MS needs to turn around the Windows Mobile line
They've made great strides with Windows Mobile 6.5.3, but even still its not at its best without PPCG and XDA cooks.
They need to finally do it RIGHT. Then, they need to run an ad campaign like they did for Vista and Windows 7. Towards the end of Vista's life its rep was changing and Windows 7 dropped (which is nothing more than a relabeled Vista SP2) and everyone goes nuts over it.
They can do it with WM too! They should optimize WM 6.5.3 like Mighty does and then just sell it under the name "Windows M7" with a huge ad campaign demonstrating how awesome it truly is.
Android is great, but its not necessarily better than WM 6.5.3.
Mac OS Mobile isn't as good as WM6.5.3 , its just really light.
Symbian OS isn't any better than WM6.5.3.
But WM has this negative stigma because, lets face it, WM6.1 and WM5 sucked balls.
The TP2. So presidential...
Last edited by Hidavi; 12-29-2009 at 03:20 PM.