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Old 10-28-2010, 01:26 AM
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Re: +++RaiderFan's KITCHEN FINAL(WM 6.1, 6.5,6.5.X)**10\05\2010

This isn't precisely kitchen related, but raiderfan has been so responsive to issues that I'm compelled to take a shot with a few things I'm wrestling with:

Sprint Treo Pro just switched from CFAY CleanROM 6.1 to one built with this kitchen and based on 21057. Have the following new issues:

* Picturemail never sends. I can compose a pic mail but when I hit send it gets stuck in the 'outbox' and never goes through (still in outbox days later). I also do not receive picture mail from others - no notification, nothing. All other EV-DO stuff works fine (google maps, skyfire) as does SMS.

* Text messages do not get marked as read if you are viewing the conversation when they come in. You are forced to exit out of the conversation, then re-open it again and again to get all the messages that came in while the conversation was opened to be marked as read. Very annoying. Installing the old Palm SMS app fixes this but has no spell-checker

* Sprint PRL & Profile Update always fail (error 407). This concerns me since, while using CFAY I had some trouble with data service. Initially I had to flash back to stock to auto-provision in order to access data services at all. Having done that, everything worked fine for about a month. At which time certain things stopped working (picturemail / googlemaps)... though I could still view web pages with Skyfire (note: pic mail and maps would work over wifi just not EV-DO). Sprint blamed the custom ROM... flashing to stock then back to CFAY again corrected the problem, but I feared it would again prove temporary. So I was pleased to see the Sprint PRL & Profile update programs included in the kitchen... hoping (without any knowledge of what actually caused the data problems with CFAY ROM) that their presence would allow me to avert any future need to flash stock. But they don't work for me... so that's worrying

* G-Alarm now crashes occasionally when editing alarms or other settings, which wasn't an issue on my old ROM. I've taken this up with Ageye but no resolution yet.

Everything else is peachy. Again, I'm not expecting tech support... just thought I'd pick the brain of a Treo user who obviously knows a great deal more than I do. Thanks again for all the fantastic work on this kitchen and Treo Pro ROMs in general
Aidan Sonoda
~Primum viveri deinde philosophari.~ | ICQ: 422990753