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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2010, 09:49 PM
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iPhone or Android?

Before people start flaming...I understand there is the diehard Apple camp and the growing Android base.

I'm an old PalmOS convert to WM (with 6.5 as my last WM phone...sry WP7). I currently have the TP2 on Sprint, and will be switching OS this summer.

I'm a pilot, and travel all over the world. In this time, I have watched many of my friends use their iPhones for entertainment (movies, TV shows, music, games, etc.) while I cling to my WM phone with little to no use of it in terms of the entertainment value. I've now decided the time to make a clean break from WM is this summer. Therefore....

I use my phone primarily for Internet, email, text messaging and entertainment. Thus, the reason I'm switching to something better.

I'm a noob to either OSes, but to me I'm making a trade off either way.

1. The iPhone has the entertainment package I so desperately desire. I.e., I could download movies, tv shows, songs, etc. and have it with me at all times. Not to mention, I can use it overseas on any GSM network.

2. However, Android seems like a more superior platform affording me an opportunity to capatilize on the business aspect of my life.

A month ago, I would've sworn I was switching to AT&T to get the new iPhone this summer. Now, Sprint went and did the unthinkable and announced the greatest smartphone in history, the EVO 4G. I really feel torn, and was wondering if anyone has any input on the entertainment side of my dilemma concerning Android (in terms of movies, etc.)?

Thanks in advance,

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

IMHO after finding out that the iPhone got multitasking down, it has been looking a helluva lot better to me now... since i love the games on the Pre and i have the same ones on the iPhone, but my eyes are on the EVO 4G unless the hardware announcement from apple blows me away
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

I'll go ahead and tell you my thoughts on this...

The Iphone is a great outstanding device that in my point of view was indeed an epic success for apple, It does have a good amount of applications but most of them are pretty silly and stupid but Android has them too.
I love the look of an Iphone, would i get one if Sprint got it? most likely! would i go to at&t for it? hell no.

the bad thing about an Iphone though is the fact that you can't use spare batteries.

I would suggest you get an Evo, the is the phone i plan on getting better camera, A rapidly growing OS, I like to say more open source, plus it is the most kick ass OS! no doubt to it

I hope my advise was any good.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

This is where I'm torn, the Android OS (from what I've seen) like you said, is sick! And, as a WM user used to custom ROMs, etc. Android has that certain appeal. I also feel that jumping to Apple will cause me to miss the smartphone revolution. I truly believe Android is staying on the rocketship path to success.

On the other hand, iTunes is attractive to a guy like me who is constantly on the go.

If Android market could corner some multi-media content at a fraction of what Apple has, it would be an absolute no brainer for me. I've been with Sprint for 11 years now, and have never had an issue with them. Their pricing plans are better, and I've never had any issues with customer service. I so want the Android with an iTunes like capability. Part of me is saying, "dude you've been on WM for 5 years now, you don't need Apple...What you need is EVO!"

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

I think that part of you telling you that you don't need apple is correct, itunes doesn't really make it any different for putting media on you're phone easily but to be honest I find it as a excuse for people with no knowledge when it comes to tech, if being able to buy songs while on the go? use the amazon music market application. I think it let's you buy songs on the go. I also believe there is a good amount of application's the support Multimedia for Android.

Did i forget to mention that you can flash to custom ROM's on Android as well!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2010, 11:04 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

Just a quick note to let the OP know that, as for the entertainment side of it, there is a great app called TuneSync, which will (wirelessly) sync your music from iTunes to your Android phone. It is inexpensive but not free, and currently does not do videos, however it pretty early in its development and I would bet that video sync will be available soon.

That said, and to be totally honest, it sounds like you really need a world phone. And if that is the case, I don't think the EVO 4G is what you are really going to want. I have used Palm, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Mobile (5-6.5) and Android in the past and I personally prefer Android but I also do not travel internationally and can afford to choose Android.

The only recommendation that I have is to do what makes the most sense for you. Maybe you can find a world phone that works for you and carry an iPod Touch. Whatever your decision, don't settle for less that than what you want or need, just because it looks cool and/or fun.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2010, 09:28 AM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

Illl be unbiased since I have both an android phone and a 3gs. Multimedia wise alone, the iphone hands down. App wise alone, the iphone hands down again. Now if you're looking for the total package with a mix of being able to tweak and mod your phone plus all the other perks then i'd have to say android.

Honestly you wont get many pluses for the iphone here being that most people here have a strong disdain for it. But the bottom line for me is that there are still a ton of VERY useful apps on the 3gs that no other OS has yet. Contrary to what others say as far as the "most of them are useless", I really cant agree. Android is doing a better job at getting app developers to crossover as of lately though.

Both phones have their strengths and weaknesses. The iphone is definitely the more locked down of the two, but my 3gs is unlocked and jailbroken and does pretty much anything other OS do including multitasking. It basically boils down to what you really need your phone to do. HOWEVER, keep in mind that as far as I know... as far as traveling outside of the country the Evo wont be a world phone and Sprints international plans arent very pocket friendly. With the iphone, IF its unlocked youll be able to use it anywhere. You probably wont be able to get 3G with it but it will work by just using an international sim card.

I like both and plan on keeping both.. mainly because the iphone has so many apps that I use and need that havent made it over to android yet. But when that happens ill probably go ahead and switch to android 100%. Aside from the apps, even though the iphone is definitely the most locked down OS, people love it because it just works. The interface is simple as pie and the speed of it does well even against the newer snapdragon phones. I doubt if I buy the new iphone but as much as people here hate it, it does what its supposed to do...and well.
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Old 04-19-2010, 08:06 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

I also have an android device and an Iphone. Keep this in mind

1) if you are traveling outside of this country you don't want to do it with a U.S. band CDMA phone (Evo). It does not have GSM like the pro2 from what I know so you will be very limited.

2) I would stick with GSM because you can have an Iphone AND an awesome android device. You could rock an iphone and a Nexus one, for instance (the only real difference is the screen size, other small differences are there of course)

3) iPhone has android conquered in apps, but android is quickly catching up. Android has more controls, you can flash ROMs, supports widgets, more customizations of the UI, currently android phones support higher resolutions (if the 4G has WVGA with AMOLED screen this will be obsolete)

4) iPhone AND android both have awesome developers and are both growing and IMO will both kill WM7. From what you've said I would get the new Iphone and wait for a GSM LTE-capable 4.3" (or something like that) android, unless you find a great deal on a Nexus. CDMA is on the way out, and WiMax is still not in very many cities. I llve in the 3rd largest city in the country and I have NO WiMax nor will there be any for a long while (as far as I know).
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2010, 08:10 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

I appreciate the responses. The main reason I posted this question here, is becasue I expected to get a biased argument for Android (which is what I wanted). I've heard all the Apple fanboy arguments...I just wanted to get a different perspective. Android is so new (relatively speaking), but is coming on so strong that I feel I might jump ship to AT&T then be pissed at myself for not staying true with Sprint and getting the Evo 4G.

I guess the bottom line is either phone is gonna make me happy. Hopefully the Evo comes out before Apple launches the next gen iPhone. That way I can at least do the 30 day trial option and determine if iPhone can rip it out of my cold dead hands.

Thanks again...

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: iPhone or Android?

I've got a Sprint Hero and I bought one for my parents at Christmas. They're in the UK right now waiting for the volcanic clouds to clear. We had a good IM session back and forth today on Google Talk over wifi. They've sent several emails with pics back to me over wifi as well. I just compressed and loaded several DVD's to my Hero to watch when I'm on a plane or elsewhere and they play very well. If you decide to stick with Sprint and the Evo, you'll have plenty of memory space for music, movies and the clarity should far surpass what I have on the Hero. Also VOIP calling from a wifi zone when overseas with the right app. Not as handy as a GSM phone like the iPhone, but better than an old flip phone!
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