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  #1061 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 11:52 PM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by geejdee View Post
I don't have it on the left side, however the 2 digits of the time is fuzzy..
Originally Posted by geejdee View Post
Sense quit loading... Had to do a Hard reset...
All this may be do to the new white glass from Dinik. If the rom is running ok then just do a soft reset. I flash some 10 times between 2 & 5 pm getting CHT Editor in manila to work. It wasn't CHT that was the problem, it was me. Been up since 05:00 hrs working on this and was getting tired.
I haven't seen this yet, if it continues I will go back to my black and white clock.
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  #1062 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 11:55 PM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by geejdee View Post
I don't have it on the left side, however the 2 digits of the time is fuzzy..
And what have you been smoking , want to share!

Also try cleaning your screen. LMAO!
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  #1063 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 11:58 PM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
All this may be do to the new white glass from Dinik. If the rom is running ok then just do a soft reset. I flash some 10 times between 2 & 5 pm getting CHT Editor in manila to work. It wasn't CHT that was the problem, it was me. Been up since 05:00 hrs working on this and was getting tired.
I haven't seen this yet, if it continues I will go back to my black and white clock.
For me Sense only got turned off in the "Home" settings. When I turned it back on it worked fine.

The stuff in the clock looks like the "HTC Task Manager" Icon that was available quite a few builds back (21xxx series I think).
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  #1064 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:01 AM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by chile62 View Post
I am getting this (upper left hand side of flip clock, that white rectangle)
and on the last 2 digits of the time (upper right hand corner)

My flashing procedure is normally as follows:
Clear storage
Task 29
Load new rom
Clear storage

Could this be a bad flash?

Home screen only.
One other thought, it just might be one things that you find with trying different combo's of screens that available with CHT 1.8.5. Try a different home screen layout and see if the problem is still there.
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  #1065 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:07 AM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
And what have you been smoking , want to share!

Also try cleaning your screen. LMAO!
Don't have anything to share... Well I wipe everything off and reflashing... also I've seen this on the default with the large flip clock and with the small flip clock...
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  #1066 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:08 AM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

CHT is far from prefect, but it's pretty damm good. Goodnight all
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  #1067 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:14 AM
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Talking Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

My hats off to you on this Rom Timber! This is the fastest Rom I've ran on my phone so far. Been playing with it for a while now trying to make it freeze, running apps like crazy, Sending text messages galor, Sending and receiving e-mail, etc., etc.! What did you do to this Rom??? Awesome speed, smooth performance, everything working out of the box! The ONLY single glitch I can find is the slighlty blurr on clock in right top corner. Which doesn't mean crap to me since I only pay attention to the Main clock. What else can I say Timber??? BADASS Rom!!! Thank you sir so much!
Freakin Beautiful!!! OOOOh,...Fugetaboutit!

Last edited by Jaybell4444; 06-20-2010 at 12:16 AM.
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  #1068 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Fuzzy right top clock issue fixed. Don't need the taskmanager with this dialer. So fuzzy clock (Even if you are smoking something LOL) will be fixed in next release.

Originally Posted by dahoov View Post
For me Sense only got turned off in the "Home" settings. When I turned it back on it worked fine.

The stuff in the clock looks like the "HTC Task Manager" Icon that was available quite a few builds back (21xxx series I think).
If you talking about the top right hand side. That is from the taskbar manager that has be in the roms now to get bluetooth icon support with the new sprint dialer. Time for bed I can't even type a simple couple of words without going into (Mental Pause)

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 06-20-2010 at 01:10 PM.
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  #1069 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:54 AM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Judging from the picture I have to agree with the task manager icon. I remember when chefs first starting cooking with 6.5.x. The first ones aLways had the icon under the clock. The way I remember it you could go into settings somewhere to turn off the icon on the taskbar. I checked htc task manager but couldn't find it. Maybe this will jog someone's memory!

Originally Posted by dahoov View Post
For me Sense only got turned off in the "Home" settings. When I turned it back on it worked fine.

The stuff in the clock looks like the "HTC Task Manager" Icon that was available quite a few builds back (21xxx series I think).
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  #1070 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 01:03 AM
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Re: 6/19/10 V9.5 Dinik Glass Sprint with CHT1.8.5/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

So tired I couldn't sleep so I'm back after taking some drug to help sleep. There is a new taskbar manager I can put in and see that does away with the funny looking clock.
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