Re: Installing games to SD card
You can either use the Sync Center to explorer the device/card, a card reader or similar whatevers. Using Sync Center or Active Sync involves copying and pasting the file to the desired folder on the SD card. One can even use File Explorer on the device itself. Creating a folder on the card is easy; however, most applications default to the card's program files folder.
What I do: on the card I have a folder in the root directory called "CAB" and in the CAB folder live bunches of CAB files. Once a CAB file has been copied to that folder, I then display the file with File Explorer, tap it and install it to the SD card. Most applications can reside there without any problem.
In many instances you can create a folder, copy the application to that folder, create a short cut to the run file and copy that short cut to the start/game menu folder located in the Windows folder.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!