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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by xmentalx View Post
try 10digit#@teleflip.com
I've used TeleFlip for years, I too would recommned it.
Xgeoph Ray - "mobilejray"
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by jonathan_v9008 View Post
Anybody know for Metro PCS users?
You asked the same question within 20 minutes of the first? Had you tried Googling it? Try it sometime. It works wonders.

I googled: email picture to metro pcs

and the first link provided: 10digitphonenumber@metropcs.sms.us

Along with this and many more from this link: http://www.notepage.net/smtp.htm

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
email delivery

Please Note: While this protocol is popular, it was not designed for paging and as such it is not time sensitive, there can be delays in the reciept of the email depending on the routing (this does not have anything to do with the software but the design of the protocol). If your carrier supports SNPP or WCTP we would suggest using those protocols if time is an issue!

*note: replace the "number" with your phone or pin number

Company Name SMTP Format
3 River Wireless phonenumber@sms.3rivers.net
ACS Wireless phonenumber@paging.acswireless.com
Advantage Communications 10digitpagernumber@advantagepaging.com
Airtouch Pagers 10digitpagernumber@myairmail.com
Airtouch Pagers 10digitpagernumber@alphapage.airtouch.com
Airtouch Pagers 10digitpagernumber@airtouch.net
Airtouch Pagers 10digitpagernumber@airtouchpaging.com
AlphNow pin@alphanow.net
Alltel 10digitphonenumber@message.alltel.com
Alltel PCS 10digitphonenumber@message.alltel.com
Ameritech Paging (see also American Messaging) 10digitpagernumber@paging.acswireless.com
Ameritech Paging (see also American Messaging) 10digitpagernumber@pageapi.com
American Messaging (SBC/Ameritech) 10digitpagernumber@page.americanmessaging.net
Ameritech Clearpath 10digitpagernumber@clearpath.acswireless.com
Andhra Pradesh Airtel phonenumber@airtelap.com
Arch Pagers (PageNet) 10digitpagernumber@archwireless.net
Arch Pagers (PageNet) 10digitpagernumber@epage.arch.com
Arch Pagers (PageNet) 10digitpagernumber@archwireless.net
AT&T 10digit@txt.att.net
AT&T Free2Go 10digitphonenumber@mmode.com
AT&T PCS 10digitphonenumber@mobile.att.net
AT&T Pocketnet PCS 10digitphonenumber@dpcs.mobile.att.net
Beepwear pagernumber@beepwear.net
BeeLine GSM phonenumber@sms.beemail.ru
Bell Atlantic phonenumber@message.bam.com
Bell Canada phonenumber@txt.bellmobility.ca
Bell Canada phonenumber@bellmobility.ca
Bell Mobility (Canada) phonenumber@txt.bell.ca
Bell Mobility number@txt.bellmobility.ca
Bell South (Blackberry) number@bellsouthtips.com
Bell South phonenumber@sms.bellsouth.com
Bell South phonenumber@wireless.bellsouth.com
Bell South phonenumber@blsdcs.net
Bell South phonenumber@bellsouth.cl
Bell South Mobility phonenumber@blsdcs.net
Blue Sky Frog phonenumber@blueskyfrog.com
Bluegrass Cellular phonenumber@sms.bluecell.com
Boost phonenumber@myboostmobile.com
BPL mobile phonenumber@bplmobile.com
Carolina West Wireless 10digitnumber@cwwsms.com
Carolina Mobile Communications 10digitpagernumber@cmcpaging.com
Cellular One East Coast phonenumber@phone.cellone.net
Cellular One South West phonenumber@swmsg.com
Cellular One PCS phonenumber@paging.cellone-sf.com
Cellular One 10digitphonenumber@mobile.celloneusa.com
Cellular One phonenumber@cellularone.txtmsg.com
Cellular One phonenumber@cellularone.textmsg.com
Cellular One phonenumber@cell1.textmsg.com
Cellular One phonenumber@message.cellone-sf.com
Cellular One phonenumber@sbcemail.com
Cellular One West phonenumber@mycellone.com
Cellular South phonenumber@csouth1.com
Centennial Wireless 10digitnumber@cwemail.com
Central Vermont Communications 10digitpagernumber@cvcpaging.com
CenturyTel phonenumber@messaging.centurytel.net
Chennai RPG Cellular phonenumber@rpgmail.net
Chennai Skycell / Airtel phonenumber@airtelchennai.com
Cincinnati Bell Wireless phonenumber@gocbw.com
Cingular mobilenumber@mycingular.com
Cingular mobilenumber@mycingular.net
Cingular mobilenumber@mms.cingularme.com
Cingular mobilenumber@page.cingular.com
Cingular 10digitphonenumber@cingularme.com
Cingular Wireless 10digitphonenumber@mycingular.textmsg.com
Cingular Wireless 10digitphonenumber@mobile.mycingular.com
Cingular Wireless 10digitphonenumber@mobile.mycingular.net
Clearnet phonenumber@msg.clearnet.com
Comcast phonenumber@comcastpcs.textmsg.com
Communication Specialists 7digitpin@pageme.comspeco.net
Communication Specialist Companies pin@pager.comspeco.com
Comviq number@sms.comviq.se
Cook Paging 10digitpagernumber@cookmail.com
Corr Wireless Communications phonenumber@corrwireless.net
Delhi Aritel phonenumber@airtelmail.com
Delhi Hutch phonenumber@delhi.hutch.co.in
Digi-Page / Page Kansas 10digitpagernumber@page.hit.net
Dobson Cellular Systems phonenumber@mobile.dobson.net
Dobson-Alex Wireless / Dobson-Cellular One phonenumber@mobile.cellularone.com
DT T-Mobile phonenumber@t-mobile-sms.de
Dutchtone / Orange-NL phonenumber@sms.orange.nl
Edge Wireless phonenumber@sms.edgewireless.com
EMT phonenumber@sms.emt.ee
Escotel phonenumber@escotelmobile.com
Fido phonenumber@fido.ca
Galaxy Corporation 10digitpagernumber.epage@sendabeep.net
GCS Paging pagernumber@webpager.us
German T-Mobile number@@t-mobile-sms.de
Goa BPLMobil phonenumber@bplmobile.com
Golden Telecom phonenumber@sms.goldentele.com
GrayLink / Porta-Phone 10digitpagernumber@epage.porta-phone.com
GTE number@airmessage.net
GTE number@gte.pagegate.net
GTE 10digitphonenumber@messagealert.com
Gujarat Celforce phonenumber@celforce.com
Houston Cellular number@text.houstoncellular.net
Idea Cellular phonenumber@ideacellular.net
Infopage Systems pinnumber@page.infopagesystems.com
Inland Cellular Telephone phonenumber@inlandlink.com
The Indiana Paging Co last4digits@pager.tdspager.com
JSM Tele-Page pinnumber@jsmtel.com
Kerala Escotel phonenumber@escotelmobile.com
Kolkata Airtel phonenumber@airtelkol.com
- Shohan -

HTC Mogul > Touch Pro > Touch Pro 2 > Droid > iPhone 4.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 12:50 AM
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I saw above that some of you may be having issues when e-mailing pics to T-mobile and I have researched this and was explained that the way to e-mail T-mobile customers is 111111111@tmomail.com when e-mailing pictures to T-mobile customers and not 1234567890@tmomail.net so you may want to try this out because it worked for me everytime. They blocked out the Sprint TV also but the old Sprint TV hack is working on the Mogul again also so I think it is due to the new patch might be adding a pic mail option to it is what I have heard when talking to IT from sprint so we will have to see that would be nice to have REV A and Sprint TV, Pic Mail and GPS like they are saying. It would be nice if they added the Threaded Text to the package also lol. Hope this helps above and I dont recommend to delete the thread for Pic mail cause it is more than likely a temp stop while updating the network but I will continue to look for a fix also.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 07:02 AM
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How do you send pictures to Alltell phones?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 06:18 PM
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will emailing work for video as well or is it just for pics?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 07:23 PM
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anything for nextel or boost
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2008, 11:20 AM
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Does anyone else have issues sending to verizon customers? I've tried (phone#)@vzwpix.com and I always get a 'Delivery Status Notification (Failure)' bounced back to my email address. I've tried gmail, yahoo, hotmail...all with no luck. It says there is banned text in the header, even if I don't include any text in the message...

Thanks in advance for the help!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2008, 01:29 PM
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I think it will be alot easier for you to email the picture to yourself xxx-xxx-xxxx@pm.sprint.com, and once you recieve it open it up and just forward it. if you do it this way all you do is enter the recipeints phone number.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2008, 08:31 PM
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This works really well. I set up a contact called "PicMail" that's nothing more than my10digits@pm.sprint.com . Then I email a photo from an old aol address to this contact. It arrives as a clickable link in a text message (that is, like a standard Picture Mail on Sprint phones). When I click it, there's a link to "Forward" it. I click that, and then I type in the recipient's phone number (you don't need to know what service they're on). The photo arrives on a Verizon phone EXACTLY like a standard picture mail, and it says correctly that it's from me so they can reply by text message.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2008, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by tjljr15 View Post
Does anyone else have issues sending to verizon customers? I've tried (phone#)@vzwpix.com and I always get a 'Delivery Status Notification (Failure)' bounced back to my email address. I've tried gmail, yahoo, hotmail...all with no luck. It says there is banned text in the header, even if I don't include any text in the message...

Thanks in advance for the help!
Yes, I've had exactly the same problem. I think this is a spam-blocking feature which renders this whole 'PictureMail as email' system effectively useless. So I recommend emailing your photos to your sprint number and then forwarding them from the web site where you view the photos. This does work with Verizon recipients. The only real downside is that you have to type in the recipient's full phone number, but you don't need to know their service provider.

Incidentally, I've noticed that many people feel like this is "Sprint being Sprint" and that they're crazy for disabling such a simple feature. But there must be something more going on. It's not widely known that the iPhone has EXACTLY THE SAME ISSUE. There's no standard PictureMail sending feature on the iPhone. So I suspect that there's a good business reason why these companies are trying to wean their customers off the PictureMail habit. There's a big difference in the way this has been received by the iPhone community. If you visit their forums, you'll see comments like "oh that's ok!! The iPhone does email great!! So you just email your pictures to 10digit-blah-blah-blah and there's no problem!! So the iPhone is still perfect!!" As many of us have discovered, emailing to those addresses is NOT a satisfactory solution. Luckily, the forwarding method works, though I wouldn't be surprised if that gets blocked at some point, too.
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