CFay 6.1 Rom! CEOS 5.2.20765 CLEAN ROM
CFAY Treo Pro 6.1 Rom READ ME: I am getting my Touch Pro 2 tomorrow (9-14), therefore I am making this thread and releasing what I have as soon as cmonex releases her unlocker. All files are uploaded and ready to go. Thanks to everyone for there patience and understanding. This device was NOT EASY to crack and make roms for, its quite different from any device I have ever worked on.I can not be held responsible for any damage done to your phone; Your phone, your problem. Your phone MUST be unlocked to use this rom. CDMA ONLY! I WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING DONATORS, YALL MADE ALL MY WORK WORTHWHILE!! Ericmanoa X2 THANKS! Gksmithlcw Malatesta Kenny Tran Central Florida Sales 1.0 Download: 1.0 Clean Sprint Rom! NEW! Download from Sharebee NEW! If you would like to buy me an energy drink or cup of coffee for my work, click here. My work is TOTALLY FREE and all donations are really appreciated! Thanks to: Cmonex, Mightymike, Budney, SSK, Juicy, XBmod, Calcu, Conflipper, Ervius, UDK, Vet Vito, Jugalo_X, cmonex, dcd, tobeychris and others in case I forgot you. Special Thanks to Juicy, Mightymike, and Cmonex for all of there help, without them, this Rom/Unlocker wouldnt exist. PLEASE NOTE: ALL my OEMS are personally packaged by me and all System/XIP's are ported by me. DONT take any of my work without permission. Thanks. ![]() Code:
V. 1.0 [-] Removed Sprint Bloatware [+] Packaged ALL OEM's [+] Added various reg tweaks to increase performance [+] Carrier Generic (needs testing) [#] Cleaned up rom [+] HTC Black.tsk on boot [+] Removed various SYS files that arent needed [+] Much more.
If you enjoy my work: thank me =D>
CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out! Changed my name from fayfay392 to CFay! Last edited by CFay; 09-16-2009 at 04:33 PM. Reason: added Sharebee links |
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