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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2012, 12:05 AM
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Question Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

So, I spent most of the day looking into getting a droid phone.. first thing I did was a bit of google action just to see what was out there.

then came here... been a long while once again, like over a year. Still got the pair of 6700s.. basicaly just use them to store pics from back in the day that the old lady demanded I delete...

anyways, i wanted to make sure I got a phone that was "modifi-able" in almost everyway possible.. lol

one thing I discovered, was the htc 3d phone.. Im kinda big on the whole 3d thing, and think it would kick butt. came across a couple other 3d cells.. they seem to be of lower performance, yet some tend to have more imbedded abilities, altho Im sure the right flashs could cure most of that.

The other downside is, so far as I can tell, the htc 3d phone is only available on sprint... I live in canada.. I dont think sprint exists up here.

soo.. Im trying to decide what droid phone to go with. It seems like the deeper i dig, the more I uncover newer phones, upgraded phones, dropped phones, etc etc.

The gist of is, I like to do everything and anything the phones capable of, or that I can make it capable of, with a heavy focus towards videos, wireless stuff, and being able to flash and improve it, likely play games too.. never had a phone I could play any half decent games on before... the hdmi output would be nice, I do have a 3d tv.. but seriously, unless it records 3d, im not gona convert a vid to put on my phone to watch on the 3d tv when I can just plug my puter into it... although, 3d on the go would be kewl.. if it had hdmi output, I could always just get an HMD.. (Which I've always wanted to get anyhow.. one of these days I'll get around to it.. lol)

I pretty much want the top/best of everything, so i wont have to worry much about falling behind the next few years. like the best/highest OS, the most power, the biggest mem, the fastest brain, etc etc.

also must run on a carrier available in alberta canada.. <--- yeah, the big catch.. *sighs*

I've read alot of discussions on the various droid phones.. almost thinkin the galaxy s3 would be the way to go, or is there something newer/better out there that I missed? I know theres several others that seem comparable, but I just cant tell whats what anymore.

Theres so much talk of OS's n phones etc I just got lost in it all. The other problem is so many phones with basically the same names, no real clarity on the key differences etc. If I can get a few recomendations, I found a great site to compare the deep down specs within the heart of em..

so to refresh/summerize what I'd like:

-Fast/powerfull as possible, with,
-Lotsa mem, large ram and storage, with large mem card capability
-Relatively straight forward to flash/update (the easier the better, doesnt need to be brainless either tho, its no fun if its too easy TBH..)
-reasonably decent camera/video (I got 4 kids, the best moments are never prepared for, and many a great moment and memory are caught at random time place you arent carrying the camcorder with ya..)
-Having 3D would tickle me pink, almost enough to override any other desires, but that aside,
-Needs to be able to work in Alberta/canada
-Perfer to have a fairly recent OS (At LEAST 2.3 inorder to run &quot;Ingress&quot; in the event I ever manage to get it, and it works/gets integrated up here, (Which Im sure over time it will..))
-needs to cost less than my truck
-fast wifi/data transfer etc...

I dont know.. its a place to start I guess..

Apache/6700 = WIN!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2012, 09:02 AM
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Re: Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

Galaxy Note 2 is probably the way to go, its development is a bit behind since its new but it probably wouldn't be long till they have it all figured out. Its like an improved Galaxy S3 and it has a stylus with wacom digitizer.

As far as going 3d, I would suggest against it. You can get a cheap 3d camera if need be but the 3d devices make too many concessions. Not to mention most 3d devices are already old.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2012, 10:25 AM
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I had the htc 3d. It was a cool feature that I never used after the first week. The phone was solid though.

I have the Note 2. This is by far my most favorite phone. It works very well. Is fast and has a lot more useful features on it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2012, 10:12 PM
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Re: Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

hmmm.. a'ight, thanks for the advice, I'll go check out specs etc on the note 2..

I never mentioned, but for some reason, Im kinda fond of the HTCs, prolly cuz I Think they made the 6700, and its the only PPC I ever owned.. lol.. so, yeah, Biased desire... lol
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2012, 11:23 PM
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Re: Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

htc dna is a large screen phone that is getting good reviews, no styllus like the note though but you have somewhere between 1 and 12 fingers to use
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2012, 03:44 AM
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Re: Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

Originally Posted by EyeB View Post
htc dna is a large screen phone that is getting good reviews, no styllus like the note though but you have somewhere between 1 and 12 fingers to use
The thing that instantly turns me away from the DNA, is the lack of mem card, and access/being able to replace the battery.

Beyond that, it realy does sound like a great unit.

Batteries only have so many cycles in them.. now if it was a LiPo nano tech battery, then maybe I'd reconsider.. but until cell batts embrace that technology, I want soething replaceable.. seriously for how much I would use such a phone, i would have it on semi-constant charge.. I've always had good luck with batteries in my cells. I assume its due partialy to the way I treat em and charge em etc.. Mine typicaly far outlast and survive the average user, but even so, they dont last forever.

Also, I like to be able to change out mem cards, copy pics n vids off, put pics and vids on for watching etc etc. Yes. Im sure theres gona be a USB/data trandfer function available, but I lke the being able to manipulate and modify things at my own whim.

I suppose at its heart, its all about options and control. I like to have the options available, and I like to have the control to do things as I desire. Maybe its the human condition... the resistance to change..

Id rather do things old school, take the mem card out, plunk it into my comp and copy/delete/move etc files back n forth.

plus for the way i use datum, its illogical for me to give up that extra potential space...

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2012, 06:34 PM
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Re: Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

Originally Posted by Lynx_Gen View Post
The thing that instantly turns me away from the DNA, is the lack of mem card, and access/being able to replace the battery.

Beyond that, it realy does sound like a great unit.

Batteries only have so many cycles in them.. now if it was a LiPo nano tech battery, then maybe I'd reconsider.. but until cell batts embrace that technology, I want soething replaceable.. seriously for how much I would use such a phone, i would have it on semi-constant charge.. I've always had good luck with batteries in my cells. I assume its due partialy to the way I treat em and charge em etc.. Mine typicaly far outlast and survive the average user, but even so, they dont last forever.

Also, I like to be able to change out mem cards, copy pics n vids off, put pics and vids on for watching etc etc. Yes. Im sure theres gona be a USB/data trandfer function available, but I lke the being able to manipulate and modify things at my own whim.

I suppose at its heart, its all about options and control. I like to have the options available, and I like to have the control to do things as I desire. Maybe its the human condition... the resistance to change..

Id rather do things old school, take the mem card out, plunk it into my comp and copy/delete/move etc files back n forth.

plus for the way i use datum, its illogical for me to give up that extra potential space...

If that is how you feel I can add another cheaper option to the mix then the Note 2, the LG Optimus G. IT has a built in battery but it is a LiPo battery LG BL-T5. Though since it made by LG not sure how development will be on it, though it will get a boost in some sense since it is based on Nexus 4.

Again, just putting options on the table.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2013, 03:16 AM
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Re: Headspin - pickin a droid! HELP!

Hey Lynx Gen
You have a long list of requirements from a mobile phone. Reading your post make me remind of myself, even I explores smartphones like you does.

Check HTC One X+, it has all what you need.
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