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  #1501 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 02:20 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by electronudea View Post
ok, quedo pendiente del enlace , gracias

Hay un programa en el menú de inicio, servicios públicos, BSB Tweaks. En el menú, la rotación de realizar las modificaciones oportunas sobre lo que desea de rotación automática.
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  #1502 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 03:24 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by yankeeblue27 View Post
Sorry.. I had to turn my phone off while on a flight and, when I turned it back on, I had my phone automatically hard reset itself. I also think that it reset the information on top of what I currently had because it's now saying that my memory is "critically low". I haven't done anything else to my phone since flashing..When I installed I did it as I always have... I just reflashed.. nothing before or after. My computer isn't recognizing my connection now (when I connect the phone).
I get this as well. Also when in landscape if phone rings, i cant see who is calling.
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  #1503 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 06:09 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Parasurfer1979 View Post
I get this as well. Also when in landscape if phone rings, i cant see who is calling.
As always, when stating you have a problem please give more information. What version rom, etc.

1st, why you put your phone into flight mode and then turn it off ????

I repeated the following steps, turn airplane mode on (phone off). Hard button to turn phone off. Turn phone back on, boot to normal home screen. Turn phone mode back on, repeated this 3x's and did not get a reset of any type. The only problem I did see, the top icon taskbar still showed the phone in airplane mode till I tried to use the phone.

I will check the phone canvas skin for a missing .bmp that doen't appear in landscape mode. If it's there but not working, I have no plans to get it working. There still some bugs in CHT 1.8.5 with landscape mode and portrait mode. Like switching to landscape mode then back to normal several times. The home screen may go MIA or weird. Not a perfect system yet, but they are working on it. Your rom is still 300% better than stock.
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  #1504 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 06:38 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by rebelshadow View Post
I tried to install this but could never get it to work on the all carrier rom. More detail, this is on a Verizon TP2 with the power button being the red end button. After install and reboot and pressing the power/end button it still asks if I wand to power off and does not go to the end key program. I don't know if it's because I'm using a VZW TP2 or not.
CRS! I forget that VRZ power is your endkey. Did you check under setting/personal/buttons, to see if you can remap to another key?
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  #1505 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 09:46 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
CRS! I forget that VRZ power is your endkey. Did you check under setting/personal/buttons, to see if you can remap to another key?
I checked and you cant remap the key with the stock software, your only options to remap are send key (hold) and Favorite, and under "Long Press end key" Always display the quick list IS checked so I guess it's the different VZW hardware. Figures they just had to be different...
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  #1506 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 10:33 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by rebelshadow View Post
I checked and you cant remap the key with the stock software, your only options to remap are send key (hold) and Favorite, and under "Long Press end key" Always display the quick list IS checked so I guess it's the different VZW hardware. Figures they just had to be different...
Well I am not going to add it to the rom anyway. Will leave it to the user if they wanted install. Good program and worth installing provided it will work for you. Will be working on clean rom with only the basic and no CHT. This will allow the user to customize the rom with a little or alot of programs. It will still have Dinik Glass as default with the option to install Dusk icons and dialer's if you wish. Now that I have a nice stable rom, I am going to remove everything not needed by some or most of the users.

rebelshadow, do you have a top button on the phone? The button Sprint owers would call the Power button.
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  #1507 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Will be working on clean rom with only the basic and no CHT. This will allow the user to customize the rom with a little or alot of programs. It will still have Dinik Glass as default with the option to install Dusk icons and dialer's if you wish. Now that I have a nice stable rom, I am going to remove everything not needed by some or most of the users.
I like where this is headed. I look forward to the release..
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  #1508 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 11:12 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by baudac View Post
I like where this is headed. I look forward to the release..
Working on it now. How clean do you want it?
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  #1509 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

buen trabajo hermano todo me trabaja bien menos en email me da un error q dice q no estoy connectado al network deve ser un setting a donde tengo q ir para arreglar eso gracias y tremendo tabajo.gracias
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  #1510 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: 7/8/10 V9.7 Sprint & All Carrier WM6.5.5 2016, CHT 1.8.5,8 Themes

Originally Posted by hppr View Post
buen trabajo hermano todo me trabaja bien menos en email me da un error q dice q no estoy connectado al network deve ser un setting a donde tengo q ir para arreglar eso gracias y tremendo tabajo.gracias
Gracias, feliz de que funcione para usted. ¿Qué versión está usando, y qué compañÃ*a?

Edit: Nunca he leÃ*do que usted está en alza.
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