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View Poll Results: What version of Manila do you like to see in next release?
Co0kie Home Tab (CHT) 14 66.67%
GTX Manila 3 14.29%
Just BLK is well and good, I will modify it by myself! 7 33.33%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-06-2010, 07:22 PM
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<BS> 5.2.23136 | Proj_BS | Crusader |TI|Sense|20183025| UC_Net | Sep-10 </BS>

Device is configured for data connection and MMS by default for any carrier. If you insist, run provisioning cabs from Utilities.




I call this PROJ_BS & CRUSADER, as I think all WM OS is just BS (slow and sluggish!), and besides by initials are BS too...

Connections seems to work for any Carrier. Please let me know if you run into any issues!
For VZW users, if you have problem with MMS then install INMUTS MMS cab from post #4.



  • Updated OS to 23136 (Thanks to DFT: AndrewSH)
  • Fixed Facebook tab contacts issue
  • Fixed long press send voicecommand issue. Long Press mapped to wifi settings.
  • Added new WM theme.
  • New Start Icon
  • Updated MMTaskMgr to 2.0, and tweaked to load faster.
  • Can hide program tabs now, under manila home tabs option
  • Fixed the SPB icons issue for Titatinum SPB users

I do this for fun! So dont expect me to meet all your ROM needs. I want to give a clean ROM, so most of the junk from Stock ROM has been removed.

Whats in this ROM?
Office 2010 Version
Panaromic Tweets
A few games like 15, Chess, Rubik, Solitare, MoorHuhn, Teeter, Dots
Schap's Advanced Config
HTC Flashlight
MP3 Tag Editor
XDA_UC Manual
BT43 Action Screen
TCPMP Player
HTC Calculator
HTC Album
World Card Mobile
Pocket RAR
Sun Java
Facebook Instant Messenger
Sprint IM Messenger
MS Facebook
WM Live
SH Notepad
Adobe Acrobat LE
CHome Editor
Clear Temp
Device Lock 1.6
Voice Recorder
Opera Browser 9.7
Bing With Voice Navigation
Google Maps
Quick GPS
MS Market Place
Modoco Nodata
Battery Monitor
Clean RAM
PIM Backup
Dotfred TaskManager & Registry Editor
Modem Link
Wi-fi Router
Internet Sharing
TimeSyncTZ (Daveshaw)
Pocket Speed Test
BsB Tweaks
Integrated Youtube
For this ROM:

  • RaidZero for base Kitchen
  • Calkulin for some pkgs from his kitchen
  • Conflipper for his excellent kitchen and oem threads.
  • SilenceROM for some pkgs from his kitchen
  • dafunk - for his taskbar icons (mod to fix Ev icon)
  • awitt - for being my beta tester
In General:
joshkoss, twopumpchump, da_G, joojoobee, zelendel, jakdillard, indagroove, dotcomp and many many others who had helped me to cook

gabbythe1 - SanDisk SD Card
mao511 - $xx
boggsie - $xx
Siegfried - $xx

Donations are not necessary, I do this for fun, and dont expect any payments for it. Hit up the thanks button if you like my ROM. If you insist you can spare me some change, and it will be appreciated.

Last edited by ai6908; 09-10-2010 at 07:57 PM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:23 PM
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Version History

Version History of my releases...
Updated OS to 23135 (Thanks to DFT: Alex and groove for mirrors)
Added Panaromic motweets (under social networking). It is a trial version, meaning there will be an ad banner.
Improved some pkgs for better memory.
Added new WM theme.
Added more tweaks to adv config (use this wise)
Added emply calender icon fix for HTC Lock Screen
Bugs: HTC Twitter scroll issue, and manila tab scroll issues.

Updated OS to 23133 (thanks for DFT). I think this OS is lot better than 23132. 
Updated manila to 20183025 
Added programatix & mwalt fixes to enchance calender location, and landscape in Crusader version 
Added OCT (under tools). Credit to iwfartz. Original thread here. 
Updated some EXT pkgs 
Updated fim, relocated msm7kcpuspeed files to original location 
Added back HTC lockscreen (Install cab from Post #4 to disable OBOE lockscreen 
Moved advance config and bsbtweaks to Utilities>Tweaks folder 
Bugs remain 1. Twitter tab scroll, 2. Manila messages doesnt refresh.
Updated OS to 23132 (not sure if any better than 23130!). Thanks to DFT.
Updated manila. Same 2018, but different build
Fixed Quick Link icons and calender box overlap in Crusader version
Updated some EXT pkgs to 2018 pkgs
Added manila 2.1 messaging bubbles by kimisaeba. Bubbles disabled by default.
Updated voice recorder and calculator pkgs
Add some manila black icons
Added more cities to manila weather. Let me know your city, and I can include it in my next release.
Updated OS to 23130 (Thanks to DFT!). I think it is faster than previous versions...
Updated Manila to 2018
Fixed the C&G Icon in messaging tab (thx to indagroove)
Fixed the squares in RSSHub in Crusader version (thx to programatix)
Added landscape support to Crusader version (thx to programatix), Co0kie already has landscape support
Updated a lot of EXT pkgs to 2018 pkgs (Improved cold boot time a lot!!)
Updated opera to 36023, finally a COM3 Opera version
Added new shortcut for EPST (works for me in Sprint, need feedback from VZW users)
Updated adv config to add switch between icons and text in theme bubbles
Updated RSSHub pkg
Fixed contact picture assign issue
Added new theme (Check my theme thread for more themes)
Widgets are back! I missed them....added both MSN Money & Weather
Updated wifi-router pkg
Changed OS to 23129 (Thanks to DFT)
Added back Document Reader for Sense
Updated Facebook Sense tab to 1.6, lot faster now!!
Added bubble breaker game
Fixed resense issue, fixed my tweaks
Fixed Sense tabs not movable issue
Removed Call History tab from Sense
Fixed some icons, under settings, and enabled more WM settings options
Updated lots of EXT pkgs to make them more suitable for WM6.5.X
New Sense 2017. No Landscape for this Sense! Extra tabs include Facebook and Program Tabs only.
Updated a lot of EXT pkgs
Spinlock patched OEM Drivers, and Kernel, improved speed and memory!
Added HTCFlashlight, and advanced config (dont use this, if you dont have a clue what you doing!!)
Tweaked my Re-sense back to mortscript to adapt to 2017.
Removed black slider icons, and black clock. Back to all stock icons and clocks.
Added new WM theme.
Disable Manila autorotate as there is no landscape support.
Changed OS to 23127 (Huashan OS). Task29 before flash.
UC done by UC_NET( Same as XDA_UC, except GUI Based. Runs off XDA_UC or any other folder in your SD Card. Look into this XDA thread for more info.
Added whip2snap (take snapshots), msm7kcpuspeed (overclocking)
Added four in a row tweak to programs tab (thanks to JVH3 & Sharkie405)
Improved first boot time, no more FB cab install, all cooked it, increases ROM storage space by about 10MB
Added more tweaks to my tweaks!
Fixed folder icons for shape, and changed some program icons to improve cosmetics
Fixed all previous version bugs (SMS to & email setup)
Audio Manager bug should be fixed now. I dont see it in my 8GB SD Card.
Fixed email set-up wizard 
Fixed SMS to bug 
Fixed power settings 
Updated OS to 24622, task29 before flash! 
Updated most of the EXT pkgs to Huashan (COM3 build) 
Updated Bing and Google 
Updated FB tab to V1.5 (takes about 10MB more storage space), it can be uninstalled from programs 
Skinner dialer to have black skin, see pic 
Added MP3 Tag Editor, Anuvadak (replaced Google Translator) 
New set of icons by Heefy @ XDA 
Added manila Programs tab 
New Manila clock by MusmanR @ Xda 
New Action Screen (Thanks to BT73 @ XDA) 
Removed VoiceCommand and modem link (install as cab) 
Updated Teeter game 
Fixed threaded email, and manila wallpaper issue 
Updated COM3 lockscreen pkg, more responsive now
VERSION 16 CHT & BLK Versions[/B]
Changed OS to 21655. Added threaded email fix, but not sure if it works!!
Added VZW MR2 dialer, had bigger keys compared to the previous dialer.
Changed manila version to 2016.
Added TCPMP Player with netdrg skin (support portrait and landscape), to enchance multimedia functionality.
Reverted  back to Album 2014 (seems to work better than 2016)
Added new set of theme and icons (adding total to 9 different themesby default)
Fixed ringtone bug. Now can change ring type from sounds and notifications options.
VERSION 15 CHT & BLK Versions
Changed OS to 23125, COM3. No more threaded email. 
Added dafunk NGTV taskbar icons, with desire wait cursor. 1x icon replaced by E, and Ev icon replaced by 3G (just the way I like it!) 
Fixed the Alarm Ringtone issue because of Bing. 
Changed default manila digital clock, and co0kie analog clocks. 
Added new sets of theme and icons 
Fixed Manila Facebook tab menu issue! 
Added multifunction endkey replacement. Credit to johcos @ XDA. 
Added more black to manila, and htc pkgs. 
Updated Album to 2016 pkg. 
VERSION 14 CHT & BLK Versions
Updated Co0kie Home Tab to 1.8.5 
Added document reader tab back to Manila! 
Updated most of the EXT pkgs to new ones from Leo 3.01 ROM 
Added integrated youtube (like this app, then donate to the author!) 
New style COM3 lock screen. Thanks for cloudyfa. PIN works, but landscape doesnt. 
Fixed Action Screen text bug.
VERSION 13 CHT & BLK Versions
Changed Manila version to 2014 
Updated CHT to 1.8 (applicable only for CHT Version) 
Fixed some icons here and there, now all the icons look uniform. 
Added some tweaks to improve memory and performance. 
Added game - MoorHuhn 
Removed document reader tab 
Removed notification manager and X2 task managers 
Added back MMTaskManager 
Tried to fix that diagnosis issue with dialer! 
Fixed internet sharing error from USBtoPC (thx to joojoobee) 
Fixed the phone SIP overlap (thx to indagroove)
VERSION 12 CHT & BLK Versions
Changed Manila version to 2013 from Cellular South Official ROM 
Added some performance tweaks to increase speed of Manila and Menus. 
Fixed all previous bugs, except Facebook tab Menu from Manila doesn't work. 
VERSION 11 CHT & BLK Versions
Added co0kie home tab (CHT) along with CHT editor 
Changed office to 2010 Office Mobile_v14.0000.4524 
Added X2 Task Manager (Close an App? Press and hold on the top right corner of the screen!). Dont like it, disable it and install task manager of your liking. 
Added back Alarm default ring tone, but the bug with wierd ring tones in sense notifications still exists!! 
Added Pocket Speed test (test network download speed!) 
Removed Opera 10, and added back Opera 9.7. For some reason O10 was tough to type in for forum messages. 
Added tweak to sync with multiple exchange servers. 
Fixed all previous bugs, except Facebook tab Menu from Manila doesn't work and alarm notifcation ring tones!! 
10.1 Change list: 
Fixed for ALL carriers. Provisioning should stick now! 
Added new Bing with Voice Navigation 
Added Modem Link 
Added back solitare, One Note, some ringtones and fixed some EXT files.
10.0 Change list (Release Date: 05-14) 
Changed OS to 23568 (Thanks to t0mmy!) 
Fixed call history delete all!!!!!!!!!! 
Revisited the whole kitchen! Boots real quick. About 90MB RAM and 205MB Storage on fresh install (Thanks to RaidZero for PRB kitchen)!!! 
Fixed safeinboxextender 
Removed MMTaskmanager 
Removed AMeBa (helped with position fix for dialer, if it bothers you, ask and I will give you a cab for it!) 
Removed 2.1 Messaging mod to fix the black screen! (Available as cab in post#4. But causes Call History Delete all not to function in Manila!) 
Removed WM Widgets, install from MarketPlace if needed. 
Added Sprint IM, and FIM. 
Updated File Explorer ext to create shortcut in programs for exes. 
Added VoiceCommand (disable if you want to save some RAM) 
Changed lockscreen layout! Dont like it, install this to go back to default. 
Added Notification Manager Task Manager Icon. Click that it open WM taskmanager, and you can close your open apps. 
Fixed QuickGPS downloading slow 
Fixed Footprints crashing! 
Fixed twitter tab not connecting! 
Fixed all previous bugs, except Facebook tab Menu from Manila doesn't work!! 
Changed OS to 23566 (Thanks to DFT!) 
Updated many EXT packages (boots a lot faster) 
Updated CleanRAM to 2.2 
Updated Google Maps to 4.1 with voice 
Updated HTC GPS Tool 
Updated RAR 
Updated calulator, album, streaming media, adobe pkgs (album is not compatible with FB. Will provide a cab for previous Album version soon...) 
Fixed one of my themes for color and missing icon. 
Updated Teeter - Game 
Added inbox extender...not sure if it works!! Need feeback 
Updated Slacker Radio to 1.0.148 
Updated MMTaskManager to 1.8 
Added lockdevice 1.6.2 
Added some tweaks to improve performance and speed! 
Updated Opera to Final! Finally! 
Fixed the keyboard browser shortcut (credit to NRGZ ) 
Fixed my themes of all the blue highlights. 
Updated theme changer. Now updates WM theme, as well as Manila wallpaper. If you want to use your own wallpaper install fix from post#4 
Added back 1% battery drivers. Optional to install under Utilities>Tweaks 
Added Ameba0.8 & Settings version to fix phone position. 
Removed voicecommand. Install cab if you like. 
Fixed black screen in HTC messaging when there is no text messages for a contact (credits to Amurul) 
Added S.V.I. Keyboard skin (doesnt look as good as HTC KB, but it performs a lot better. Credits to S.V.I.) 
Reduced RAM comsumption: About 85MB in cold boot, and about 45~50MB for regular usage. 
Updated some random EXT pkgs. 
Updated Album, Calculator pkgs. 
Updated FDC Task Manager. Download newer XDA_UC Version here. 
Added new wait cursor (Derise wait cursor from GTX , and updated folder icons to black to match my theme) 
VERSION 8.0 BLK & GTX Manila
OS Version Updated to 23563 (Thx to da_g for goods) 
Optimized some files to improve memory usage (at least in theory!) 
Updated facebook tab (only for Black version) 
Updated XDA_UC to stand alone version. Look here for how to configure XDA_UC. 
Fixed MMTaskmanager not loading on first boot! 
Fixed caller id not centered bug!(hopefully) 
Added custom wallpaper for Manila to go along with the WM theme 
Disabled Battery Drivers (thought heard some complaints!) 
Updated some EXT pkgs. 
Removed GTX lockscreen and added WM default for GTX Version. Install GTX lock screen from here 
VERSION 7.0 BLK & GTX Manila
OS Version Updated to 23557 
Reversed MMS version to (Should work for all carriers now) 
Updated MMTaskManager to 1.7 version (run manually first time) 
Added JMZ Provisioning for GTX Version (runs on second boot) 
Removed Opera 7 & Added Opera 10 (set as default browser) 
Added HTC GPS Tool 
Added WM Notification bar again (disabling it disables cursor) 
Removed Facebook and Call history tabs from GTX Version 
Changed system font to Droid Sans for GTX Version 
Removed custom themes and theme changer for GTX Version 
Skinner SMS for GTX Version 
Version 6.0 (as Manila version changed)
Updated Manila to 2012.1412 from Leo 2.10.531 
Updated some ext pkg including facebook pkg 
Removed X2 tskmgr 
Disabled WM notification bar 
Added MMTaskManager (Click on left corner to run task manager) 
Removed g-config 
Fixed the icon issue on signal bars 
Updated office mobile 
Updated my tweaks to include option to hide/unhide start button and/or ok button 
Added some reg tweaks 
Set wallpaper to manila by default 
Added two more themes 
Removed HTC Flashlight 
Removed flashlite_dp 
Removed FIM Messenger 
Version 5.0 - Has a SMS & Email bug. Install fix, fix link near download link (Only for Full Version).
Change log:
Updated OS to 23551 
Removed Advanced Config and HD Tweak 
Added BsB Tweak 
Reduced PP to 16MB 
Added slick messenger 
Version 4.2 (as I did not change OS from 4.0)
Change Log:
OS 23549 (more stable than latest versions) 
Removed JMZ Prov - Modified my previous script for prov, it runs at first boot. 
Phone doesnt restart on first boot. But you will have to restart after prov, saves some flashing time! 
Update cleanRAM to 2.1 (Hope they havent released another version!LOL) 
Updated Bing 
Did some reg tweaks (disabled manila weather animation by default, enable it using adv config or tweaks) 
Updated my script tweaks, it loads a lot faster!! 
Updated Carrier settings for Telus & Sprint 
Changed animation to htc + Windows Phone 
Some other minor tweaks. 
Version4.1 Released - WORKS ONLY WITH SPRINT!!
Removed mortscript provisioning. Added JMZ to run on second boot. 
Updated Facebook app to 
Added Facebook and Call History Sense tabs
Facebook is the basic version, so dont expect too much out of it. Check the XDA thread for more info.
Skinner dialer to match by Black Theme. 
Added some reg tweaks to improved memory and fixed dialer not sliding issue. 
New FTP HIGH SPEED DOWNLOAD - Thanks to MobileUnderGround. 
Full Version - About 187MB ROM, and about 80MB RAM on fresh install. 
Lite Version - About 238MB ROM, and about 84MB RAM on fresh install 
Version 4, 
Removed GSM Leo Dialer and added Sprint CDMA latest dialer 
Updated provisioning cabs, to include keyboard fix as well 
Added PRL/Firmware update options to Sprint Prov cab.
Removed Ev Icon, changed it to show as 3G, just like GSM. 
Updated pkgs to Sprint 6.5 packages 
Updated OS to 23549 
Updated cleanRAM to 2.0 
Added new black theme to Manila (thx to mykcer - authors original thread) 
Added some reg tweaks to improve speed and memory 
Removed tbattery and added Battery Monitor (under utilities) 
Updated Opera 9.7 
Updated NetCF 
Two different flavor FULL & LITE, see below for contents on earch 
Version 3, Removed previous titanium theme. 
Added footprints. 
Updated cleanRAM, Google maps. 
Removed arkswitch, and added x2 taskmanager 
Added new black theme to Manila (thx to mykcer) 
Fixed some scripts, and added some reg tweaks 
Added Advanced Config. Also modified it to fit my ROM 
Added tbattery to display battery status (found under utilities) 
Added microsoft myphone 
This version by default boots to Titanium! You need to manually switch to Sense, if you want it. 
About 190MB ROM, and about 99MB RAM on fresh install. 
Version 2, added new theme for titanium (look here for more info) 
Changed Arcsoft MMS to generic, rather than the sprint pic/video one. 
Removed 1% battery, and went to stock battery driver. 1% can be installed under utilities>tweaks>tweaks 
Added more scripts, to change battery drivers, disable sense animation, diable menus, and change startmenu icon size. 
Added document reader tab for Manila 
Added voice command 
Added windows live 
Added UI Switch (found it here in ppcg), switches between manila and titanium 
Updated arkswitch to 1.1.2, and skinned it to match ROM 
Added some registry tweaks 
Disable dialpad keytone by default 
Initial Release 
OS 5.2.23544.5.5.0 
Sense 2.5.20121225 w/eReader 1_0_20113925 
Leo Dialer 
Generic on first boot 
UC by XDA_UC, my own standalone version

Last edited by ai6908; 09-10-2010 at 07:44 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 07:23 PM
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Tweaks & Tips

* - Change Battery driver to 1%
* - Change icon size in Start Menu
* - Manila tweaks like weather animation, manila menu enable etc.

UC can be done in two ways. Find UC under Utilities>Tweaks:
* - UC_Net - Put all your files (cabs, regs, mscr) in one folder. Open UC_net and navigate to that folder, and hit customize.
* - XDA_UC - This is manual XDA_UC. Download this archive. Put it in the root of SD card. Then click on XDA_UC icon.

Use advance Config under Utilities>Tweaks to change the following:
* - Switch between OBOE Lock Screen and HTC Lock Screen
* - Show or hide Start Icon and OK/Close Icon.
* - Various Manila settings like weather animation, show manila icons, show manila settings
* - Tweaks System settings, and various setting. Be wise about what you choose to change.

Last edited by ai6908; 09-03-2010 at 02:11 PM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:24 PM
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Recommended Mods & Cabs

BharS WM6.5.X Themes

I have decided not to keep too many themes in my ROM. Hence only about 5 themes will be maintained in ROM at a time.

If you want to check out more of my themes, then look at my thread in MUI.


Cabs & MODS

Last edited by ai6908; 08-22-2010 at 08:49 PM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:28 PM
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Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5+eR eader|LeoD|XDA_UC|06MAR|BETA|


Glad to have you as a cook!
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5+eR eader|LeoD|XDA_UC|06MAR|BETA|

be carefull with that dialer
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:32 PM
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Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5+eR eader|LeoD|XDA_UC|06MAR|BETA|

Originally Posted by proxhack View Post

Glad to have you as a cook!

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
be carefull with that dialer
We will see...seems to be ok for now...but I dont get many calls! What is the issue with this?

Last edited by ai6908; 03-06-2010 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:52 PM
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Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5+eR eader|LeoD|XDA_UC|06MAR|BETA|

Welcome to PPCGeeks ... May your stay be a peaceful one
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:56 PM
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Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5+eR eader|LeoD|XDA_UC|06MAR|BETA|

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
Welcome to PPCGeeks ... May your stay be a peaceful one
TankU....cant wait till your sense release...
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Old 03-06-2010, 07:59 PM
vin255764's Avatar
Its FLASHING time!!!
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Re: |ROM|WWE|BharS|5.2.23544.5.5.0|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5+eR eader|LeoD|XDA_UC|06MAR|BETA|

Originally Posted by ai6908 View Post
We will see...seems to be ok for now...but I dont get many calls! What is the issue with this?
Its related with lansdscape mode grafics.Nothing big,but sometime keypad can dissapear in portrait.Im not sure how to break it lol

Try to slide out keydoard
2) open dialer
3)now hide keypad so you can see only call history in landscape
4) close keyboard
If everythong's ok,then you should be fine,I think
heavy testers know how to break it lol

Last edited by vin255764; 03-06-2010 at 08:02 PM.
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