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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

Originally Posted by Calkulin View Post
Try the version that the provisioning cab installs and see
Didn't know VVM was included...but tried that version, too, with the same results. Not sure why some tard would hard code the "My ISP" thing when it can just as easily go to the registry and get the connection settings there as it should've done. Oh, well. At least it is "fixed". BTW, I am using

Also, maybe it is the one called My ISP that is important as I tried making a new one called My ISP and it no workee. It's just really odd. Like I said, I got it working and am gonna leave it alone now, but it is just weird. Also, the My ISP one doesn't have a proxy selection, which I think is probably important somehow.

Last edited by mlarma; 01-11-2010 at 06:30 PM.
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

I'm liking this 23518 rom. seems faster than 28205.
Another day, another rom:
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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 07:38 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

tried just flashed rom listed below ,,thx for the new build Cal , i seem to have an issue where after i flash it has a messege box pop up saying it does not know what country im in , i exit it and hard reset again and same thing happen ...phoned still works just have to dial a 1 in front of the area code ,, i looked in settings and tried to check prepend but its alrady checked..anyone ellse having this issue? also data not working , ran jmx provisioning....going to reflash and see

edit: i reflashed with the same issue ..was on mm rom
edit 2 .. its the provision cab thats doing it ,, skip it and no error, dialed 228 and now all good
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Last edited by chrisloveskaos; 01-11-2010 at 08:40 PM. Reason: re-flashed
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 07:58 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

hey guys can can anyone help me out. i'd like to add my city to show up on the weather panel. if anyone can point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. oh and i'm running the latest 23518 2.5 ROM
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 08:56 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

thanks Calk - loading it up now...
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

Originally Posted by mlarma View Post
Didn't know VVM was included...but tried that version, too, with the same results. Not sure why some tard would hard code the "My ISP" thing when it can just as easily go to the registry and get the connection settings there as it should've done. Oh, well. At least it is "fixed". BTW, I am using

Also, maybe it is the one called My ISP that is important as I tried making a new one called My ISP and it no workee. It's just really odd. Like I said, I got it working and am gonna leave it alone now, but it is just weird. Also, the My ISP one doesn't have a proxy selection, which I think is probably important somehow.
What exaclty did you do? just change the name of the connection?

I am back on the new stock 6.5 verizon rom right now and there is no connection "My ISP" only "Verizon Wireless"

Also did the 1.4 fix the call log bug, or was that just me ?
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 10:56 PM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

A couple of things.

I see that the windows task manager.lnk is replaced with the fdcsoft task manager. I have the windows task manager.exe mapped to a hard button using the keyboard driver and that still works, but I'd still be able to have the icon. The fdcsoft task manager takes about 3x as long to load.

The help button fails to load its files. Guessing you took this out. and LOL, I don't need it, I accidentally pressed the icon.

Damn it. The third one was the more import thing on my mind. Now I forgot what it was....fk me. *EDIT. Oh yah, usually I can silence a call by pressing the volume buttons on the side. That didn't work. I'll check if other buttons can silence it later. Anyway to get the volume buttons to silence the call when it rings?

Great rom. I'm really liking this 23518 build. Pretty stable.

Last edited by 1999TL; 01-11-2010 at 11:23 PM.
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

Originally Posted by TdiDave View Post
What exaclty did you do? just change the name of the connection?

I am back on the new stock 6.5 verizon rom right now and there is no connection "My ISP" only "Verizon Wireless"

Also did the 1.4 fix the call log bug, or was that just me ?
I had a connection called My ISP that had nothing defined in it. I defined the standard My Connection with the #777, etc. and it worked. I don't know what the deal was exactly, but I think there's more at work than just the name. I'd have to dig into the registry to see what the differences are.
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 12:32 AM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-11 ][ v1.4 ][ 23518 \ 21888 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

Originally Posted by mlarma View Post
Ok, it has to be called "My ISP" for the Internet connection to work for VVM. Got it working on your ROM by doing that. Verizon is stupid. 'nuff said.

This fixed my problem on another rom that I caused yesterday by updating the VZW radio... should be noted somewhere or addressed in provisioning cabs?
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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:29 AM
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Re: [ ROMs ][ 1-7 ][ v1.33 ][ 28205 \ 21887 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's RhodiumW ROMs

Originally Posted by Pockerter View Post
Not sure if this by design or mis-behave: when press the upper-righter corner where the time display is, sometimes it bring up the task manager, sometimes it brings whatever program opening; sometimes nothing happens and screen flashes. The task manager looks very nice, something I can do to bring the taskmanager back consistently?
Just found that g-alarm is causing this; Everything is fine until you run g-alarm.
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