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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 08:12 AM
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No Nexus to VZW!!!

I guess all of the people waiting on the Nexus should start looking at the Incredible or at another device:

In the US, if you’ve been waiting for the Nexus One for Verizon Wireless’ network, head over to http://phones.verizonwireless.com/htc/incredible to pre-order the Droid Incredible by HTC, a powerful new Android phone and a cousin of the Nexus One that is similarly feature-packed. It will be available in stores on April 29th.

Found here: http://googlenexusoneboard.blogspot....tnerships.html

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Old 04-26-2010, 08:13 AM
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Nexus One For Verizon Canceled

In the US, if you’ve been waiting for the Nexus One for Verizon Wireless’ network, head over to http://phones.verizonwireless.com/htc/incredible to pre-order the Droid Incredible by HTC, a powerful new Android phone and a cousin of the Nexus One that is similarly feature-packed. It will be available in stores on April 29th.


Honestly, with the Incredible coming out in a few days, I can't really see the N1 selling that well on Verizon anyway.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 09:05 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

hahaha, yeah sold it beginning of feb. not that i regret it, but that is pretty lame for google to say a phone is comming out and then to not give any word what so ever but then one day say "oh, guess not, we got lazy, no n1"

i am going incredible all the way, it is a superior phone according to all the reviews i have read. i know i am still support googles os, but i guess they didn't anger me all that much. kinda had a feeling this was going to happen when i heard about the incredible, seemed way to odd for two phones with nearly the exact same specs to hit the same carrier. honestly other than looks (and quicker os updates) what does the n1 offer that the incredible doesn't? its a shame
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 09:30 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

I don't see why they shouldn't offer both. Buying the Nexus One without a subsidy would be the preference of some people since you don't have to renew your contract. I just wonder if Google and Verizon couldn't come to an agreement on things.

The Incredible supposedly has better multitouch support than the Nexus One.

I'm sure once its unlocked and custom ROMs can be made for it, there won't be much of a difference. Google is at least supporting older devices officially more than Microsoft ever did (or at least the hardware manufacturers are). The Nexus One might get official updates faster but since the Incredible is a new device, HTC should be willing to update it to the next few versions of Android.

As of now, I don't believe there's a way to turn off SenseUI. I prefer the stock Android homescreens with widgets over Sense. I'm sure custom ROMs will change that though.

Wrote up a quick article for the homepage too: http://www.ppcgeeks.com/2010/04/26/n...ne-on-verizon/
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

Originally Posted by mindfrost82 View Post
I don't see why they shouldn't offer both. Buying the Nexus One without a subsidy would be the preference of some people since you don't have to renew your contract. I just wonder if Google and Verizon couldn't come to an agreement on things.

The Incredible supposedly has better multitouch support than the Nexus One.

I'm sure once its unlocked and custom ROMs can be made for it, there won't be much of a difference. Google is at least supporting older devices officially more than Microsoft ever did (or at least the hardware manufacturers are). The Nexus One might get official updates faster but since the Incredible is a new device, HTC should be willing to update it to the next few versions of Android.

As of now, I don't believe there's a way to turn off SenseUI. I prefer the stock Android homescreens with widgets over Sense. I'm sure custom ROMs will change that though.

Wrote up a quick article for the homepage too: http://www.ppcgeeks.com/2010/04/26/n...ne-on-verizon/
Buying the Incredible outright would be the same thing. No contract renewal. I agree that it doesn't make much sense to carry both the incredible and the N1. They are the same phone, other than Sense UI, on board storage, and a better camera on the Incredible. I just wonder what this will mean for the Sprint version. Sprint has confirmed it for their network. I hope this doesn't create a setback for that.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

Originally Posted by mindfrost82 View Post
I don't see why they shouldn't offer both. Buying the Nexus One without a subsidy would be the preference of some people since you don't have to renew your contract. I just wonder if Google and Verizon couldn't come to an agreement on things.
but one could also buy the incredible at full retail and not have to renew also so thats really a moot point.

according to android central vzw rejected the n1 mainly because of the trackball issues. article here:


Last edited by redd214; 04-26-2010 at 10:10 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 10:31 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

I have heard that it is possible to not use Sense on the Incredible by downloading + using another theme (I have heard a lot about helix). I am not sure about a 'native' Android OS, but from what I have seen in other forums I think it can be done.

I am in agreement with most people here that the Incredible seems like the better phone, I know the Nexus has a couple things in the specs that are better than the Incredible, but I don't remember them being to much of a big deal. I thing the support being offered for the Incredible vs the Nexus is the dealbreaker! I also see no reason why they couldn't carry both (like Mindfrost mentioned...a disagreement???), but I think the Nexus would be overlooked by more than a few for the Incredible.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 11:39 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

With roms they are basically the same phone, the difference is the camera which the incredible is better and where the n1 wins is with world phone capabilities. When I'm in Europe for 3 weeks this summer I get to keep my same phone. If the incredible doesn't have that, that's a big downside for some. Those are the only main differences.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 05:27 PM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

Originally Posted by mindfrost82 View Post
I don't see why they shouldn't offer both. Buying the Nexus One without a subsidy would be the preference of some people since you don't have to renew your contract. I just wonder if Google and Verizon couldn't come to an agreement on things.

The Incredible supposedly has better multitouch support than the Nexus One.

I'm sure once its unlocked and custom ROMs can be made for it, there won't be much of a difference. Google is at least supporting older devices officially more than Microsoft ever did (or at least the hardware manufacturers are). The Nexus One might get official updates faster but since the Incredible is a new device, HTC should be willing to update it to the next few versions of Android.

As of now, I don't believe there's a way to turn off SenseUI. I prefer the stock Android homescreens with widgets over Sense. I'm sure custom ROMs will change that though.

Wrote up a quick article for the homepage too: http://www.ppcgeeks.com/2010/04/26/n...ne-on-verizon/
well if what is said is true of google paying the manufacturers adwords and appstore revenues I don't see why they wouldn't.

That said it isn't efficient for Google to sell N1 due to incredible being same thing but no 2 ETFs..it would be a waist of money.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: No Nexus to VZW!!!

Google, as of right now, have decided not to make a CDMA version of the n1. Its as simple as that. Nothing to do with subsidies, it simply won't work on their networks.

This also means it won't be available on Sprint either. If i'm right in thinking both of those networks don't support GSM.
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