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  #231 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:05 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by Jaybell4444 View Post
what 7/7 Rom are you talking about???
first pg new dl for the rom,xyc was mobile last night and wasn't able to update thread title yet

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  #232 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:39 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by 1Mohawk View Post
Just flashed Nrg's Max ROM and it locks up also....but XYC's 6-3 ANA works perfect....WTF...I tried INFERNO ROM and it works for me ...no lock ups and it has CHT 1.8.5

6-3 Ana rom wouldn't have 1.8.5. I have never tried inferno rom, if you link to it I can.

hmmm MaxSense locks up at the start each time? or is it once in a while?

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  #233 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Dl-ing the newest XYC's Ana ROM now, cant wait to see the latest changes made XYC.

Thanks XYC
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  #234 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 11:09 AM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Here is link for Inferno: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=127403
I know the 6-3 XYC does not have CHT 1.8.5 I was just saying that it may not be CHT problem because I can run Inferno wit CHT1.8.5. Energy MAX locked every time...It may take almost 5 seconds but then locked..I did not load any carrier provisions or XD_UAC this was just fresh ROM and it locks the Sense. I can hit the windows key on the phone and Windows comes up to where I can disable HTC Sense.
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  #235 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

I am not a believer in Task 29. I like to flash to stock, clear storage. flash custom, clear storage, the customize the rom.

I had no such issues with any other versions of the XYC rom series. I am currently not having any issues with the newest 21xxx Clean CHT 1.8.5. After the initial freeze/lock up and then SR and HR I am running smoothly.

I had the same issue with NRG CHT 1.8.5, but after a HR it seemed to clear up.

No problems with any of the MaxSense Roms, other than lock up on messenging screening when deleting multiple sms. I believe that is fixed on public release.

I am sorry that I do not have an answer. I can only suggest a flash dance, then try task 29 and flash to a custom rom and see if that alleviates your sense issue

Originally Posted by 1Mohawk View Post
Here is link for Inferno: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=127403
I know the 6-3 XYC does not have CHT 1.8.5 I was just saying that it may not be CHT problem because I can run Inferno wit CHT1.8.5. Energy MAX locked every time...It may take almost 5 seconds but then locked..I did not load any carrier provisions or XD_UAC this was just fresh ROM and it locks the Sense. I can hit the windows key on the phone and Windows comes up to where I can disable HTC Sense.
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  #236 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 02:19 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Thanks, I will try the Flash Dance tonight and see how it goes. I do hard resets for every ROM before I try to use it. Do yo want me to post here or PM if it works or not?
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  #237 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by 1Mohawk View Post
Thanks, I will try the Flash Dance tonight and see how it goes. I do hard resets for every ROM before I try to use it. Do yo want me to post here or PM if it works or not?

Might as well be here since anyone else that may have the problem can see what we are doing and possibly help them.
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  #238 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

HAHA, 18 hours later I flash to my own ROM. I'm not wanting to toot my own horn, but I have to say that first impression so far: This is NICE! Up until now, I have not been impressed with CHT 1.8 or 1.8.5. This ROM is running smoother than any of the many betas that I cooked up prior to it and it seems to be JUST PLAIN WORKING! Here's how unhappy I was with the previous versions I had cooked and why it took so long for me to put out an update: I have been flashing back to LAST MONTH's ROM EVERY TIME I COOKED A NEW ONE. Why? Becuase they ran like crap! Here are some tips to make my NEW ROM run even faster:
1. If you don't use it - disable it. If you don't use a certain tab, disable it. the more tabs you have, the more RAM is used.
2. If you don't use it - disable it. Why did I repeat myself? Because along with the tabs, you can greatly reduce the amount of RAM that CHT uses by disabling stuff you don't use. You can set the number of verticle pages in CHTE, as well as the number of quicklinks. If you don't USE 7 pages of quicklinks - Turn it OFF!!!
3. Disable the weather animations and sunrays

Do these 3 things and watch your phone fly!
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  #239 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

OK did the Flash dance with the latest Big MAX ROM and I am still getting lock ups and it is only when Sense loads. I can disable Sense and everything else runs fine. If anyone has any ideas about this please let me know. This is happening on NRG's Max and CHT..Big MAX and XYC ANA ROMs. Thanks again guys
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  #240 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 05:40 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [07/07]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by 1Mohawk View Post
OK did the Flash dance with the latest Big MAX ROM and I am still getting lock ups and it is only when Sense loads. I can disable Sense and everything else runs fine. If anyone has any ideas about this please let me know. This is happening on NRG's Max and CHT..Big MAX and XYC ANA ROMs. Thanks again guys

Man that sucks. I am at a loss.

Can you give me a list of what applications your are installing when this happens?
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