My ongoing battle with Hell Mobility (bell)
So I got a phone and signed a 3 year contract in October 2006. Phone was a Treo 650. Got it a Future Shop cause a friend hooked me up... I also purchased the 3 year warranty through Future Shop. A week after I got the phone it had a seisure... and I started to cash in on my warranty. It was just at the time Future Shop / Bell stopped carrying the Treo 650 and was waiting for the Treo 700wx to come in. So I waited over a month, and got the new Treo (didn't want to switch from Palm OS to WM... but didn't have a choice). That was the only legitimate hardware issue I have had.
So Finally I get the Treo 700wx in. Within a few months I start having issues. Calls sometimes do not come into my phone. The caller will just hear it ring and ring, and it does not go to voicemail, nor does my phone alert me of missed calls. Some texts (random texts from anyone, and every text from my mom) comes through with "The contents of this message could not be displayed" in the body. So I call Bell... we figure its the phone. I goto Future Shop. I have a new phone in 20 minutes. A few months go by. No improvement with these issues. All of a sudden my phone starts calling people at random. So I talk to bell again. They assured me... defective phone. Once again Future Shop / Bell stopped carrying the phone I had. The PPC6800 (Titan) was just comming out. Waited 2 days and got that phone.
So I use the phone. Phone issues persist. I almost get fired this time cause work cannot call me (I'm an on call contractor). Now I'm mad. I deal with this issue for about 2 months. Back and forth with bell, they say its fixed, yet it keeps happening. At this time I am hanging around work alot more to avoid a bad situation again. But the enevidable happens, they can't call me. Thank god for one of the manager's having a thing for me... or I would have lost my job that day. So now I get a little Irate. Technical Solutions finally has my answer. Because I did not have a data plan on my phone, it wasnt always seen by the network. So I humor them and put a pay as you go data plan, costs $0 per month, $12/mb. Now my phone defaults to use the wifi connection, so I don't rack up any charges. Yet again, people can't call me, same issue with texts and now my call waiting does not work. Yet another thing im paying for that is useless to me. So after a few more weeks of letting Bell "fix" the problem. they say its a defective device. Fuck off... but I humor them. Take the phone in to future shop... 20 minutes later a nice new Titan in my hands... That was Dec. 8th.
Bell closed all my tickets on the issues, saying it was fixed. That afternoon my mom tries to text me. I get the same error as usual. I call Bell. They give me the runaround, I get irate. I threaten to cancel my account. They counter with the Touch. We figure that I cant get the touch cause it would have to go through Future Shop, and he couldn't do anything about any costs from Future Shop. He offers me the unlimited $7 data plan for the Touch.
Neither of us knowing that its actually an unlimited mobile browser plan, that would not work on my phone.
So that night I stream some media, download some small torrent files (2mb - 10mb). I check my data usage the next morning, hasn't gone up. I figure im in the clear and I actually have unlimited data. I start using data like a V8 sucks gas... I called bell 2 days later about some charges on the bill I just got in the mail. They inform me that I have racked up $19,000 in data charges over the past 2 days (1588mb @ $12/mb). After about an hour and a half of freaking out, they tell me that they will fix it at the end of the month when my bill comes out.
All last week... the issues persist. I make a few calls to Technical solutions. They tell me they are working on it. I get mad at customer service cause nothing is getting done. I want to cancel, I request for a manager to call me. 4 days later I call back cause the manager did not call me back. I talk to a supervisor who says that my 1.5 week old phone is defective. I call Technical solutions the next day. They say the same thing. So back to Future Shop I go...
I talk to my buddy there. He is flabbergasted... None of us think its the phone. He calls Bell. They just re-iterate what they keep telling me. I get the phone and request to talk to a manager NOW or I am going to cancel my account. So I get passed over to retention. I explain situation, and how there is a lack of anyone wanting to help me and keep me as a customer. He offers a $200 "loyalty credit" so I can upgrade my phone at Future Shop. The only catch. They renew my contract. So I proceed with comments like "are you thick? why would I renew a contract that has caused me soo much grief, with no end in sight", and "customer service means you make me happy and want to stay, then i will renew my contract, your way of going about this... is lunacy". They outright tell me to cancel my contract, I asked them to just fix the problem with their network and this won't be an issue, to which he told me there is nothing wrong, and I should just cancel, because I am refusing their "help".
The only thing stopping me from cancelling is the $500 to get out of the contract. With the lack of work due to me losing contracts cause people cannot get ahold of me, and my recent car accidents... They have got me by the balls here, and they know it. Fuckers... That friend of mine is trying to help but has little sway with Bell... but we are waiting on his rep, the store's rep. He seems to think she can get this figured out. Here's to hoping...