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Old 10-28-2012, 05:02 PM
james1978uk's Avatar
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blackstone (htc touch hd) gps not working~?

hi all i have a blackstone that was originally branded to orange but was unlocked, so i flashed to a custom rom to debrand from orange and then flashed again to official 1.56 rom and radio now i can use the phone to make receive calls use internet on o2 no problem.

However the gps does not work, when i load google maps and select "use GPS" it just says "seeking gps satellites (o) for around 10 minunts then says "unable to find satellites".

and yes i am trying this outside and just to confirm i also have a p3470 on cordic (taxi dispatch system) that finds satellites within just a few seconds.

Rom version: 1.56.405.1 (43972) WWE
Rom date: 03/06/09
Radio version:
Protocol version:

this is driving me up the wall i have searched high and low for 2 days to find a solution to the gps problem.

please please someone help. any ideas much appreciated.
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