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  #831 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2011, 04:12 PM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Originally Posted by mizzourob View Post
Lead, I was testing the 5/17 rom since the 18th, but I kepts getting multiple sleep death problems forcing me to pull out the battery and restart about every 30 minutes when I was using the phone. The SOD appeared after text messaging, using the interenet, and after locking the phone so I could not nail down any sequence of events that was causing the issue. Otherwise it was working great with low RAM consumption. I'm now back on the 3/20 lite rom which has always worked well for me.
You have a Gmail account? Try setting the account sync setting to manual instead of automatic. I heard Gmail os doing something that is locking up some devices.
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  #832 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2011, 09:01 PM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Really appreciating the input here, folks. It's helping out a lot debugging problems. I have not had any SOD issues, so far, though. Aside from the usual screen not turning on when something heavy (like audio manager running after fresh flash) is running, then turning on after a few minutes. That's normal, though. Keep those issues coming and hopefully we can have a nice bug-free ROM this time around. It's also ok to include inputs about stuff I've added, like the texting app sms counter and call history shortcut. I like to hear different opinions.
Please hit under my post, if I helped you!
DONATE to leadpoizon.
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  #833 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2011, 12:54 AM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Originally Posted by demonlordoftheround View Post
You have a Gmail account? Try setting the account sync setting to manual instead of automatic. I heard Gmail os doing something that is locking up some devices.
After reverting to the 3/20 rom that I knew was working correclty, I kept having multiple sleeps of death throughout the day today. So I was begining to think it was related to some sort of a hardware issue. I saw your post earlier tonight, and I'm not sure I understand yet what is going on, but yes I did have a Gmail account on my phone in addition to an exchange server account. The Gmail account was set to check every 15 minutes. After reading your post I deleted my Gmail account and I'm not getting the SOD issue anymore.

My Gmail account was setup in Sense using the Gmail setting option. I've not yet tested if I try to manually add it as a pop3 account without selecting the Gmail option in Sense. Could it be that Gmail is sending bad/malformed headers that lock up the device? If this is the case, then my last comment about the latest Lead Rom Beta causing multiple sleeps of death would no longer be accurate.

Also for reference there is this thread at XDA, another here at PPCGeeks, and another thread going at Google that all corroborate this as a (widespread) problem.
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  #834 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Originally Posted by leadpoizon View Post
Really appreciating the input here, folks. It's helping out a lot debugging problems. I have not had any SOD issues, so far, though. Aside from the usual screen not turning on when something heavy (like audio manager running after fresh flash) is running, then turning on after a few minutes. That's normal, though. Keep those issues coming and hopefully we can have a nice bug-free ROM this time around. It's also ok to include inputs about stuff I've added, like the texting app sms counter and call history shortcut. I like to hear different opinions.
still running pretty solid for me, and with my mail settings set to manual i haven't had any SODs (crossing fingers) - then again i also haven't been running WIFI very much lately so it isn't the same conditions. so other than that, i'm a big fan

i dig the SMS counter, totally cool with that, but don't care much for the call history shortcut, i mean it comes up with the dialer so it's not a big deal for me, but that's just me.

i'm currently overclocking this rom @ 749 and it's just ridiculous how fast and smooth and solid this rom runs, i love it. the last thing i could recommend is killing the opera 9 browser you have cooked in since it already had IE and opera 10 is out, which i know more than a few of us are running (that or opera mini anyway).
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  #835 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2011, 09:27 AM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Hi, the key SYM my Verizon TP2 is not working with this ROM. I still remember that when I press this key, it will appear a SYMBOL windows to choose. How can I fix this? Thanks!
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  #836 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2011, 11:07 AM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Originally Posted by dinhcaohack View Post
Hi, the key SYM my Verizon TP2 is not working with this ROM. I still remember that when I press this key, it will appear a SYMBOL windows to choose. How can I fix this? Thanks!
Have you applied the provisioning cab? Also, the SYM menu only appears in areas where text is able to be inputted...

Is anyone else having this problem on Verizon?
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  #837 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2011, 12:07 PM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

I used the Verizon TP2 but I didnt in US, then I used non-generic cab. Yes, I used in Notes, Messages etc.

Just try Verizon provisioning cab, nothing changes.

Last edited by dinhcaohack; 05-26-2011 at 10:39 PM.
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  #838 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2011, 11:18 AM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

I guess you can take out myphone and the marketplace shortcuts in the next release.

I wonder if windows mobile 6.5 will get support for the replacement skydrive initiative they talked about in the cancelation email...

One other strange thing I noticed is that when you select show file extensions in file explorer they are not shown. I assume you have the app "File explorer extension" cooked in as most of the new features are there. However you may not be on the latest version (2.07), which has full compatability for 6.5.

LINK: http://translate.google.com/translat...2F&sl=ja&tl=en
Touch Pro 2 O/C 749mHz: LEAD ROM Mar. 5 2011 6.5 Release Candidate multi carrier lite
Treo Pro ROM: Cooked my own 21911 6.5 from raiderfan's kitchen.

Last edited by briggs; 06-09-2011 at 11:41 AM.
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  #839 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2011, 06:03 PM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Originally Posted by briggs View Post
I guess you can take out myphone and the marketplace shortcuts in the next release.
I'd still leave in Marketplace as according to the press release from Microsoft:
Windows Marketplace for Mobile Web Site To Be Discontinued

The Windows Marketplace for Mobile web site at http://marketplace.windowsphone.com will no longer be available starting on July 15, 2011. After July 15, 2011, you will no longer be able to browse, buy or download applications for Windows Mobile 6.x phones via the Windows Marketplace for Mobile web site.

The Windows Marketplace for Mobile service will continue to be available on your phone, however. You will continue to be able to browse, buy and download applications for Windows Mobile 6.x on your phone.
Thus while access to the marketplace will no longer be available via a web browser, the app on the phone should still continue to function, and thus should be left in the rom.

My 2ยข on the MyPhone is that it was never useful in the first place as I always sync my phone with Outlook and my cooperate Exchange server so I have two backups of the data, and have never used that application.
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  #840 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2011, 10:10 AM
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Re: |ROM|~[LEAD ROM]~|6.5||03-20-11|-|6.5.X BETA||11-10-10| [*Sprint*] [*Multi-Carrie

Thanks for the clarification there. good call.

Another thing I would like to see added is the sms character count in manila texting when the physical keyboard is out just like when you use the touch screen keyboard in portrait.
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