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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 08:04 PM
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New and upcoming Sprint phones?

So, I want to get either a Touch or a Mogul... but I can't decide... both have very glaring pros and cons... What I want to know is does anyone know of upcoming Sprint phones that are similar to the Touch o Mogul? More RAM? GPS? Wifi?

Repeat: MORE RAM? *LOL* Is it too much to ask for?

I'd get a phone with the following features if I could:

Mogul keyboard
Touch RAM
iPhone sized screen

Anyone know anything?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 08:14 PM
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more phone

I have been waiting for a while to see a phone with VGA and a screen like my Axim x51v has and the processor to match. these 400mhz processor have to go the iphone has a 624mhz processor and still gets better battery life then most ppc phones.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2007, 09:42 PM
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The only Axim X51v-esc phones I can think of are the "i-mate ultimates" but I doubt we'll taste them in Sprint/CDMA/EVDO flavor.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2007, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by j10376 View Post
I have been waiting for a while to see a phone with VGA and a screen like my Axim x51v has and the processor to match. these 400mhz processor have to go the iphone has a 624mhz processor and still gets better battery life then most ppc phones.
Unless you are talking about processors from the same family comparing Mhz is like comparing Apples to oranges (pun intended). Most buyers are going nowadays for form factor and battery life instead of resolution. Touch specs do what most people are wanting, a VGA device with a more powerful processor but shorter battery life and bigger form factor at a higher price today would be a niche product and Sprint doesn't have the customer base these days to go that way.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2007, 05:06 PM
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I am well aware of how MHz, cache, dual proc, die size, and etc afect processors. However my point was is my Axim is a great deal faster then my 6700, mogul and touch as far as speed goes. I think sprint has more of market then one might think for the kind of device I am refering to. Example Iphone bigger better screen faster then touch and yes this has to do with the unix based os. Just about every IT person and support personal has a pocket pc. Example I deal with support and I use my PPC alot for remote admin SQL Admin, the VGA and bigger screen works much better for this aswell as webrowsing, Video/DVD Playback, excel spreadsheets, viewing maps, and etc. As far as battery life the iphone is a prime example it is a sleek device that has a large screen and faster processor just not Mhz either and gets much better battery life then mogul and touch. I am a pocket pc person all the way however the Iphone does bring some advanteges to the smartphone platform.

Last edited by j10376; 11-24-2007 at 05:11 PM.
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