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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2007, 01:06 PM
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Sprint PCS Vision ?

Hopefully someone can clarify this for me. I have only had this phone (PPC-6700) for a few weeks.

I have Sprint PCS and the Sprint vision plan. My question is... when it says connected to vision on my connections that is included in the unlimited internet right? I dont want to get stuck with a huge bill next month because Sprint lied to me etc... been burned before and dont wanna go thru that again and it seems like this thing wants to stay connected to vision 24/7. I dont use it as an external modem or anything like that, just check weather, news etc... on the phone itself. Thanks in advance - Roger
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2007, 01:26 PM
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As long as you have the power vision access plan ($15/mo) or better, you're good to go. Enjoy being connected all the time, use as much data as you want.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2007, 06:43 PM
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yup, that includes unlimited data, photos sharing, and internet for $15 a month. If you have the mogul, for instance, I was told that you have to upgrade to a 25$ unlimited, internet/data package with navigation, direct tv, and radio.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
As long as you have the power vision access plan ($15/mo) or better, you're good to go. Enjoy being connected all the time, use as much data as you want.
When you say "connected all the time", do you mean that you don't have to wait for the #777 to dial and connect? I'm finding this connection wait each time I get online to be incredibly annoying. (I'm on the Touch with Sprint's Unlimited Vision Pack for $10/month)

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by tstack77 View Post
When you say "connected all the time", do you mean that you don't have to wait for the #777 to dial and connect? I'm finding this connection wait each time I get online to be incredibly annoying. (I'm on the Touch with Sprint's Unlimited Vision Pack for $10/month)
Uh... yeah. Did you do something to disconnection vision? Normally, my vision stays connected and dormant (those gray arrows, vs the white ones) when not in use. It's not uncommon for me to have a connection time in the 30-60 hour range.

I do have email checking every hour on two IMAP accounts, that could be keeping my connection alive.

Edit - ah noticed in another thread, you are on 1X/VISION, not EVDO/PV. You'll need to upgrade to that. 1X has to disconnect, or you will never get a phone call. EVDO can stay connected even through a phone call, and calls can "break in" while connected, no problem. Maybe that's it?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2007, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Uh... yeah. Did you do something to disconnection vision? Normally, my vision stays connected and dormant (those gray arrows, vs the white ones) when not in use. It's not uncommon for me to have a connection time in the 30-60 hour range.

I do have email checking every hour on two IMAP accounts, that could be keeping my connection alive.

Edit - ah noticed in another thread, you are on 1X/VISION, not EVDO/PV. You'll need to upgrade to that. 1X has to disconnect, or you will never get a phone call. EVDO can stay connected even through a phone call, and calls can "break in" while connected, no problem. Maybe that's it?
The phone neither knows, nor cares, whether you're on a "Vision" plan or a "Power Vision" plan. That's just Sprint market-speak. I have my original Vision plan from when I went from "Wireless Web" ($5) to "Vision" ($10) at least 6 years ago. - sheureka
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