Re: Crazy Fast 3G Speeds
That certainly sounds like good news. Where are you in Michigan? I'm in Lansing and AT&T's 3g coverage is great here.
Wirelessly posted (TP2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50433; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
They updated their towers and network like last year. Read about in a mag. Think it was PCWorld or something similar.
Re: Crazy Fast 3G Speeds
My experience is the speeds have not been as good as Sprint. Perhaps it Safari? I tried Opera Mini but was displeased with the choppiness.
Re: Crazy Fast 3G Speeds
Were I live, Sprint is terrible, I only get like 800k download and 150 uploads. I guess it all depends on where you live what how many towers are near by. So far I had the best luck out of ATT.
Re: Crazy Fast 3G Speeds
I was getting upload speeds like that for a while when I first got the iPhone, now (as engadget has reported) I'm in one of the areas that is having upload issues. Download is up at 1-2mbps, but I'm uploading at around 50kbps. But before this issue I was getting insane upload results with the iPhone 4.
Re: Crazy Fast 3G Speeds
Where I'm at, the big three all work great. I was on Sprint until I got the iPhone. I have not had any loss of signal or speed. People I know on verizon get great coverage and speed here as well. Maybe it has something to do with the Capitol being here. Could just be lots of towers.