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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2010, 01:42 AM
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Cool Microsoft my phone contacts for iphone 4g???

Hey so I have always had microsoft mobile phones and have been using the my phone software since it came out and all my damn contacts are on there... I just picked up a iphone 4g and all I wanna do is sync my contacts to my new phone from the microsoft my phone application... does anyone know a way to do this?? Please help and thanks in advanced
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Old 08-31-2010, 08:31 AM
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Re: Microsoft my phone contacts for iphone 4g???

Can't get there from here.

iPhone can sync contacts from google/exchange, or from an exchange server, or from Outlook via iTunes.

If you still have *any* winmo device you should be able to sync it to myphone, then sync it to outlook on the same machine you have iTunes on, and then sync from that to the iPhone.

Microsoft... not so open.

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