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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Okay so I eat my words about the 1.88.07 Verizon Radio. I used it for a couple of days and then I started getting all kinds of weird stuff happen to my phone. First I tried to sync it with my computer and the data would go on and cut off while charging. haha Then I tried to log into my twitter using motweet which is the best twitter app Ive used so far but anyways it wouldnt log me in. And I was on wifi. The internet worked and so did facebook. So off back I think its motweet. So I uninstall it. ReInstall it. Still doesnt work So I hard reset my phone did the setting up routine and it still didnt work. Then all of a sudden I couldnt get on the net at all. Then my phone cut off and wouldnt cut back on until I took the battery out. I flashed back to the Sprint stock and everything was perfect. Not a glitch. Data was good. MoTweet loaded first try. So now Im back to the trusty dusty. It was never bad anyway. I just wanted to venture out but Im back home now. If it aint broke.....dont fix it!Sprint Stock Radio
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Originally Posted by alfredo-x View Post
quick question so i don't have to try every single radio before getting the right one...

right now i'm on cricket network in houston.

i have the 1.96 sprint radio that came with my phone...
i'm getting:

Rx Power: -80 to -95 dbm
Rx Ec/Io: -5 to -8 db
Rx FER: 0 to 3%

so it seems like all the values are excellent except for the Rx Power. so that why i am wanting to try a new radio.

can anyone tell me, based on their experience and trials and errors, which radio so far has given them the best signal values in Houston with the cricket network??
can anyone help me out please?
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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2010, 11:33 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Originally Posted by alfredo-x View Post
can anyone help me out please?

Rx power isn't bad. I say stay where you are. I get -95 to -105 at home and work on sprint radio with no issues.
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Okay so I eat my words about the 1.88.07 Verizon Radio. I used it for a couple of days and then I started getting all kinds of weird stuff happen to my phone. First I tried to sync it with my computer and the data would go on and cut off while charging. haha Then I tried to log into my twitter using motweet which is the best twitter app Ive used so far but anyways it wouldnt log me in. And I was on wifi. The internet worked and so did facebook. So off back I think its motweet. So I uninstall it. ReInstall it. Still doesnt work So I hard reset my phone did the setting up routine and it still didnt work. Then all of a sudden I couldnt get on the net at all. Then my phone cut off and wouldnt cut back on until I took the battery out. I flashed back to the Sprint stock and everything was perfect. Not a glitch. Data was good. MoTweet loaded first try. So now Im back to the trusty dusty. It was never bad anyway. I just wanted to venture out but Im back home now. If it aint broke.....dont fix it!Sprint Stock Radio
Have you tried either of the uscc radios? I was tempted to flash to them to give em a shot but I've bene flashing ROM's like crazy this weekend and haven't gotten around to the radio yet. Def gonna stay away from the vzw's, haven't heard a decent thing about them, but have heard some good things about uscc, I just have had good luck with the sprint stock up here in the NE.
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Have you tried either of the uscc radios? I was tempted to flash to them to give em a shot but I've bene flashing ROM's like crazy this weekend and haven't gotten around to the radio yet. Def gonna stay away from the vzw's, haven't heard a decent thing about them, but have heard some good things about uscc, I just have had good luck with the sprint stock up here in the NE.
FWIW, in my cave that I call my office cubicle, I get fairly poor Verizon reception. I flashed to USCC and it got even worse. Will try Sprint tomorrow but in my case Verizon was definitely better.
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

tried sprint test rom SPCS_1.40WF could not receive calls but could make calls. (weird) and when i would make a call all my text messages would come thru while i was making the call
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 11:12 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Originally Posted by Jackrm9 View Post
tried sprint test rom SPCS_1.40WF could not receive calls but could make calls. (weird) and when i would make a call all my text messages would come thru while i was making the call
I believe this radio requires additional unlocking. You should be able to find this information in the thread. good luck.
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 11:33 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Originally Posted by DaddyLongLegs View Post
FWIW, in my cave that I call my office cubicle, I get fairly poor Verizon reception. I flashed to USCC and it got even worse. Will try Sprint tomorrow but in my case Verizon was definitely better.
That's good to know, I guess it just really depends on the towers in your area. My stock Sprint radio gives me great reception anywhere I travel and I have an airave at home so I'm not as concerned about reception as much as battery life. I gues I'll just have to flash and see what each can do for me. Thanks for the info!
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 08:10 PM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

Am unlocked and have flashed a custom radio but would like to go back to Sprint stock radio. Can I do this by simply falshing back to stock Sprint rom? Thank you for your help.

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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 03:59 AM
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Re: [RADIO COLLECTION] - - [UPDATE 01-15-10] Rhodium_W Radio ROMS Telus is up!

yeah if u flash the stock rom from the stickied thread

Dank-Ass Robba

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