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View Poll Results: What version of Manila do you like to see in next release?
Co0kie Home Tab (CHT) 14 66.67%
GTX Manila 3 14.29%
Just BLK is well and good, I will modify it by myself! 7 33.33%
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  #241 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2010, 04:34 PM
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Thank you sir!
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  #242 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2010, 12:46 PM
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Cookie mod with some new icons!

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  #243 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2010, 02:44 AM
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is there a cab for "re-sense"? for the life of me i can't find it
LG Optimus S
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  #244 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2010, 09:30 AM
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Where can I find this slider bar.
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  #245 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2010, 12:57 PM
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Ive been using the 23550 Version 5 since its release and i think that with the removal of Advance Config and HDTweak the rom is now totally rock solid and with the cfc compression i hardly notice any lag at all. Even with all of my custom cabs like; Maxmanila, transparent top curtain, transprent bottom slider with custom blue icons, flip clock disable,and about 12 other cabs installed. Most of the cabs are for just customized looks, but there is also Ninjaduck Opera 10 B3 repack and Bluff My Call, the free version, and the rom is still xtremely fast,no lag,and as stable as a rock.
The only 2 very minor changes ive noticed that i dont like as much are the new CleanRam Config icon and its new location, I like the original icon used and in its original location right next to the Clean Ram icon. i also think the inclusion of G-Config is no longer necessary. BSB Tweaks does everything G-Config does and quite a bit more. BSB Tweaks doesnt have anywhere near the options of Advance Config or HD Tweak but u can change any settings on BSB Tweaks safely without causing any negative side effects at all.
I really like the new icons and pics in the above post. When are they going to be available. The icons look just great. They are definetly a nice change and the icons look great with Maxmanila and the Cookie mod. I didnt know u could run both Maxmanila and the Cookie mod together. It looks very good. Are the icons going to be available thru a cab or are they going to be released in the next rom. Id love to have both the original Start Menu icons and the new Start Menu icons both in cabs so i could switch between the 2 anytime i wanted. I know thats alot to ask but your Start Menu folder icons are among the nicest,cleanest, and most useful start menu FOLDER icons ive ever come across. Thats why id love to have both icon sets in cab form.
Please keep coming out with roms that are Maxmanila compatible because Maxmanila is my favorite look. Or at least until Maxcy updates his maxmanila to be compatible for all roms. Or can it be used on all roms? Ive been using your rom for so long i dont know anymore.
One more thing. The Cricket Provisioning still doesnt work right. I no longer get an error when i use it and it looks like it worked when i use it and it finishes but it doesnt make any changes to the settings. I still have to configure all of the Cricket settings manually. I do know that Ryan Mogul has a Cricket Wap and MMS cab that does work if that helps. Thanks for keeping he updates and new roms coming. I absolutely love em. They are by far the best roms for the TP2. Great work again.
Last thing. Where did u get the analog clock in the picture above? Id like to use it instead of the analog clock that comes with Maxmanila 3.0. Thanks

Last edited by lbcary; 04-07-2010 at 01:01 PM.
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  #246 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2010, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
I also think the inclusion of G-Config is no longer necessary.
Agreed! Will remove this in the next version.

I really like the new icons and pics in the above post. When are they going to be available. The icons look just great. They are definetly a nice change and the icons look great with Maxmanila and the Cookie mod.
Will provide a cab soon for the icons. Not sure if I want to include it in the release just yet

I didnt know u could run both Maxmanila and the Cookie mod together. It looks very good.
This is just cookie mod with analog clock. I dont think I will ever cook it in, will probably leave it for the users to install.

One more thing. The Cricket Provisioning still doesnt work right. I no longer get an error when i use it and it looks like it worked when i use it and it finishes but it doesnt make any changes to the settings. I still have to configure all of the Cricket settings manually. I do know that Ryan Mogul has a Cricket Wap and MMS cab that does work if that helps.
I tried installing his cab, but it just wont install. If I can find an installable cab, then I will definetly add to my ROM. Until then, choosing cricket under prov is not going to do anything!
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  #247 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 12:32 AM
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Thanks for the info. The new rom is great. Its been the fastest and by far one of the most stable roms ive ever used and it keeps getting better with each new release. I also noticed the 23551 fix cab. What is the 23551 fix cab exactly and why would i need to install it? Oh and my phone says 23550 and not 23551, but i dont care about that. This rom is still light years ahead of every other rom ive tried and i used to try at least 2-3 other roms a week, but i always flash back to this rom within about 1-6 hours. Except for the last few weeks ive just stuck with this rom and only flashed a new rom when this rom was updated. None of the new roms released look like they can even compare. Keep up the extremely great work. I really love the new folder icons and all the new updates and rom releases. Keep em coming, please.
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  #248 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by ai6908 View Post
Can you answer pressing the phone answer key?

Check to see if the Enable auto receive mms settings is enabled under mms settings.

Post number 1!!

I thought you said MMS works! Did it used to? Or it never did work? There is a cab file called c.cab in windows folder. See if you can install it. Its supposed to be the cricket wireless settings.
I am trying the ROM again and LOVE everything about it except I can't receive MMS. On verizon netword and yes auto recieve is checked. The icon displays like it is trying to download, it will display several times periodically....it is trying but errors out. Please help as being able to receive mms will make this ROM the best I have tried, and I try about 3 a week it's an addiction.
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  #249 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 09:45 AM
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One more issue, after letting phone sit idle for about 15 to 20 mins, it slows to a crawl!, I checked running programs and nothing out of the ordinary? Time to flash dance? anyone else having issue?
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  #250 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2010, 10:56 AM
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Update: takes more like 30mins but slows to crawl and sucks the battery dry! Have not installed anything other than what I have run for past six months on every other rom with no issues? Weird. Using df task manager shows nothing running or chewing up cpu but it is ridiculously slow, have to reboot to fix.
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