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-   -   [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=118553)

smiznith 04-20-2010 01:35 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaberation

Originally Posted by willysp (Post 1709057)
I like the idea of a new thread and love how the community has come together.

Minor detail - you might want to correct the spelling in the thread title: it's "Collaboration" :)

hey hey... i wasnt an english major...lol

welrope 04-20-2010 01:51 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaberation

Originally Posted by smiznith (Post 1709107)
hey hey... i wasnt an english major...lol

23644 is up. Beta removed, caller-id fixed, files remodded. I didn't throw in office 2010, but if you want it, let me know and ill make a separate edition for that.


smiznith 04-20-2010 01:54 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaberation

Originally Posted by welrope (Post 1709135)
23644 is up. Beta removed, caller-id fixed, files remodded. I didn't throw in office 2010, but if you want it, let me know and ill make a separate edition for that.


yeah i have a fondness of office 2010 but it doesnt matter to me....

ShadowDrake 04-20-2010 02:03 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration
I hate to make a relatively useless post so far in a great thread but this will help me find it a little more easily :P I hope to be able to add some information soon here on modifying the kitchen to support OTA updates for your built ROMs and all of the other things you need to get it up and going. Some people obviously know how to do it but the information is pretty sparse.

welrope 04-20-2010 02:09 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaberation

Originally Posted by smiznith (Post 1709145)
yeah i have a fondness of office 2010 but it doesnt matter to me....

No prob, let me switch out some folders and ill upload another version with 2010.

welrope 04-20-2010 02:15 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration
21901 still smoking from the .DIO dump. If you guys want to test for the SOD issues, let me know so i can keep up with what fixes work. Its in my siggy, can't miss it!

Thanks and enjoy!

welrope 04-20-2010 02:26 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaberation

Originally Posted by smiznith (Post 1709145)
yeah i have a fondness of office 2010 but it doesnt matter to me....

your fondness is in my siggy, can't miss it!

smiznith 04-20-2010 02:30 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by welrope (Post 1709191)
21901 still smoking from the .DIO dump. If you guys want to test for the SOD issues, let me know so i can keep up with what fixes work. Its in my siggy, can't miss it!

Thanks and enjoy!

Tried it, got the SOD really bad just now from the old one.. gonna try the new one. if i get it then im switching back to 21899


Originally Posted by ShadowDrake (Post 1709164)
I hate to make a relatively useless post so far in a great thread but this will help me find it a little more easily :P I hope to be able to add some information soon here on modifying the kitchen to support OTA updates for your built ROMs and all of the other things you need to get it up and going. Some people obviously know how to do it but the information is pretty sparse.

LOVE IT! i would like that for my rom... how do i get ahold of it?!?!

hthomas 04-20-2010 04:23 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration
hthomas's LINKS - Sorry for the duplication, but that tutorial is in my way.
If you find any dead or misdirected links, Please PM me.

Tutorials - more advanced threads
[GUIDE] 60 Tutorials for Customizing any Device (must read found by TMartin)
Guides | Tutorials | Tips & Tricks
How To's For Developing... (great tutorials thread)
[TUT]How to set the Ervius Visual Kitchen for Newbies HTC devices
[TUT] Manual Full XIP Porting (& MANY MORE TUTORIALS)
Ervius_visual kitchen - tools!!! Thread
Visual Kitchen Hints & Tips
RSTOYGUY's Tutorials
Start Menu and adding your icons
Tips for creating .XML files to provision
Converting Cabs with Setup.dll for Cooking
Optimising XIP
Xip Processes

Free Ram by Editing XIP
Clean MsXipkernel for speed
Editing Boot.rug
[TUT] Editing resource .dll
Threaded email
Auto Porting XIP for VK
F i n g e r K e y b o a r d 2

Office ext
tacchan23's dark theme
TP2 fonts cabs

Manila Links
[GUIDE][TUT] Manila Development for Beginners - Tutorial 1
Co0kie's Home Tab
William_Flold's Manila Ext's
santod's - Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider
The Leo Dump
Sprint MR1 6.5 Dump
HTC Logo Launch manila

Helpful Post
Rom Ownership - Smiznith
Transparent slidersTMartin
stwater more still more Gona get it
SPB Mobile shell
Build order
startup alerts
start menu icons
weather server
Task bar icons
Exchange server settings
tacchan23 customizing
Alternatives to htc dialer in wm6.5
the program/settings/etc icons
Huashan Dailer
Voice command

Utilities links
[TOOL] Task 29 (format internal Memory) without drivers, witout mtty
Universal Extractor for *. nb *. nb0 *. nbh *. dio
Kitchen Tools Repository
NBHImageTool 1.0 (An NBH handling tool)

Download Links & Threads
DarkForces build leaks (in english)
XDA [OS][WM6.5.5] Latest Releases
WM 6.5.x All DPI SYS & ROM VK
Rstoyguy's Custom VisualKitchen EXT Request Thread
Leaked ROMs/OEMs

Other Kitchen
Porting A New Device In Ondraster VK For Noobs
Nega's Kitcher
Bleeping Computer Tutorials

william_fold 04-20-2010 04:35 PM

Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration
1 Attachment(s)
26948339_manila is the Tab control file for manila. Its just an XML file(so it can be edited with any text editor).
Here are the headers for each Tab:


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Photos and Videos

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