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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 11:48 AM
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Red face Mogul or Touch

I need help. I am ready to upgrade my phone, I have the 6700 now, and I don't know which to get. The Mogul or the Touch. I like the slide out keyboard of the Mogul for texting but I don't use the 6700 for writing letters, just text. The touch has vision services!! From what I can find neither one will do GPS driving without an extra bluetooth GPS adapter.

Has anyone had a chance to use both or know why one would be better then the other.

PPC-6700/Touch 6900
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 12:42 PM
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I just bought a Touch on Saturday to replace my 6700. For me, it came down to:

* I hated the 6700's keyboard. I use Block Input exclusively, and used to crash my 6700 all the time by accidentally sliding the keyboard out *just* enough to trigger an orientation change, then snapping it back in and accidentally pressing one of the side hardkeys while WM5 was still trying to gather its thoughts and do the orientation change.

* I have unlimited data w/PAM, and if I'm someplace where EVDO or 1xRTT data doesn't exist, chances are there's no WiFi I can use, either, so the lack of WiFi was no big deal.

* The Touch uses the non-slippery black plastic I love. The Mogul uses the slippery plastic I detest.

Take all the above, and add the thinner form factor, and for me it was a no-brainer in favor of the Touch. But if you really like the 6700's keyboard or need WiFi, you should definitely think carefully about how the lack of both might affect your daily happiness.

One suggestion -- spend a week with your 6700 using ONLY Block Input or one of the soft keyboard modes to see how much it really bothers you... keeping in mind that the Touch *does* have at least one new text-entry method (20-key) that you might like if the 6700's choices leave you dissatisfied.

Last edited by miamicanes; 01-28-2008 at 12:49 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2008, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by miata_96 View Post
I need help. I am ready to upgrade my phone, I have the 6700 now, and I don't know which to get. The Mogul or the Touch. I like the slide out keyboard of the Mogul for texting but I don't use the 6700 for writing letters, just text. The touch has vision services!! From what I can find neither one will do GPS driving without an extra bluetooth GPS adapter.

Has anyone had a chance to use both or know why one would be better then the other.

Keep in mind there a leaked beta ROM that enables GPS on the Mogul and that the Touch should be getting it GPS enabled some time this year (this quarter hopefully).

I have used both and now have the Touch. I love not having to worry about memory and, as mentioned above, the rubbery material it's made of.

Yes, typing some times can have its quirks, however, I compared those frustrations to the ones I had when I had to open the Mogul to type. Sometimes it would freeze when redrawing the screen in landscape, or getting phone calls with the keyboard open was always fun (not!).

Both are good devices, many people will say the Touch is better and many will say the Mogul is better. It's all about the user... if you can, go to a store and play with both devices.

The memory was basically what made the Touch win for me, if I hadn't had memory issues with the Mogul I probably wouldn't have thought of swapping it for the Touch.
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Old 01-30-2008, 05:05 AM
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so did i read this correctly. you said the the touch does have gps built in. and all it needs is a update to enable it. i have been looking around for any sign that is did have it built in. only thing i found is on the sprint web site. "Features an embedded Global Positioning System (GPS)". it also said it has wifi. this is what it stated on the site. i just hope it's true . going to be getting a touch this weekend.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2008, 09:47 PM
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both mogul and touch have built in gps but u can't use it on either one yet, they are locked. they will have rom updates to unlock them just a matter of when.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2008, 09:55 PM
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I must say I hate the touch. It is slow as the titan was when it was first launched if not slower. But in time it will get quicker with newer roms. The screen seems bit smaller than the titan. Memory is what makes this device and to me thats the only thing that has this device going. Maybe its just me.

Just my thoughts...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2008, 05:02 AM
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Really? My Touch is much more responsive than my Titan ever was.

nasa1303, there already is a leaked beta ROM enabling GPS on the Titan (Mogul).
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