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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Even if they put it out... theyve already had SERIOUS defects with it and the company is closing the mobile department down... why would you buy it? That makes NO sense. Even if tmobile takes over the mobile department whos going to manufacture replacements after January? I cant see any logic in that one... at all.
I really don't want to get into a rant defense, but exactly where did you read or hear that the company was "closing" its mobile division? If it was one of the articles you quoted, that guy has been trashing Dell for years and he never said, definatively, that they were closing the mobile division because he would get sued if he did and is very clear about his speculation towards the end of the article. It has been speculated that he is on the payroll of a competitor and he cleared his statement up towards the end in order to sound more like an opinion (as it is) and to keep from being sued by Dell, T-Mo, and Microsoft. I have been entrenched in the mobile industry for decades (since before I retired from Submarines in 1992) and I am personally aware of much of this industry information. I still own and receive email to corporatemobilesolutions.com after I recently sold the company to a huge parent company. If something is different than I've been told and contractually notified, I would be very interested. Here is a quote from the end of his article with words like "prediction" and "figure (meaning assume)":
"The easy prediction is that things will continued to be messed up for some time at Dell, as the company tries to break up the product development and marketing groups and figure out where in the company to put them. Absent some miracle — or the arrival of a real superstar who could reform Dell’s processes and make them work smoothly — figure that Dell will end up completely dropping phones and tablets."
Regardless of this guy's history, there is no basis to certify that Dell is shutting down its mobile division, just the fanfare of a basher without credibility. With little exception, when an industry giant like Dell sells something, they support it. It is indisputable that Dell has had problems with their mobile division with converged devices, but they were very successful with PDA's and they have stood by and supported the products they produced. Dell is way too big, internationally, for such a tiny part of their business to affect them much, but it makes good speculation material for jokers, such as Sherman, to feed on and sell to those not familiar with these tactics. Hope this helps. Thanks for your interest!

........ and the moral of the story is: "you can't have a drink on the house"
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

Well I placed my order today from my virtual cart hopefully it doesnt get cancelled. Little birdie told me it should be released tomorrow.
my ppc PWNS ur iphone
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Old 11-30-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

awsome! Let us know how it goes.

  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

Livejazz im with on the 7pro not cutting it. Im really not into the HTC devices anymore. To many issues on all platforms. HTC is going to have to turn things around for me to ever consider them again. So Dell here I come dont let me down.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

can't wait to get mine back from my account manager.

  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 10:09 PM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

Originally Posted by livejazz View Post
can't wait to get mine back from my account manager.


That was a pretty bold statement saying its the best device you have had. What other devices are you comparing it to?
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

I guess like most people who've been around the industry as long as I have, I've probably held and used most of the models and definately all of the form factors. I, personally, have used the HTC/UTC Starcom line since the 6600. Prior to that, myself and my employees used pda's tethered to a cell phone. "Pro" labeled phones of recent have gone to a definitive heavier feel to set them apart from some of the devices marketed to the consumer vertical and younger demographic. I like the portrait slider because it gives way to a larger screen and, yes, I do beleive business users need big screens, too. Not to watch tv or movies or to play games, but doing the same thing we do on our tp2's. There's not been an OS that has come close to the business capabilities of Windows Mobile (let's not get into that, please), so there was never any reason to try other os's. I never liked the keys across the bottom of the portrait orientation because it was too small for my hands to type with both and even a little difficult with one, but the Venue has the size to accomodate two-thumbed typing or one, if needed. I like that and no other device has had it. Also, the Venue has an uncanny sense of solidlity. I will say that the tp2 did step up with a little more solidity and umph than its predicessors. Also, the Motorola Droid line is quite nice, but taking everything into account, ie: form factor, screen size, os, architecture, features; I beleive it is, potentially, the best I've ever experienced provided the current issues are addressed. That would be taking into consideration my preferences, though, as listed above. Yours and other's will be different preferences. Does any of this make sense?

  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 08:29 AM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

yes this makes sense. Ive played with many devices myself but yet to find a replacemtn for my TP2. Due to all the issues of my TP2 and current devices of others, im straying away from HTC until they get their act together. The Dell has really struck my eye and it has really caught me to even leave my SERO plan with Sprint. I get a discount with T-mobile so im not paying to much more than if I upgraded the premium on my Sero plan. Ive had a good run with Sprint they definately have stepped up their game since the last time I had them and it can only get better. But hopefully I will have a mutual feeling about the devices as you do. I cant wait to get mines
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 09:22 AM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

Originally Posted by 937dytboi View Post
Livejazz im with on the 7pro not cutting it. Im really not into the HTC devices anymore. To many issues on all platforms. HTC is going to have to turn things around for me to ever consider them again. So Dell here I come dont let me down.
agree with you guys about pro7, its a joke imo and barely a upgrade to my tp2 and main reason i got a epic but maybe 2012 sprint will have a "real" wp7 device.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 09:24 AM
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Re: Who's getting the Dell Venue Pro?

Do you mind if I ask where you got yours because the TMO site does not have it listed and I am supposed to be able to buy a few thousand to kick off my site ( www.WindowsForPockets.com ). My Dell rep has no answers, nor does my MS rep so I am a little miffed that any other company is anticipating any certain delivery date.

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