Re: Looking for advice on evo vs epic
It sounds like you have already made up your mind. I have an Epic 4G and it is my first android phone. I absolutely love it. I am coming from the Touch Pro 2 which had Sense UI and I have had no problems adapting to Samsung's Touchwiz. As far as the phone being buggy, I haven't had any issues. The phone is quick in everything that it does, the videos are beautiful, especially when they are blu-ray quality. There are some customizations that you can download for the Epic that are better than the standard Samsung widgets. Beautiful widget is great for a Sense style clock and weather widget. A buddy of mine has the EVO 4G and he loves it. I prefer the keyboard over complete touchscreen interface. I personally have not had any issues with the GPS, but I hear some people do. I am sure that it will be fixed with the Android 2.2 update that will come late this month or next. I'm sure this phone will be supported by Samsung for quite some time, however, if you are like me you do not keep a phone for longer .than a year and if you do, there is always Devs that are tweaking and updating ROMs, so it should not be an issue.
Also, I just ordered an Epic 4G for my wife because it is a great phone
Nothing wrong with a Frequent Flasher! Talking about ROMs you pervs! 