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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 05:42 AM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

48.99 seemed pricey just looking at the title, i myself got an 8gb a while back when the HTC Raphael was the hottest thing on the block, class 6 from Transcend.

8GB Transcent Class 6 $17.36 ( does not allow flashing from Bootloader) One drawback, but it is speedy and so far allocated ~5GB to it

1GB SanDisk Stock card that came with HTC Raphael (Touch Pro2) did not come with one out the box.

Works perfectly and stable, allows flashing from bootloader etc etc.

Moral of the story. Buy SanDisk.. a fast one and be happy from the get go.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

I have a friend a few miles away that sells 16gig cards for $20; I got one last month and am very satisfied.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 09:42 AM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

I think just like anything else we are always being taxed by the what is the best at the moment kind of thing.

I mean if today they can get $48.00 for a 16meg class 6 card thats what they will price them at. Even if it only costs 2 dollars to make.

In two years from now when they have 200 and 400 gig cards this thing will be like five bucks.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 10:00 AM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

Originally Posted by Deimoss View Post

Moral of the story. Buy SanDisk.. a fast one and be happy from the get go.
I'm going to have to disagree with that, Sandisk cars are garbage (at least the higher capacity ones)

I went through three of their 16 gig cards (their 8 gig cards worked fine for me). They kept corrupting & then burning up completely. They where all replaced under warranty, but it was still a major PITA. Many other posters here had the exact same problem with Sandisk.

I thought it was a problem with my phone at one point, but then one of the cards burned up in a different phone so I guess not.

I did back my stuff up religiously to my LT (I have over 12 gigs on my current card) but that is not real convenient & so it is never 100% current.

I have now used an R-Data class 6/16 gig card for a while in both my TP2 & my Kodak Zx1 video camera with no problems whatever.

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 10:15 AM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

From what research I did I found going bad reports or not up to class speed reports for every brand, size and class of card I looked at.

Even every IT guy I spoke too said they have found the same.

Its actually kinda funny when you speak to the same people who probably make half there living off of setting up servers for backups and operating those systems and ask them about backups on all their executives devices, they all are like, oh thats on the card.

But didn't you just tell me that those cards often go bad?

Um yeah but well aaa...

At any rate I think that if you are shopping for a card, get what every you feel is right for your needs but to be honest if you are looking for that one brand that alway meets its class or size spec or never has issues, I don't think there is one, so reverting to my point, get what ever brand you like and what ever specs you feel you need or can afford.

But what ever you get just back it up as that is really the only true insurance you have.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 01:45 PM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

I bought this card and I am very happy with it. It has good write speed compared to my old card.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 01:53 PM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post

But what ever you get just back it up as that is really the only true insurance you have.
Yea, you need to back them up religiously no matter what brand/size etc they are.

Sooner or later, the thing will probably go bad. Being solid state, you would think they would be 100 times more reliable than a spinning platter hard drive but that doesn't really seem to be the case at all......

I have over 12 gigs of stuff on my 16 gig card right now. Some of it is movies ripped from DVDs. If I lost them, it is no big deal as I can always rent them & rip them over again (plus the original rip is still in my LT). The other stuff is a different story however. I have 5-6 current SPB full system Backup files & TONS & TONS of cab files & MP3's.

Losing all that stuff would really suck.........

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 01:54 PM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I'm going to have to disagree with that, Sandisk cars are garbage (at least the higher capacity ones)

I went through three of their 16 gig cards (their 8 gig cards worked fine for me). They kept corrupting & then burning up completely. They where all replaced under warranty, but it was still a major PITA. Many other posters here had the exact same problem with Sandisk.

I thought it was a problem with my phone at one point, but then one of the cards burned up in a different phone so I guess not.

I did back my stuff up religiously to my LT (I have over 12 gigs on my current card) but that is not real convenient & so it is never 100% current.

I have now used an R-Data class 6/16 gig card for a while in both my TP2 & my Kodak Zx1 video camera with no problems whatever.


Just cause it's a sandisk doesn't mean it's 100% trouble free. I think I just got a bad card.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 02:31 PM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

Originally Posted by dnaren View Post
I bought this card and I am very happy with it. It has good write speed compared to my old card.
What is your typical write speed on it? I'm gonna get an exchange and wanna make sure the replacement is about the same.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 03:11 AM
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Re: Ridata 16gb class6 card $48.99 Newegg

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post

Samsung is going to offer a 32gb card starting next month apparently. Damn, might wait for that.
why? do phones even suppot that big of a card? my touch pro2 doesnt support 32 according to all the specs ive seen online.
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