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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2007, 01:05 AM
kipp438's Avatar
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Seeking Opinions...

Hello everyone, I have been lurking for awhile and this is my first post.

I am in the market for a new pda phone. I am with Alltel and would like to stay with them as they have good coverage in my area. About a year ago I tried the Treos, both "w" and "p" and loved them, but just could not get over the size of the thing for everyday phone use and went back to a plain jane phone.

I have been keeping up with whats out there a bit and was recently undecided between the Blackberry Pearl and the PPC6800. After researching them I was sold on the 6800. I love the fact that there are tweaks galore and a ton of apps out there for wm6. I can see using it not only for phone, and work/pda functions, but also for entertainment and killing time.

I have been telling my fiancee for weeks that all I want for christmas is the 6800.

So the other day I was Christmas shopping and went by a Verizon kiosk and got to see the 6800 in person. I liked it, but it was just a bit thicker than I thought. I went by a Sprint kiosk and i was able to play with a HTC Touch. I really liked it, I think better than the 6800.

Now im not sure what to do. Should I just get the 6800 and be happy with it and it's included bulk? Or, should I hold off, hoping Alltel gets the Touch soon. If I bought the 6800 and the Touch came out a week later, I would be quite angry.

Part of the problem is that I don't have money to just throw at phones every couple months, so I need to get one to last me awhile.

Sorry, I'm getting a bit wordy, so I'll cut to the chase. I would like anyone to chime in with their 2 cents. Such as... Is the Touch worth the wait? Even if it never comes to Alltel? How do you cope with the bulk of the 6800? Do you find it pocketable?

So basically, anything that would help out my decision.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2007, 01:22 AM
laughingboy's Avatar
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I had the same problem getting used to my Titan/6800 but after i learned the phone i really got used to it. I love it it is super flexible You can do what ever you want with it. I don't know how i survived with my razer so long. As far as carrying able to carry it around, i am an electrician and pretty hard on phones the titan keeps up. I had to adapt the way that i carry a phone around to my lifestyle, i keep it in an oakley sock that keeps the screen from getting scratched and it makes it easy to clean. I also find myself using blue tooth a bunch more. But my suggestion is that you rock a 6800 i nolonger have to carry a phone, ipod, and camera its all in there.
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