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GIZELLE 01-23-2011 12:22 AM

Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252 (Post 2042441)
I think the HTC and Microsoft Windows Mobile programmers were full of idiots like you. Instead of trying to deal with the problems, they would say customer doesn't know how to handle it or that customers have too much complaints or that everybody wants something different.

I now how to work my way around too many problems on wm6 devices. My complaints are not geared at vin's ROMs. I think vin is a cool guy for trying to fix all the problems or make up for all the deficiencies that Microsoft and HTC didn't. That's why Window Mobile is out of business.

And no. I would never consider wm7 any other locked down phone. I will consider an iphone only if the dev team has a nice jailbreak for the specific software version loaded on it and only when it comes to sprint. As for now I will considering Android phones. Vin has one too. Then again, maybe you are a Microsoft employee and hate me for the loss of your mobile business?

Contrary to what you promised in your post, you failed to be civil in your criticism of my post. Instead you decided to use mockery and had a nasty tone. So shut up:-# and stop being rude.

Haven't experienced some of the issues that you had. Like Vin, disappointed with updates which are not real. You got phone companies that what they are doing is sending out refurbish units with lots of problems. It is not easy for any chef to try to fix all.

I believe that it takes two to fight/argue. For the fight to stop, one of the sides has to stop. You only posted here, and I mean in this particular thread. There are no postings in general for the other TP2 threads.

So, what it means is that, since you posted only in this thread this thought of yours, it comes around the real reason or question: What is your real reason to have stop at this thread and do only a single posting?

It is of no surprise the reaction.

Recursion 01-23-2011 12:26 AM

Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252 (Post 2042451)
No, people that like to use mockery or bad language are in need of saving face. You are one of them. I used no such language in my first post. Some people in this thread just don't know how to have a civil conversation. Describing my experiences with custom ROMs is not complaining. In fact, that what these threads are for. Maybe this is an exclusively social thread for you, but in all the other many threads that I have started or commented, people like to bring up issues with their devices. Others that know how to solve the problem, just answer the issue at hand. Sorry to crash in your party. Next time try Facebook.

LMAO!! I can't keep up with your intellect! You are too smart, too witty, and too sharp! =D>

Arguing on the Internet is like...

Recursion 01-23-2011 12:35 AM

Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by GIZELLE (Post 2042457)
You only posted here, and I mean in this particular thread. There are no postings in general for the other TP2 threads.
What is your real reason to have stop at this thread and do only a single posting?

It is of no surprise the reaction.

Nope, no surprise at all.

GIZELLE 01-23-2011 12:35 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by beto180 (Post 2042437)
haha very funny but That was not the problem .. thanks .. I solved with a re flash.. I think This rom is the best for tp2.. Thanks a lot

I see, a bad flash, and I'm glad that you figured it out.:)

GIZELLE 01-23-2011 12:53 AM

Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252 (Post 2042454)
Try to be nice in your comments, and I will be nice in my replies. I did not begin the rude talk. And try that garden hose on yourself to cool off.

Read what I posted b4, please. In a sequence of events, you are the second user that has posted only here. Once again what is your real reason?

This is not college, where you have a podium to speak. Forums has rules where it can delete your posts and possible limit your access.

What is the real reason to keep posting only and specificly at this thread in particular? There are all kinds of violent acts. And the most uncivil of acts, are the most educated ones.

Since you are here for one reason, this I tell you,

Vin is not going to close down this TP2 thread, not today, not tomorrow and not in the near future. This thread will go on, regardless of...

I'm telling you this because I know the real reason that you are here and posting only to this thread in particular. It is not going to work.

My TP2 donation is here to stay and it is clear that someone is annoyed about it. Pass the message.:)

Edit- I will not allow any damage towards Vin, his work and followers.

ffkip911 01-23-2011 01:27 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
anyone know of the reg edit to turn back ON the light sensor??? Advanced config does not fix the problem to control the sensor. After a call I see I've scrolled through about 50 screens. oh, for clean rom

GIZELLE 01-23-2011 01:53 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2042487)
anyone know of the reg edit to turn back ON the light sensor??? Advanced config does not fix the problem to control the sensor. After a call I see I've scrolled through about 50 screens.

Found this:


Some chefs have stopped by.:)

kozmo 01-23-2011 02:24 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2042487)
anyone know of the reg edit to turn back ON the light sensor??? Advanced config does not fix the problem to control the sensor. After a call I see I've scrolled through about 50 screens.

Not sure exactly which sensor you're needing? But here is 1 ... HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\HTCSensor\LightSensor > DeviceAvailability ... Not sure if this is what you're looking for? If not, describe more what you are needing?


Originally Posted by GIZELLE (Post 2042500)
Found this:


Some chefs have stopped by.:)

FYI, this is for Treo Pro

vin255764 01-23-2011 03:02 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2042487)
anyone know of the reg edit to turn back ON the light sensor??? Advanced config does not fix the problem to control the sensor. After a call I see I've scrolled through about 50 screens. oh, for clean rom

I never had that problem,just tested it on Jan.3.Neo

ffkip911 01-23-2011 05:04 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
koz--right track. switched from 1 -> 0... SR, will see if that's the one.

when I'm on a call, the screen stays on even when the phone is near my ear(screen is supposed to turn OFF), or even if i cover the light/proximity sensor with my finger----so my ear does all sorts of funky stuff with the screen

edit: nada---thanks ya'll...may have to live with BT implanted----or switch to NEO and disable sense???? decisions, decisions??????

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