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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 11:59 PM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

is it just me or when u click the link, you get file not found? If so, can you please re-up?


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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:13 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Im also having trouble with the link, are you able to upload it with another site.
Windows Phone 6.5.X B28244 CHT2.0
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 01:25 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

i just downloaded it, no problems, using IE8.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 01:28 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Originally Posted by razorloves View Post
i just downloaded it, no problems, using IE8.
me too. looks like rapidshare got a face-lift, so that might have something to do with it
LG Optimus S
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 02:46 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

If OP doesn't want a mirror I'll remove.

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 08:37 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
Noir honestly what he did wasn't wrong, all he said is i don't think that's it and you started the name calling. I do agree however that we should all just wait and be patient but your name calling makes you no better
you're right my name calling didn't help
however its been the same thing for a while by him and other members. Get it through your heads. Sometimes people can't share what they have yet and its usually (99% of the time) is a VERY GOOD reason

We have a pretty good progress report from cmonex herself and it is still taking a bit of time. Can't we just wait instead of taking like a fish to every person that may or may not be involved? It is actually getting annoying and making this place pretty negative to have the constant

OMG look at us we just wanna know what's going on ad nauseum. Hey this guy may know maybe he/she can release something

It's more annoying than the manila 2.0 port IMHO...

but you are right I apologize for the name calling, but my comments still stand. Just wait and enjoy 6.1

and for chuckles and giggles
have fun with nuepackageinstaller and install some manila packages to see if they work on your device. Definitely takes my boredom away. Now if only I had wm 6.5 I'd have 2.5 only device too eh well in a utopia
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 09:30 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
you're right my name calling didn't help
however its been the same thing for a while by him and other members. Get it through your heads. Sometimes people can't share what they have yet and its usually (99% of the time) is a VERY GOOD reason

We have a pretty good progress report from cmonex herself and it is still taking a bit of time. Can't we just wait instead of taking like a fish to every person that may or may not be involved? It is actually getting annoying and making this place pretty negative to have the constant

OMG look at us we just wanna know what's going on ad nauseum. Hey this guy may know maybe he/she can release something

It's more annoying than the manila 2.0 port IMHO...

but you are right I apologize for the name calling, but my comments still stand. Just wait and enjoy 6.1

and for chuckles and giggles
have fun with nuepackageinstaller and install some manila packages to see if they work on your device. Definitely takes my boredom away. Now if only I had wm 6.5 I'd have 2.5 only device too eh well in a utopia
What is getting annoying is reading your long worthless posts. For every post asking for an update, do we really need another post telling them to wait and shut up. Your post brings nothing more to the game meaning you and all the others who think they know what is going on.

Now, moving on as I respect your opionion so please respect mine....

I have had WM 6.1 since the day it was released, and actually even before that. I am burnt out on hacking it and after having 6.5 on my Diamond, I need it back!

Reason why an update would be nice, for people looking to change things around on their device or maybe thinking about a hard reset to fix something and then needing to reinstall everything all over again, only to realize that the hard spl might be out tomorrow, it would save a lot of wasted time of having to do everything all over again the next day.

You need to understand, we all appreciate what they are doing but everyone might have a different intention on asking for an update.

Also, to clarify my post about being secretive. I wasn't looking for an answer from the poster but rather making a general statement as it was just something I was thinking.....

Last edited by eman; 10-16-2009 at 09:37 AM.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
you're right my name calling didn't help
however its been the same thing for a while by him and other members. Get it through your heads. Sometimes people can't share what they have yet and its usually (99% of the time) is a VERY GOOD reason

We have a pretty good progress report from cmonex herself and it is still taking a bit of time. Can't we just wait instead of taking like a fish to every person that may or may not be involved? It is actually getting annoying and making this place pretty negative to have the constant

OMG look at us we just wanna know what's going on ad nauseum. Hey this guy may know maybe he/she can release something

It's more annoying than the manila 2.0 port IMHO...

but you are right I apologize for the name calling, but my comments still stand. Just wait and enjoy 6.1

and for chuckles and giggles
have fun with nuepackageinstaller and install some manila packages to see if they work on your device. Definitely takes my boredom away. Now if only I had wm 6.5 I'd have 2.5 only device too eh well in a utopia
Originally Posted by eman View Post
What is getting annoying is reading your long worthless posts. For every post asking for an update, do we really need another post telling them to wait and shut up. Your post brings nothing more to the game meaning you and all the others who think they know what is going on.

Now, moving on as I respect your opionion so please respect mine....

I have had WM 6.1 since the day it was released, and actually even before that. I am burnt out on hacking it and after having 6.5 on my Diamond, I need it back!

Reason why an update would be nice, for people looking to change things around on their device or maybe thinking about a hard reset to fix something and then needing to reinstall everything all over again, only to realize that the hard spl might be out tomorrow, it would save a lot of wasted time of having to do everything all over again the next day.

You need to understand, we all appreciate what they are doing but everyone might have a different intention on asking for an update.

Also, to clarify my post about being secretive. I wasn't looking for an answer from the poster but rather making a general statement as it was just something I was thinking.....
we need the hspl for more then just our phones now, look what not having it is doing to our community. Every thread turns into an hspl topic, and to be honest i can't blame people. HOPE ITS OUT SOON!!!
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 03:05 AM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

I know it was mentioned several posts back, but has anyone else noticed the SPL_signed.nbh file that is in this shipped rom? It's in the verizon TP2 shipped rom also. This file is the same size as the cmonex spl unlocker and relocker for the TP1. I don't recall ever seeing this file in the shipped roms for any of the previous htc phones I've had. I imagine that this file will flash a locked SPL on our phone, so once we have our devices unlocked, we may want to avoid it by flahing the rom nbh via mem card. Unless we need to return it...then we could just flash the shipped rom and it will relock the phone for us.

Last edited by razorloves; 10-17-2009 at 03:13 AM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Originally Posted by razorloves View Post
I know it was mentioned several posts back, but has anyone else noticed the SPL_signed.nbh file that is in this shipped rom? It's in the verizon TP2 shipped rom also. This file is the same size as the cmonex spl unlocker and relocker for the TP1. I don't recall ever seeing this file in the shipped roms for any of the previous htc phones I've had. I imagine that this file will flash a locked SPL on our phone, so once we have our devices unlocked, we may want to avoid it by flahing the rom nbh via mem card. Unless we need to return it...then we could just flash the shipped rom and it will relock the phone for us.
SPL is in almost all shipped roms, no need to avoid it as cmonex will build in over-write protected in the Hard SPL.
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CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out!
Changed my name from fayfay392 to CFay!
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