I hope some of you remember this xD
The other day it happened that i found it for ~15$ on a sale and told my self.. "well it's not going to be the first gadget you have that you don't really need .. " so I bought it. Now I am trying to make some use of it xD
It already has all that i need for a good organizer (it's a pity i don't have much to organize) soo.. i tried puting some other stuff on it. Already put acrobat reader and some simple mp3 player. Also .. some games ( sadly Worms is just a trial ) and failed trying to install some "virtual piano".
About Internet .. i researched how to use the Wi-Fi that was promised me when i bought it.. it seems i have to buy a separate card for the CF slot. I found some cheap cards on Ebay but i doubt they will be any good so if you can suggest a wifi module on a reasonable price I'd be happy

One last thing .. can you recommend any useful software (in other words .. what software did you find helpful for you .. and i will see if i can use it too ).
currently using Microsoft Pocket PC Version 4.20.0(Build 14053) .. installed 7 years ago xD
I am sorry for the extremely noobish post .. but i cant handle the search engine on the site .. maybe it just wasnt my day but i couldnt find a thing that i needed. So even if you just give a link to an old thread for me to read .. I would be more than happy