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Maxx134 01-12-2011 07:48 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by kirstein (Post 2034878)
I've had some odd radio-related problems today using Verizon 2.37 on Sprint. I was in a no signal area for about 1/2 hour. Afterwards the phone would't lock on a sprint tower. Had to reboot twice before it worked again. I suppose it could have been a tower problem but I've never seen this kind of problem before. I'm tempted to go back to the stock Sprint radio.

This has nothing to do with the radio.
Do a PRL update.
Also, you might wanna update your "PRI", if on Sprint,
So look at link in my sig.
For some starge reason it did not automatically update,
So I had to go into "Windows" folder and click on the "PPST" ...
Anyway it is my belief that the unit needs updating if you have this problem.


Originally Posted by yung18 (Post 2035564)
Hey. First time vin user ......
Also are driver packs recommended or not (neo2007, gfxboost, atomang D3D). Sorry but there are faqs for other roms regarding addons but none for vinrom. TIA.

No faqs because of low amount of issues..

Most other "non-Vinn" roms fall into 4 categories:
1-not as polished;
2-bare to the bone, so you work it out on your own, with tons of cabs;
3-Or more like a "work-in-progress"
4-or a flashy "bleeding edge bugged beta"

I would not bother with any "driver packs"
I am not using any battery cab fixes
I WOULD USE the new "Overclock" program, (look at link in my sig),
As you dont need scripts, or running processes and get no SOD problems.

kirstein 01-12-2011 09:02 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
Well boys, I jumped ship. I've got a shiny new Epic sitting here. It's my first Android phone, and it sure is nice. Android will take a bit of learning, but I'll see some of you over at the Epic forums. This is a great community and I'll miss it.

GIZELLE 01-12-2011 09:14 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by kirstein (Post 2035678)
Well boys, I jumped ship. I've got a shiny new Epic sitting hear. It's my first Android phone, and it sure is nice. Android will take a bit of learning, but I'll see some of you over at the Epic forums. This is a great community and I'll miss it.

Glad to hear bout your new Epic.:)

ffkip911 01-12-2011 10:45 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
alright, using 1.3 neo (2.35) and did not install cht. sooooo, anyone have a retractible slider cab, I know sandot had one called stealth, I installed it but nothing happened. Obvious operator error and can't figure it out to hide at 2 seconds. also, changed wallpaper and do not want animated weather all the time, cht has a toggle, a little help??

edit: figured the animated wallpaper thing--still need some help on a retractable slider

Edit: found a Dusk themed one--

ffkip911 01-12-2011 11:38 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
alright, so I was screwing around with some of the reg edits I posted a while back for mobile net speed tweaks...
Net speed booster

Locate the following key in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Internet Settings
On the Edit menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then add the following registry values:
Value name: MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server
Value data: 32
Base: Decimal
Value Name: MaxConnectionsPerServer
Value data: 16
Base: Decimal
Exit Registry Editor.
then softreset

Windows Mobile 6.1. I went into with resco registry editior and changed HKLM\Comm\Tcpip\Parms and changed the TimerWheelSize to Value of 5 and soft reset via software reset

the first 2 edits I messed with and 32 and 16 are the exact variables that need to be entered. The last tweak the original value is 11, moved it to 5 as recommended. I did mess with these values and this is what I came up with

Value 5 - speed 350
Value 3 - speed 382
Value 1 - speed 427
Value 0 - speed 400
Value 1 - speed 567

now, being mobile, will vary, but I did get the best results with the value at 1. Can anyone do similar tests to see if my value of 1 is optimal.
I used the same speed test site. changed value, and SR after each change prior to running the test.
I reg edited the first to (from the HKCU with what is recommended) then I changed the value under HCLM. ran an initial test, changed value, SR, ran test again. changed value, SR, ran test. changed value, SR, ran test.
anyone up for helping me with figuring this out?

SR and ran the test again with a value of 1 , speed is 516.129Kbps...still the best I've had

after a few others comment on this, is there anyone with cab skills that can cab up all 3 of these regedits (with the first 2 as-is and the last with a value of 1) into one cab?

yung18 01-12-2011 11:53 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2035744)
alright, so I was screwing around with some of the reg edits I posted a while back for mobile net speed tweaks...
Net speed booster

Locate the following key in the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Internet Settings
On the Edit menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then add the following registry values:
Value name: MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server
Value data: 32
Base: Decimal
Value Name: MaxConnectionsPerServer
Value data: 16
Base: Decimal
Exit Registry Editor.
then softreset

Windows Mobile 6.1. I went into with resco registry editior and changed HKLM\Comm\Tcpip\Parms and changed the TimerWheelSize to Value of 5 and soft reset via software reset

the first 2 edits I messed with and 32 and 16 are the exact variables that need to be entered. The last tweak the original value is 11, moved it to 5 as recommended. I did mess with these values and this is what I came up with

Value 5 - speed 350
Value 3 - speed 382
Value 1 - speed 427
Value 0 - speed 400
Value 1 - speed 567

now, being mobile, will vary, but I did get the best results with the value at 1. Can anyone do similar tests to see if my value of 1 is optimal.
I used the same speed test site. changed value, and SR after each change prior to running the test.
I reg edited the first to (from the HKCU with what is recommended) then I changed the value under HCLM. ran an initial test, changed value, SR, ran test again. changed value, SR, ran test. changed value, SR, ran test.
anyone up for helping me with figuring this out?

SR and ran the test again with a value of 1 , speed is 516.129Kbps...still the best I've had

after a few others comment on this, is there anyone with cab skills that can cab up all 3 of these regedits (with the first 2 as-is and the last with a value of 1) into one cab?

Isn't this the same thing as the s4ay/ hypnotic internet boost cab? Looks somewhat familiar. I would try it but which I honestly have no idea what half that stuff is and am scared of screwing up my system
Anywyay if anyone wants to disable the wake on notification just find the BSB tweaks v1.6 cab. You can enable it in the options.

ffkip911 01-12-2011 11:55 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by yung18 (Post 2035751)
Isn't this the same thing as the s4ay/ hypnotic internet boost cab? Looks somewhat familiar. I would try it but which I honestly have no idea what half that stuff is and am scared of screwing up my system
Anywyay if anyone wants to disable the wake on notification just find the BSB tweaks v1.6 cab. You can enable it in the options.

sh4 puts the reg edits in the wrong location

Recursion 01-13-2011 12:02 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2035725)
alright, using 1.3 neo (2.35) and did not install cht. sooooo, anyone have a retractible slider cab, I know sandot had one called stealth, I installed it but nothing happened. Obvious operator error and can't figure it out to hide at 2 seconds. also, changed wallpaper and do not want animated weather all the time, cht has a toggle, a little help??

edit: figured the animated wallpaper thing--still need some help on a retractable slider

Edit: found a Dusk themed one--

Yeah, man. I'm looking for a stealth cab too. The 3 second cab didn't work for me either. So, I'm using stealth launcher links and remove quick links background. But this requires you not to define the top 3 links, so you get the clear effect.

If you figure out a fix, please let me know!

edit: lol...im tired. gimme a min...i'll attach the cab!

Use the 3 sec cab first. Then use super stealth, if you want. lol...

yung18 01-13-2011 12:31 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2035754)
sh4 puts the reg edits in the wrong location

Just tried your mod and so far sites load faster. Not sure about the actual download speed but it def feels much faster. Anyway looked up some ways to make a cab and holy crap I def cant help wiht making the cab. Sry for typos watch the knicks game.

mwalt2 01-13-2011 01:50 AM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by yung18 (Post 2035769)
Just tried your mod and so far sites load faster. Not sure about the actual download speed but it def feels much faster. Anyway looked up some ways to make a cab and holy crap I def cant help wiht making the cab. Sry for typos watch the knicks game.

The easiest way would be to make the changes on your phone's registry and export them using ceregeditor (runs on PC). Then you can just use ceregeditor to make a cab of the registry edits. It's a great free program.

CeRegEditor - free registry editor for PDA PocketPC WindowsCE WindowsMobile(WM)

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