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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2010, 07:21 PM
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Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Maybe we'll see this feature with WP7...that would be cool...


You know, if you use a black lens filter on a Camcorder with Night vision it's almost like X-ray glasses (you can see through some types of material)

I can see everyone with one of these phones having a piece of black plastic taped to their phones...lol

I want this feature
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If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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Old 04-30-2010, 08:35 PM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Thats a feature I've been wanting since my first video phone.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2010, 02:36 AM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Well! Here's something I bet you guys will find interesting....

Take a remote control. Something like the one you have for your TV, cable box, stereo, etc. Notice the little "black window" OR "clear LED that doesn't light up" sticking out of the front of the remote control.

Now take your cellphone with camera, or, for that matter, ANY digital camera.....and look "right down the barrel" of your remote control. Make sure the camera app is open, so that what you see on the camera screen is the very front end of the remote control, pointed directly at the camera.

Now, press a button on the remote control, and watch your phone/camera screen.

If you're lucky enough to have a phone with the right type of imaging chip in it (and the vast majority of them do)......you should have noticed a bluish light on the screen of your camera that your eyes couldn't see in "real life"......This is the infrared signal the remote sends to the TV.

See where this is going?

Nightvision as a basic concept works by maximizing use of all available light. It won't actually work in pitch blackness without SOME form of "light", even if this light isn't in the spectrum that the human eye is designed to see.

So, nightvision basically does two things: 1. Take all the visible light you can gather and amplify it, and 2. expand the ability of the device to be able to use other kinds of light that human eyes cannot normally see. Hint: use infrared light.

In a nutshell, your phone, since it can probably see the infrared light.....already has a basic form of "nightvision" built into it.

Now, your task is to build simply a gigantic infrared light source, and you could basically see in total darkness.

Sidenote, for those that have a nintendo wii - the wii "sensor bar" isn't a sensor at all - it's nothing more than 6 infrared LED's blasting IR light out of it. You can see that with the cameraphone too, even easier than hunting down a remote control!

This test is also a good way to check the batteries in your remotes, or troubleshoot remote control issues in general. Plus, it totally freaks people out as a party trick when you show them!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 06:05 AM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Originally Posted by aldin.aldis View Post
The theater should have a secret service, like the president does. so when a cell rings, there are men in black suits that are like, "Take him out", and they slide down ropes hanging from the ceiling. And then a SWAT team can come in just for good measure.
I think Id actually pay to see that more then I would pay to see the movie lol.
Dont make God angry...you might end up with Jesus 2.0!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2010, 10:39 PM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Originally Posted by Weapondrift View Post
I think Id actually pay to see that more then I would pay to see the movie lol.
ill just stick with throwing my frozen coke slurpie thing at em. makes it fun.

this would be cool...knew a guy in the military who would take his porsche and his NVGs and would drive down the highway at like 100, cops could never catch him .
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 08:36 PM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Originally Posted by acslam View Post
Well! Here's something I bet you guys will find interesting....

Take a remote control. Something like the one you have for your TV, cable box, stereo, etc. Notice the little "black window" OR "clear LED that doesn't light up" sticking out of the front of the remote control.

Now take your cellphone with camera, or, for that matter, ANY digital camera.....and look "right down the barrel" of your remote control. Make sure the camera app is open, so that what you see on the camera screen is the very front end of the remote control, pointed directly at the camera.

Now, press a button on the remote control, and watch your phone/camera screen.

If you're lucky enough to have a phone with the right type of imaging chip in it (and the vast majority of them do)......you should have noticed a bluish light on the screen of your camera that your eyes couldn't see in "real life"......This is the infrared signal the remote sends to the TV.
Yep, worked in a mid to high end audio / video store 10+ years ago. When people came in with their remotes and said they didn't work. Try new batteries then head to the camcorder row, as they all worked like that
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2010, 09:56 AM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

This is really awesome news. Actually I was finding this kind of facilities in phone but failed. Now I can say that we can use the mobile in night also for taking photo or just see in the dark.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2010, 07:03 PM
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Re: Night vision on Cell phones....cool

Hey guys I think I can help here if anyone feels like using their phone as a guinea pig. Most digital cams use a ir lens to help filter excessive ir out. I played around with the idea when I first heard about the sony handy cam nightvision x-ray thing and got some decent results. Not so much with the x-ray vision thing but with basic nightvision it did help. Here is something I b'googled that I think will help.


By the way, awesome writeup Acslam! So the basic principle should apply, the cmos cam inside the phone should also sport an ir filter, but I've never opened up a cam from a phone myself. I might try it out with one of my old phones, i got a diamond laying around that I was thinking of turning into a spy cam anyway.....don't judge!

Last edited by majorassface; 05-28-2010 at 07:06 PM.
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