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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 08:54 PM
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Help me pickj between the Sprint Evo 4G or Epic 4G for Wife

OK, I've read a couple of threads I could find on the pick a phone for the wife, Evo vs Epic topic but haven't found all the info I' need to make sure I get the right one for the wife. I know nothing about the Droid phones as I've always been a Windows person for the past 15 years from PDAs to my recent smartphone an Arrive. I think I've got it boiled down to the two phones for her. She's moving up from a Palm Pre and wants something more like mine. she was originally going to go iPhone but cant justify spending the $200 for a phone. It's a stretch for her to go the $100 for either of these but I'm convincing her.

OK, anyway, I've read that Samsung's update history is not very good but HTC has a better reputation for customer service overall. Do either of these phones have the option of tethering? Even if it's by using an app or simple mod. How soon before these phones are essentially non-supported? I know ay technology is outdated by the time it hits the market, I just don't want her to get one of these phones and by February, it being considered so old it's not worth updating or supporting. I went through that when I moved on from the PDA and separate phone into a TP2.

So, overall, which one would be better for someone who doesn't plan on upgrading again for a couple of years or more. We typically go 3 or more years between phones and before that with regular cell phones we went years between upgrades.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 09:29 PM
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Get the evo hands down.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 10:06 PM
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Normally I would say Epic hands down, but I know several females that love their Evo. If she doesn't care about the Epics superior graphics engine or slide out keyboard I'd Almost lean towards the Evo for her.

I can say that my epic with the era custom gingerbread rom is running fantastic. I honestly don't see myself upgrading anytime soon, unless an epic touch shows up on craigslist for a ridiculous price.

They both support WiFi tether once rooted.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 12:47 AM
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Re: Help me pickj between the Sprint Evo 4G or Epic 4G for Wife

Well, yes, slider is important for her. She's 42 now and when she first picked a smartphone, she just wanted a basic texting, email, do whatever phone and got the Palm. After seeing what I was able to do with my Tp2 and now with my Arrive, she's really noticed the difference in screen size and functionality of the keyboard between my slider and her little keys at the bottom of hers. I was mainly looking at the Epic since it was a 4* screen compared 3.6 on the Evo. I love HTC devices and have pretty much been exclusive to them myself ever since my first HP iPAQ PDA many years ago and moved through a couple of them before moving on to the Dell Axim before going smartphone. The only one I ever had issues with was my TP2. I read through many of the posts on the thread comparing the Evo and Epic. It was beginning to be fille dwith too many fan boys for one device or the other to really help me make a choice.

I really appreciate the input on this. I'll probably look closer at the Evo now than the Epic
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 01:37 AM
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Are you talking about the evo shift? The evo(4.3 " screen) doesn't have a keyboard. I'd definetly get an epic over an evo shift!

I've also had all HTC's until my samsung moment and now Epic. I love this epic!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 08:05 AM
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Re: Help me pickj between the Sprint Evo 4G or Epic 4G for Wife

Yes, sorry, the Evo Shift. Again, first time I've really been looking at Android phones and there is definitely tons more out there than Apple and Microsoft offer.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 02:24 PM
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Re: Help me pickj between the Sprint Evo 4G or Epic 4G for Wife

I agree with Gullz, between those two choices the Epic is the winner hands down.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 03:32 PM
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Re: Help me pickj between the Sprint Evo 4G or Epic 4G for Wife

Well HTC has said that only the 3VO and beyond will be upgradeable to ICS, if she likes only keyboards then I would say the epic but on a 4in screen the lack of keyboard really isn't noticeable at all.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 04:25 PM
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Re: Help me pickj between the Sprint Evo 4G or Epic 4G for Wife

We went to the sprint store today and had a look at them. I think she's more interested in the Samsung phone than the HTC unit. the guy at the store said the Epics were just updated to ver 2.3 a couple of weeks ago. The funny thing was, the guy was really working the Samsung phone hard and extolling the virtues of why that one was so much better and that was the one he uses, the whole time his HTC phone sitting in his front shirt pocket.

I wonder if they get a larger pay back, royalty or whatever they get for selling the Samsung's compared to the HTC's? The points he made were relatively valid. Same price for a larger phone(screen size), larger memory SD card, better video, faster CPU, etc.

Right now, she's just working over getting over the feeling like she's being scammed. When she looked them up online, she noticed the retail price changed according to whether she was logged in or not by the same $150 amount that Sprint says was her incentive credit. Either way, the phones come out to being $149 with rebates bringing it down to $99. Problem is, online, new member, cost is $499, existing member, $399, but the final cost for either is still the $99. She's funny like that. She just can't get over that the $150 credit for being a customer, really isn't a credit at all.

About the slider style over non slider, she really likes the idea of keeping the screen real estate while typing. She's 42 and her vision was bad all her life so it's not going to get any better. After she used my TP2 a few times and now my Arrive, her Blackberry Curve is just uncomfortably small. She says it's like going from watching a 54" HDTV down to a 13" CRT.

Last edited by JohnMcD348; 11-19-2011 at 04:38 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2011, 05:06 PM
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If she needs a keyboard get the epic.
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