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View Poll Results: PPC-6700 or Treo 700wx?
PPC-6700 40 66.67%
Treo 700wx 20 33.33%
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2006, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Snake2582
Nice pic.
Well, since you've used both, how would you rate them both as phones i.e. making calls, ear-piece quality, speakerphone quality etc.
I'm seriously considering the 700wx but the one thing that's bugging me is the screen size. Maletesta, what are your experiences with the size of both screens? Thanks for all you guy's help!

Hands down, the 700wx. Although if you use BT a lot, the 6700 is just fine.

Reasons? The earpiece and speaker is quite loud on the 700wx. It used to be on the 6700 but the ROM upgrade killed the earpiece volume. I work in a noisy environment (projection booth) and it was awful (my Plantronics 640 helped since it was quite loud.).

Also, Palm did some really cool tweaks to WM5, such as on screen voice mail controls, ignore call with text message, add unknown contact after a phone call, quick phone history list, speed dial via hardware keys, known and unknown ringer selection, etc.

But...BT on the 700wx? Eh, not so great. You have to be very picky about which headset to buy. Reportedly, Palm is fixing this issue, but not something you might want to bank on...

Ironically, I barely use my 6700 or 700wx as a phone! So the 6700 never bothered me too much in this area, but if I had to use one...it'd the 700wx.


I also don't fit the pattern here. Lots of people love the large screen on the 6700 and I can see why that is. But the 700wx screen always felt more natural to me (maybe it's my 650 bias) and I never really considred it a downgrade.

Others strongly disagree and have flat out rejected the 700wx b/c of the screen size.

Preference is preference! Can't argue with that. But I watch Slingbox regularly, watch videos, and do all the same stuff as before, so the screen is fine for me. I certainly don't feel "cramped" though I could see how some would.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2006, 01:42 AM
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Well, I don't use BT headsets so having a good earpiece and speakerphone are kinda requirements in my book. Plus I mostly use my phone outside* of class where it can get noisy. I'm really liking the little tid-bits that Palm added to WM. I think i'm going to get the 700wx.

*Well, maybe just voice outside of class
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2006, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Snake2582
Well, I don't use BT headsets so having a good earpiece and speakerphone are kinda requirements in my book. Plus I mostly use my phone outside* of class where it can get noisy. I'm really liking the little tid-bits that Palm added to WM. I think i'm going to get the 700wx.

*Well, maybe just voice outside of class
I will also add the screen on the 700wx is easier to see in daylight.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2006, 07:04 PM
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Much to my dismay, i'm still having trouble finding the perfect device. This has pretty much come up because of this:
Another thing is that there is a girl who sits near me in class and she has the vx6700. I have a feeling that if I get the 700wx, i'm going to walk into class and see her vx6700, i'm going to have buyers remorse and wish I got the 6700. I know the vx6700 is with Verizon, but they're the same phone.
Who has had the 6700 and switched to the 700wx? (besides Mala ) I have a few questions for you guys:

How is the screen size for you? Hate it, love it, it's okay?
How is the keyboard?
How is the performance?

Who has a 6700 and has not switched to a 700wx and why?

I'm mostly going to be using it for Skype and MSN also for calls. I'm not going to use BT for calls but I will for transferring files etc. I'm going to tether. Thank you to all for your help. Although I know how to use a PPC, this is my first time actually owning one.

EDIT: I almost forgot. I use the camera on my Fusic currently a lot. I tried out the camera on the 6700 and the shutter lag was really bad. How is the shutter lag on the 700wx compared to the 6700?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2006, 12:16 AM
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I went from the 6700 to the 700wx. The screen is fine for me. Of course it took a little getting used to. But my previous PPC was a 6600, which had a bigger screen then the 6700. The keyboard is great for me much easier to use one handed on the go. I also have short & chubby fingers too. The preformance of the 700wx is great. The best preforner of any PPC I have owned. With my second 6700 having bluetooth issues, and being a post April phone (now EVDO ringthrough can be fixed). I bugged Sprint to change it out for the 700wx. Just the short time of playing with the display model convinced me to switch. And the phone side of the 700wx is much better IMHO.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2006, 07:55 PM
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Wideawake, I would really like to hear your experience with the 6700. Thanks.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2006, 03:50 AM
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Okay, I think I have finally decided. I'm going to get the 700wx. I really like the little improvements Palm made to WM05 (i.e. ignore call with sms, on screen vm controls, add unknown contact after call, etc.). Although, now I need to find the money and a good deal.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2007, 11:13 PM
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6700 all the way after four replacement wx's and 3 replacement w's I could never get it to connect without dialing 4-6 times for email or internet they said it was a bad area (Cleveland) for the 700 series phones. When I went to Kentucky in extended area it worked like a dream they swapped me out for the 6700 3 days ago and now I see how evdo and all the toys should work
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