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  #3731 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2011, 11:02 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Cool sharkie, but does the TP2 have to be connected to a wifi router or hotspot FIRST before the Ipod connecting to the TP2?

i.e. can I just walk around on the streets with an ipod connected to the TP2 accessing the regular 3g/EV data? I wanted to use the ipod skype/facetime, but that only works via wifi only. If that can connect to the Tp2 while I am on the go - that's awesome....

So we don't need applications like : "WMWifiRouter" then eh?
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  #3732 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 12:21 AM
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Yes, just find your tp2 network once you've enabled the wifi router and connect the ipod to that network and you should be golden. You should be able to use skype and such anywhere you have a cell signal.

-Sent from my HTC EVO 4G on the PPCGeeks App.
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  #3733 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 12:39 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Hey Sharkie, good to the thread still going. I recently bought a sero account, so now I'm using my TP2 again. I'm mainly using it as an wifi sharing for my home internet, and I must say that the speed with your sharkie v5.1 is awesome. It's almost 2x faster then what my epic 4g wifi sharing speed is. I'm glad I was able to get another sero account, and use the TP2 with your rom. Your rom is awesome for speed.
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  #3734 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 07:08 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by vancomycin View Post
Cool sharkie, but does the TP2 have to be connected to a wifi router or hotspot FIRST before the Ipod connecting to the TP2?

i.e. can I just walk around on the streets with an ipod connected to the TP2 accessing the regular 3g/EV data? I wanted to use the ipod skype/facetime, but that only works via wifi only. If that can connect to the Tp2 while I am on the go - that's awesome....

So we don't need applications like : "WMWifiRouter" then eh?
what it is your missing is the fact our tp2 will basicly be the hotspot or wifi router...so the tp2 doesnt need to connect to anything, but youll connect your ipod via wifi to your tp2 and thats it. the only concern from here is to keep your ipod and tp2 together for the ipod being connected to data.
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  #3735 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 08:20 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Cool - thanks for all the clarifications - just need to get an ipod touch now For the meantime, I installed skype - not sure if this is working via data, but it did connect to my wifi that I had the TP2 connect to.

I actually flashed to Sharkie 6.5.X Rom to try it out - uninstalled cookies CHT - so far so good

Correct me if I am wrong, but if I am connected to a wifi router/hotspot (wifi enabled-on) - I still should be able to send/receive actual voice calls via sprint with data connection disabled right?
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  #3736 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 09:42 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by vancomycin View Post
Correct me if I am wrong, but if I am connected to a wifi router/hotspot (wifi enabled-on) - I still should be able to send/receive actual voice calls via sprint with data connection disabled right?
Yes, you are correct. Voice calls will still function normally.
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  #3737 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 10:29 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Thanks @Tinkerbell - I wonder how much the battery drains on the TP2 via wifi or tethering - haven't tested the rom out since just I reinstalled it. There was another new thread on the general TP2 forum with an extended battery that looks like a cool option to have.

I uninstalled, opera and replaced with opera Mini and will use UC Web Browser too - removed CHT and the other CHT application that came with sharkie's 6.5.x 5.1 version - definitely increased speed and reduced a bit of lag.

Was there a way to remove the home screen - "RSS Menu" under the clock, and perhaps add it later if I plan on using RSS feeds that way?

My main thoughts with RSS if I did use it was to separately access it via launching it on its own rather than it being fed directly on the home screen display.
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  #3738 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 10:36 PM
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Go to /Cabs/Remove RSS Feed. Install the cab.

-Sent from my HTC EVO 4G on the PPCGeeks App.
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  #3739 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 10:49 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Thanks sharkie - does that remove the other RSS program that came with the stock sprint too?
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  #3740 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2011, 12:02 AM
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Nope, that's a separate app.

-Sent from my HTC EVO 4G on the PPCGeeks App.
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