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timetraveler 11-27-2010 03:10 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002
vin are u working on the evo rom ??

vin255764 11-27-2010 03:30 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002
No EVOs...I cant keep up with multiple devices especially if its droid. Plus my wife hiding the phone from me lol
SMS bug had something to do with oem drivers from different kitchen...its not a network issue

eric12341 11-27-2010 03:45 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002
whats with the downgraded SYS?

eric12341 11-27-2010 03:46 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002

Originally Posted by timetraveler (Post 2002848)
vin are u working on the evo rom ??

and why would u ask him this in the TP2 forum?

vin255764 11-27-2010 04:05 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002

Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 2002861)
and why would u ask him this in the TP2 forum?

He knows that I have EVO :)

21916 doesnt work out for me.I had SIM contact importing issue with it

kozmo 11-27-2010 06:12 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002
Here is a mirror for the Neo


darren.wlsn1 11-27-2010 08:25 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002

Originally Posted by eric12341 (Post 2002861)
and why would u ask him this in the TP2 forum?

hate to tell ya but you can ask any cook if they will or are gonna cook a rom even if device your asking about is not forum your in plus here in vins thread we go way off topic all the time and the "peoples cook" doesnt mind. were all good in here!

darren.wlsn1 11-27-2010 08:33 AM

Re: 11.09.10 Plutonium ROM.SYS 28242,Sense 2019 core

Originally Posted by swear0730 (Post 2002683)
Hey Darren, I've been getting some out of memory errors in Opera. I remembered this post and am wondering, where do I type in "opera config". Are you talking googling it? Within Opera? Thanks in advance.

In the address bar, type in

about:config, you will see tons of chit to change but i use it to move opera cache to sdcard.
opera config also works on pc incase you wanna change stuff there if you use it on pc.

pc tips using it:

IanPhillips1 11-27-2010 10:18 AM

Re: Nov.26 Neodium SYS 21914 & Plutonium SYS 29002
+1 for the peoples cook
Vin for President ;)

swear0730 11-27-2010 10:30 AM

Re: Nov.26 Plutonium ROM.SYS 29002.Reverse Logistics Support

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 2002765)
Im flashing Neodium right now.Can somebody test this cab,WI-FI Router.lnk will be in internet folder

Thanks Vin. I can't overstate my appreciation for your attentiveness. I think its great that you're dropping things that seem superfluous and yet willing to cab it up and add it back in if there is a need -- and fast!

Myself, I rarely use the wifi router but... wouldn't you know it, some 18 wheeler decided he wanted the lane my daughters were using while coming home for thanksgiving and now I'm playing chauffeur on my long weekend off. I just know that on the way back to college one or both is going to need to jump on the intertubes and research something for school. Having the wifi router in those circumstances is invaluable tho rare.

Thanks again for all you do and please reconsider posting a donations link. If not for you then for a gift for your charming wife and lovely children (if any). I OWE YOU and clicking on overy post of yours with a thanks just doesn't seem enough.


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