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  #1261 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by Malatesta View Post
I actually link to this article on the 1st page, but here it is again:

Mal, are those the only screens you can recommend working on your ROM with Titanium? I had an Omnia before and ran titanium on it and there were a ton of different panels that we could use (actually had Neo theme ported onto it and that was freaking sweet!) but I don't know if the resolution would work on the TP2. I've searched previously for different panels (here and on XDA) when I was on Mighty's ROM but some of them caused nasty lock ups needing a HR to fix. Just looking to see if you can recommend any other ones that work well on your ROMs.
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  #1262 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Mal, are those the only screens you can recommend working on your ROM with Titanium? I had an Omnia before and ran titanium on it and there were a ton of different panels that we could use (actually had Neo theme ported onto it and that was freaking sweet!) but I don't know if the resolution would work on the TP2. I've searched previously for different panels (here and on XDA) when I was on Mighty's ROM but some of them caused nasty lock ups needing a HR to fix. Just looking to see if you can recommend any other ones that work well on your ROMs.
It's a good question. Off the top of my head, no, I can't recommend any others but not because of compatibility issues, but because I haven't really tried any others.

The only other one I mean to try was the one for Nitrogen, which would be a good tie-in with the player that's already in ROM.

What others ones did you have in mind? I just haven't seen any other ones that really wooed me yet or had an interesting function.
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  #1263 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 02:48 PM
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Wifi doesn't disconnect automatically

My first flash was your 6.5.3 ROM (Jan 3rd). I noticed that I could leave the wifi on and it would turn itself off. Anytime I needed a connection, like if I tapped on update weather, it would automatically connect.
But now, it stays on all the time! Is there a something I'm missing that's causing this, or some way to change this?
I'm running your latest 6.5.3 (Jan 14th)
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  #1264 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by Malatesta View Post
It's a good question. Off the top of my head, no, I can't recommend any others but not because of compatibility issues, but because I haven't really tried any others.

The only other one I mean to try was the one for Nitrogen, which would be a good tie-in with the player that's already in ROM.

What others ones did you have in mind? I just haven't seen any other ones that really wooed me yet or had an interesting function.
Nitrogen was one, I have the player but don't know how to get it into a panel of it's own. I'll flip through the Omnia later to see what some of the names were of the panels I had on there, it's been a long time and my memory sucks.... There were a bunch of nice clocks, chero was one of them, but I'll check and let you know. do you know off-hand if the resolution be a problem with many of the panels, or is it dependent on the panel/app?
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  #1265 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 03:22 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by Malatesta View Post
I actually link to this article on the 1st page, but here it is again:

Ah nice, didn't see that =). No mention of the program launcher panel tho, that would be kinda sweet. I am interested to see which others ones can be dug up (as mentioned by others in the thread).
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  #1266 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: Wifi doesn't disconnect automatically

Originally Posted by SouthernAtHeart View Post
My first flash was your 6.5.3 ROM (Jan 3rd). I noticed that I could leave the wifi on and it would turn itself off. Anytime I needed a connection, like if I tapped on update weather, it would automatically connect.
But now, it stays on all the time! Is there a something I'm missing that's causing this, or some way to change this?
I'm running your latest 6.5.3 (Jan 14th)
Here's your answer, after quite a bit of digging!
dword:1 --keeps wifi on
dword:0 --turns wifi off
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  #1267 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 05:24 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by harvick2933 View Post
Are you running 6.5.3?
Running 6.5. I use SPB Mobile Shell and can't use it with 6.5.3 since it covers the start button.
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  #1268 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 10:19 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by sndtubes View Post
I have an odd thing going on. While my phone is just sitting on the home screen, it will just switch to the contacts screen all by itself. Also, it will flash back and forth between different screens by itself....very strange. Anyone else seeing this? I'm using 6.5.3/2.1
It's been happening to me.

Or I will select the text message tab, and it will go there, but then quickly back to the home tab. When I click the text tab again, it will take me to the email tab. Then that's the end of the problem, and I am able to go to the text tab without a problem (until it decides to randomly happen again)
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  #1269 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Originally Posted by AB_ View Post
It's been happening to me.

Or I will select the text message tab, and it will go there, but then quickly back to the home tab. When I click the text tab again, it will take me to the email tab. Then that's the end of the problem, and I am able to go to the text tab without a problem (until it decides to randomly happen again)
Yah same here with 6.5.3/2.1. I can deal with it but a little annoying. Considering going back to 6.5 Titanium with Mobile Shell.
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  #1270 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 02:04 AM
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Re: |MalROM|WM6.5.3 (23518)|WM6.5 (21889) [Jan 14th]

Anyone else having an issue with the weather panel? I am using version 4.2 and keep getting a line 191 error...
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