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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 01:47 PM
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Question Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Originally Posted by raiderfan247365 View Post
I have never built a ROM with manila and WM 6.5, what exactly is buggy about your ROM? I will try and get something set up for you though.
Couple of things.
  1. ROM defaults to English (UK) which I guess is a function of using a WWE OS.
  2. NueNullKB is selected but never is installed.
  3. Dialog box is all screwey. The top part shows up properly, but the bottom part is all pixelated. This is regardless of whether RealVGA was run or not.
  4. Couple of icons for stuff that's not selected (Album, Audio Booster) shows up on my Start Menu.
  5. After using the ROM for a day or so, it stops responding. It boots fine, shows Manila, but once booted won't launch applications. I can get to some stuff (Memory) via the taskbar, but the Start Menu won't launch, Messaging shows up in tasks but can't switch, etc. Only way out is a hard reset. And I've hard reset like 3 times in the past 3 days.
  6. Looking for a way to put the Keyguard control panel into 6.5. I like having the 0/5/30 sec delay before auto-keyguard instead of manually locking via 6.5 lockscreen.
  7. I kind of miss the default phone canvas for Sprint. And I think I've lost keypad-to-dial functionality, this may be because of Manila.
This is my first time cooking, so I'm not all that familiar with Recmodding or importing cabs, etc. I know there is a newer version of Manila (1919 I think) than what's available in the kitchen. I was trying for a bare-bones Manila build (Opera/Office/Manila/Total Commander), and just install the rest via cab (Google Maps, My Phone, Live), but it's not looking that easy to get a stable build so far.

And a couple of things I noticed using RealVGA 96dpi.
  1. You have to run RealVGA after cooking to get 96dpi support. Any way to "cook" it in by default?
  2. Manila Comm Mgr buttons get buggy when scrolling down under 96dpi.
  3. Complaints of WLM dlls not having 96.dll support.
  4. Scroll bar is... ugly, to put it mildly. And very hard to use.
-- Starfox

Last edited by Starfox; 10-14-2010 at 02:06 PM.
  #92 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Originally Posted by Starfox View Post
Couple of things.
  1. ROM defaults to English (UK) which I guess is a function of using a WWE OS.
  2. NueNullKB is selected but never is installed.
  3. Dialog box is all screwey. The top part shows up properly, but the bottom part is all pixelated. This is regardless of whether RealVGA was run or not.
  4. Couple of icons for stuff that's not selected (Album, Audio Booster) shows up on my Start Menu.
  5. After using the ROM for a day or so, it stops responding. It boots fine, shows Manila, but once booted won't launch applications. I can get to some stuff (Memory) via the taskbar, but the Start Menu won't launch, Messaging shows up in tasks but can't switch, etc. Only way out is a hard reset. And I've hard reset like 3 times in the past 3 days.
  6. Looking for a way to put the Keyguard control panel into 6.5. I like having the 0/5/30 sec delay before auto-keyguard instead of manually locking via 6.5 lockscreen.
  7. I kind of miss the default phone canvas for Sprint. And I think I've lost keypad-to-dial functionality, this may be because of Manila.
This is my first time cooking, so I'm not all that familiar with Recmodding or importing cabs, etc. I know there is a newer version of Manila (1919 I think) than what's available in the kitchen. I was trying for a bare-bones Manila build (Opera/Office/Manila/Total Commander), and just install the rest via cab (Google Maps, My Phone, Live), but it's not looking that easy to get a stable build so far.

And a couple of things I noticed using RealVGA 96dpi.
  1. You have to run RealVGA after cooking to get 96dpi support. Any way to "cook" it in by default?
  2. Manila Comm Mgr buttons get buggy when scrolling down under 96dpi.
  3. Complaints of WLM dlls not having 96.dll support.
  4. Scroll bar is... ugly, to put it mildly. And very hard to use.
-- Starfox
1. True, You can change it, it needs a proxml though and I never took the time to figure it out.
2.Well you only notice it is installed because your in screen keyboard shouldnt pop up unless you do it manually
3. I am assuming you have RealVGA installed- This is due to the 96dpi resources
4. if you are using manila 2d these apps need to be installed
5.I believe this might be because of the 96 dpi resources, the lockscreen is from a 6.5.x build so it crashes a 6.5
6. Dont think its possible in 6.5
7. You should always use the sprint canvas...I dont know why you wouldnt, do not disable phone canvas when switching to 96dpi

You can not use a newer version of Manila because it is not compatible with the Treo Pro. As far as recmodding, i wouldnt worry about it...

1. I think BigE figured it out in his ROM but i dont know
2. Ya it does...
3. I fixed it
4. Think I fixed it

So here is an updated RealVGA Resource Pack for WM 6.5
Attached Files
File Type: rar RealVGA 96 DPI-Resources For 6.5.rar (4.12 MB, 8 views) Click for barcode!
If I Helped Say Thanks, you believe in Karma don't you

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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

updated 2nd post with newest imdb app
  #94 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 01:26 AM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

This isn't precisely kitchen related, but raiderfan has been so responsive to issues that I'm compelled to take a shot with a few things I'm wrestling with:

Sprint Treo Pro just switched from CFAY CleanROM 6.1 to one built with this kitchen and based on 21057. Have the following new issues:

* Picturemail never sends. I can compose a pic mail but when I hit send it gets stuck in the 'outbox' and never goes through (still in outbox days later). I also do not receive picture mail from others - no notification, nothing. All other EV-DO stuff works fine (google maps, skyfire) as does SMS.

* Text messages do not get marked as read if you are viewing the conversation when they come in. You are forced to exit out of the conversation, then re-open it again and again to get all the messages that came in while the conversation was opened to be marked as read. Very annoying. Installing the old Palm SMS app fixes this but has no spell-checker

* Sprint PRL & Profile Update always fail (error 407). This concerns me since, while using CFAY I had some trouble with data service. Initially I had to flash back to stock to auto-provision in order to access data services at all. Having done that, everything worked fine for about a month. At which time certain things stopped working (picturemail / googlemaps)... though I could still view web pages with Skyfire (note: pic mail and maps would work over wifi just not EV-DO). Sprint blamed the custom ROM... flashing to stock then back to CFAY again corrected the problem, but I feared it would again prove temporary. So I was pleased to see the Sprint PRL & Profile update programs included in the kitchen... hoping (without any knowledge of what actually caused the data problems with CFAY ROM) that their presence would allow me to avert any future need to flash stock. But they don't work for me... so that's worrying

* G-Alarm now crashes occasionally when editing alarms or other settings, which wasn't an issue on my old ROM. I've taken this up with Ageye but no resolution yet.

Everything else is peachy. Again, I'm not expecting tech support... just thought I'd pick the brain of a Treo user who obviously knows a great deal more than I do. Thanks again for all the fantastic work on this kitchen and Treo Pro ROMs in general
Aidan Sonoda
~Primum viveri deinde philosophari.~
AidanSonoda@ftml.net | ICQ: 422990753
  #95 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 01:43 AM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Originally Posted by AidanSonoda View Post
This isn't precisely kitchen related, but raiderfan has been so responsive to issues that I'm compelled to take a shot with a few things I'm wrestling with:

Sprint Treo Pro just switched from CFAY CleanROM 6.1 to one built with this kitchen and based on 21057. Have the following new issues:

* Picturemail never sends. I can compose a pic mail but when I hit send it gets stuck in the 'outbox' and never goes through (still in outbox days later). I also do not receive picture mail from others - no notification, nothing. All other EV-DO stuff works fine (google maps, skyfire) as does SMS.

* Text messages do not get marked as read if you are viewing the conversation when they come in. You are forced to exit out of the conversation, then re-open it again and again to get all the messages that came in while the conversation was opened to be marked as read. Very annoying. Installing the old Palm SMS app fixes this but has no spell-checker

* Sprint PRL & Profile Update always fail (error 407). This concerns me since, while using CFAY I had some trouble with data service. Initially I had to flash back to stock to auto-provision in order to access data services at all. Having done that, everything worked fine for about a month. At which time certain things stopped working (picturemail / googlemaps)... though I could still view web pages with Skyfire (note: pic mail and maps would work over wifi just not EV-DO). Sprint blamed the custom ROM... flashing to stock then back to CFAY again corrected the problem, but I feared it would again prove temporary. So I was pleased to see the Sprint PRL & Profile update programs included in the kitchen... hoping (without any knowledge of what actually caused the data problems with CFAY ROM) that their presence would allow me to avert any future need to flash stock. But they don't work for me... so that's worrying

* G-Alarm now crashes occasionally when editing alarms or other settings, which wasn't an issue on my old ROM. I've taken this up with Ageye but no resolution yet.

Everything else is peachy. Again, I'm not expecting tech support... just thought I'd pick the brain of a Treo user who obviously knows a great deal more than I do. Thanks again for all the fantastic work on this kitchen and Treo Pro ROMs in general
1. Pic Mail - have you installed the sprint customization .cab? if so try this fix

2. txt messages - i dont know...

3. prl & update - this never works for me cooked in, i install via uc_autorun (which by the way, if you do not use it is really difficult to get a bug free rom as it can be used to install .cabs and xml's during first boot...) so just install the .cab, works for me

4. G-alarm - dont kno...

Thank you for your support
  #96 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Excellent: the customizations cab fixed incoming MMS and the Arcsoft fixed sending. So that's settled... many thanks. BTW what exactly is WWE? that first cab was called Sprint WWE Customization - I've no idea what that means.

I solved the txt message issue. The internet abounds with threads complaining about this one with no resolutions... but I eventually found a dll, apparently from an older version of win mobile that fixes the issue - evidently the new one tends to hold onto the messages, either as a supposed "feature" or as as a bug. Either way, that's solved. Pity this wasn't easier to find! Seems a lot of folks were vexed by this and never found a solution. Most of those unresolved threads are ages old, probably most folks have new phones by now.

I also fixed the PRL & Profile updates thanks to a treo of cabs I found somewhere in the wee hours of the morning. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the thread again. In anycase someone had posted three cabs that were purported to fix Sprint provisioning issues - a quick look with a hex comparator showed the second of the three to be identical to the WWE cab you linked to (that fixed my incoming pic mail). The first of the three fixed the PRL & Profile Updates. The third, apparently is just a cab to install the update apps (so I now have two of each in my settings menu, meh).

G-Alarm remains dicey... interestingly Klaxon fails with the same error.

Anyway, 3 out of 4 ain't bad - thanks for your help.

-- one other thing: poking around with Total Commander trying to remove the extra Update icons from my settings menu (never managed that) I ran across SpriteBackup.exe residing in the windows directory. I didn't recall sprite being a package in the kitchen - it seems to work just fine anyway (I didn't attempt a backup, but the exe starts up ok). Is this built into the ROM on some basic level? Might as well use it if it's there - just curious. Also found a twitter.cab and facebook.cab - I didn't have any such apps selected in the kitchen but the cabs seem to have gotten cooked in anyway - I assume it would be safe to just delete em?

Last edited by AidanSonoda; 10-28-2010 at 03:52 PM.
  #97 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Originally Posted by AidanSonoda View Post
-- one other thing: poking around with Total Commander trying to remove the extra Update icons from my settings menu (never managed that) I ran across SpriteBackup.exe residing in the windows directory. I didn't recall sprite being a package in the kitchen - it seems to work just fine anyway (I didn't attempt a backup, but the exe starts up ok). Is this built into the ROM on some basic level? Might as well use it if it's there - just curious. Also found a twitter.cab and facebook.cab - I didn't have any such apps selected in the kitchen but the cabs seem to have gotten cooked in anyway - I assume it would be safe to just delete em?
Glad you got some things worked out. Sprite Back-Up is an original sprint app, i tried to get rid of as many stock apps as possibly but when you start taking stuff out of the OEM Operators folder it builds a funny rom. And the facebook and twitter .cabs you found reside in your Kitchen in the OEM operators folde, they are associated with uc_autorun so yes you can delete them.
  #98 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2010, 12:29 AM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Encountered some dialer strange behavior with a 23569-based build I created...

The dialer seems generally "sluggish", and if I type a few keystrokes to search for a name, I can only scroll up the list using the down key. Up key doesn't do anything. Also, after awhile of futzing around in the dialer screen, I lose touch screen response (hard keys still work) everywhere until I soft reset.

Not sure what's causing this. I've not had this problem with the other 6.5-based builds I've created. Just this one (6.5.3 based on 23569).

Everything else works great (really) and I love having threaded email support!

Pls contribute suggestions if you've got 'em!
  #99 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2010, 01:44 AM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Originally Posted by geekdaddy View Post
Encountered some dialer strange behavior with a 23569-based build I created...

The dialer seems generally "sluggish", and if I type a few keystrokes to search for a name, I can only scroll up the list using the down key. Up key doesn't do anything. Also, after awhile of futzing around in the dialer screen, I lose touch screen response (hard keys still work) everywhere until I soft reset.

Not sure what's causing this. I've not had this problem with the other 6.5-based builds I've created. Just this one (6.5.3 based on 23569).

Everything else works great (really) and I love having threaded email support!

Pls contribute suggestions if you've got 'em!
Gosh you know i remember running into that problem one day but for the life of me cannot remember what i did... are you using realvga? have you tried using the threaded email tweak on other 6.5.x builds? it should be the same as using 23659. also just an fyi, try setting your Page Pool to 15, it seems to boost the Free RAM
  #100 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

Originally Posted by raiderfan247365 View Post
Gosh you know i remember running into that problem one day but for the life of me cannot remember what i did... are you using realvga? have you tried using the threaded email tweak on other 6.5.x builds? it should be the same as using 23659. also just an fyi, try setting your Page Pool to 15, it seems to boost the Free RAM
I'm not using RealVGA, and I've already set my pagepool to 15. I'm using the threaded email tweak but I'm running iton 6.5.x (23569). Pls let me know if you remember how you fixed it!
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