the iphone. Feel free to browse around and ask any other questions you have. We are all here to help.

2 pieces of advice however.
  1. Use search, a lot. Most things have been talked about, find them and then ask your question in that thread instead of starting a new one.
  2. Make your title better, post something more related to what you are looking for or a lot of people will skip over it.
Have a nice day
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator PhoneNews.com (Brandon Smith)

Remember to say when someone helps you out.

Open thread without searching > waste server usage > waste energy > higher gas prices
Think about the economy the next time you feel the need to open a useless thread. Think about it.
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