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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Thanks for the link snowplow54!

So say it is T-Mobiles fault, it still doesn't help me get a working phone nor does it resolve Google's own $150 early termination fee. I think that I would work a press release out first saying here's what we can do since it's not fixable instead of telling you to move to a new location or to go pound sand.

Has Google stopped the sale of this phone yet (no--I just checked), offer to waive any early termination fees, suggested another phone as a replacement or will the next non-techie/unsuspecting sucker have to find out later after the fact. Google has the power and the money to make this right, what are they waiting for?

This isn't the way to warm my heart Google. This is like buying a Toyota today not knowing for sure if your going to be able to stop when you need too!
You can probably get out of Google's ETF by claiming that Google assured you that they would fix the issue and did not...as for T-mobile's ETF is a different story.

That said I thought it was stated that not all t-mobile 3G phones suffer from this issue..if HD2 and Nexus one both suffer they are both made by HTC..so it is possible they are skimming down on components.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

didn't Google sign off and spec out the phone? sure it is a re-brand, but I believe that the N1 is the Google phone not an HTC phone, given that it is sold through google's channels, branded the "google phone" so if its truly hardware related its their onus to identify the problem hardware and the solution, even if its just pay HTC to do it for them. if I paid a mechanic to build me a kit car then I ended up selling it third party and it had issues people wouldn't go after the mechanic, they would go after me.

Now if its because of tmobile network we can't really fault anyone but tmobile.
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Last edited by cornelious2; 04-24-2010 at 09:14 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

correct me if im wrong...but I havent seen any of the at&t nexus users with this issue
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
correct me if im wrong...but I havent seen any of the at&t nexus users with this issue
If this is true then I'd go somewhere in the middle..the component HTC put into the phone works for 3g gsm but is not fully compatible with the gsm bands/standards that t-mobile uses etc..

if this is the case the it is Google's fault...In HD2 case it would make it T-Mobile's fault..why is my reasoning like this?

well lets look at it this way..if T-mobile knew that these radio chipsets for GSM are having issues on their network while other 3g phones are fine, T-mobile should have had HTC change the radio.

In this case T-mobile is staying out and Google is in charge...they should have tested the device more before releasing it or used another provider first.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

ok so i have a question the only problem that your having is that the 3g isn't great right?if that is the case then i would say that its a provider problem and you need to go after your service provider that is if thats the only thing wrong with the phone now if your having other issues then i would say that yes your problem is with google.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 11:52 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

Originally Posted by htcman724 View Post
ok so i have a question the only problem that your having is that the 3g isn't great right?if that is the case then i would say that its a provider problem and you need to go after your service provider that is if thats the only thing wrong with the phone now if your having other issues then i would say that yes your problem is with google.
What makes this complicated is that a few HTC 3g phones are having this issue while other 3g phones are not. The problem lies in HTC's radio hardware compatibility with the T-mobile network...to say exactly who is at fault here is hard.

1) it can be HTC using a cheap chip that doesn't function as well on t-mobile's bands or other things etc etc..

2) it can be T-mobile way of sending packets that is not compatible with the chip

In the end it is Google's fault..being the middleman in here they should have accounted for this before shipping out the hardware in the first place.

That said any other company would probably do what Google did anyways..
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

It would be very interesting to know why Verizon now bailed on the Nexus One with Sprint most likely following suit, Verizon's network isn't T-Mobiles size and they are passing on this phone. Could the problem exist on CDMA chipsets as well? Meanwhile Google is still selling this phone for T-Mobile despite all the problems with it. I just don't know why this many people are defending Google?? This is sneaky and underhanded of them regardless of who's fault it really is. Nowhere on their site says may or may not work on T-Mobile, sure we know all about it but what percent of the "real world" does? This is just bad business IMO!

Kudos for Verizon saying we aren't selling your CRAP! At least now if the Incredible doesn't work you know that Verizon will take the phone back and work out something with HTC, giving you options to get a different phone.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 05:19 PM
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Re: Can we trust Google?

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
It would be very interesting to know why Verizon now bailed on the Nexus One with Sprint most likely following suit, Verizon's network isn't T-Mobiles size and they are passing on this phone. Could the problem exist on CDMA chipsets as well? Meanwhile Google is still selling this phone for T-Mobile despite all the problems with it. I just don't know why this many people are defending Google?? This is sneaky and underhanded of them regardless of who's fault it really is. Nowhere on their site says may or may not work on T-Mobile, sure we know all about it but what percent of the "real world" does? This is just bad business IMO!

Kudos for Verizon saying we aren't selling your CRAP! At least now if the Incredible doesn't work you know that Verizon will take the phone back and work out something with HTC, giving you options to get a different phone.
They are passing on the Nexus One because there is no point..the Nexus One and the Incredible is pretty much same device with some minor modifications. As for Nexus One for sprint..well I hope it still comes. Even though EVO is better it still different size factor and N1 may work for old plans/sero plans.
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