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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Originally Posted by mongoose107 View Post
Mal thanks for the rom again. Just a few questions.
1. Is there a way we can update the weather timing I know it was mentioned earlier but wondering if you found a way to update the timing. I've seen cabs for 15, 30,1 hour but wondering if that will work with your rom.

2.How do I change the softkeys in the home page ie. contacts to say phone. You said in hd tweak but I cant seem to figure it out. thanks.

3. If you restart your phone you lose the ring and vibrate setting (it reverts back to ring only). if you instal the ring an vibrate cab you lose the HTC volume control. goes back to the old volume control style could you look into this for us thanks.

Thanks again this rom is great and speedy loving it.
#1 in Post #3 I link to the the Weather update .cabs/registry changes. I don't know if they work or not in this ROM as I have not messed with it. I won't be changing the default since this only hurts battery life so I'll leave that to individuals.

#2 In HD Tweak, Section 14 TouchFLO 3D, 14.4 and 14.5 change those keys--I never tried myself but that's what they're suppose to do

#3 Yup, I know about it. Trying to find what causes it, but at this point I'm not 100% sure.
Originally Posted by nFKT View Post
Mal: Also notice that Opera has posted a newer/faster beta of Opera 10 mobile. (Opera 10 mobile beta 2u) its essentially beta 3.

It is good, which is why I had put it in the late test release on Thursday (v1.1b)
Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
Im glad that you that someone agrees. Mal Needs to be careful now that his ROM has become popular and not allow too many people requests to mess with the rom itself.
Agree. The only thing I'm adding in a future release is the latest RSS Hub with full kinetic scrolling. Compressed it's about a 1/2 MB, so that seems ok. Plus I want to keep it as carrier-neutral as possible.

Next release will hopefully support Verizon & Telus. It'll have a few bug fixes/additional registry changes, a new background .tsk, CleanRAM 1.92. updated graphics for WM6.5 lock-screen, BT toggle for Action Screen (maybe) and anything else that happens between now and next week sometime, lol. But it'll mostly be minor tweaks on looks and a few updates.
Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
Killer... im sorry to say, but I think it might be an issue with the Hard SPL. Have you made sure you are using the latest release of it? If you havent, just go ahead and download it and run it quickly... it should help with that mess.
Yeah, that's my feeling too. People should make sure they are using v3 of the HardSPL.
Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
MAL.... Might want to talk to Mighty Mike about the Contact Disappearing issue. I think a ROm of his had that problem earlier. he hasnt really messed with 6.5.X, but Im sure he appreciates your clean cooking style.
Will look into this. So far I know of 3 people that this has happened too. One of them tied it to Marketplace (believe it or not). I have never had it happen, but will do my best to see what could be causing such behavior.

Luckily it seems very rare at this point.
Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
Oh and MAL... Im working on somethign for you... Ill be hitting you up in a few days with something I think you'll like.
Sweet. Yeah I'm totally about you guys lending a hand here and there to make it better. I mean I can teach myself all this stuff, eventually, but on things like graphics, other registry changes that I don't know about, ideas on organization, etc. I'm all ears!
Originally Posted by darian1789 View Post
how would i remove the bg 4 all or Disable the default wallpaper for the Home Tab so i can use my hd walls cab
You'd have to replace the Manila system files with the original ones.
Originally Posted by 632627 View Post
which bluetooth drivers does this rom have? is it the updated one from the us cellular tp2 that work perfectly? or the older ones that cause the hangup issues? id like to try this rom out but the bluetooth issues on certain roms are dealbreakers.
Haven't had any complaints about BT yet. Off the top of my head though I don't which version this is, just that it seems to be okay.
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
isnt there a newer googlemaps build though? that would be nice cooked in.
There is a new version of Google Maps, v3.3.1. Buuuuut it won't be added. That version has a busted AFLT (advanced forward link trilateration) aka Tower triangulation; it's like way off, we're talking by a whole state sometimes! This basically kills Google MyLocation/Latitude, which I use a lot. So until that is fixed, it'll be v3.2.1.

Same with Bing: new version is awful, so until it gets better, the old one it is (though you can install the new version next to the old one if you want).

Last edited by Malatesta; 12-26-2009 at 02:58 PM.
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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

[QUOTE=Malatesta;1437053]Huh, I know nothing of that feature but will look into it.

maybe i was specific enough..

ok so someone txts you that isnt in your contacts, itll just say *there telephone number* and txt message.

well in most cases if you tap on their number a popup with comeup asking call sender/add to contacts/and some other option.

but when i tap on the number with this rom nothing happens. just a minor thing, i could add it manually but for us lazy people it makes life easier =)

hope someone knows what i mean now and can help...

thanks again! hope you had a great christmas!
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Is the away you can make the Calender on the Manila 2.1 show like the Manila 2.6v? I like how I can change Calendar views Agenda, Day, Week, Month, Year.
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Originally Posted by jayweezie21 View Post
maybe i was specific enough..

ok so someone txts you that isnt in your contacts, itll just say *there telephone number* and txt message.

well in most cases if you tap on their number a popup with comeup asking call sender/add to contacts/and some other option...
lol, it's okay, I got what you meant. I'm just not sure where to start looking to change that! It's not something off the top of my head I was familiar with manipulating, so I'll have to dig around.
Originally Posted by scorpionreign View Post
Is the away you can make the Calender on the Manila 2.1 show like the Manila 2.6v? I like how I can change Calendar views Agenda, Day, Week, Month, Year.
AFAIK (and I've looked hard at that), absolutely not.

Last edited by Malatesta; 12-26-2009 at 03:05 PM.
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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

saw someone ask for mp3trimmer, its vga but works fine, just short. lol found the tp2 mp3trimmer cab and stock bubblebreaker also. oops, bubblebreaker is shortcut again, sorry.

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 04-02-2010 at 04:03 PM.
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Wait what do you mean by make sure im using the right HardSPL? shouldnt I only have to do it once? I unlocked my phone on the first release when it had just came out do i need to keep HardSPL'ing it in order to make it work correctly with the ROMS? for clarity I have RhodiumW-HardSPL_V1_10R3_100HSPL which I used to unlock my phone. I havnt had that problem with any other ROMS, though with mighty's Project ROMS I did have the issue of the phone freezing and then when I soft reset it acts like it was hard reset and all my data is gone and does a first boot again. Not exactly sure whats going on, never had this problem with the 6.5 ROMS I ran or 6.1 just 6.5.x
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Last edited by killerkhatiby009; 12-26-2009 at 04:15 PM.
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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Originally Posted by killerkhatiby009 View Post
Wait what do you mean by make sure im using the right HardSPL? shouldnt I only have to do it once? I unlocked my phone on the first release when it had just came out do i need to keep HardSPL'ing it in order to make it work correctly with the ROMS? for clarity I have RhodiumW-HardSPL_V1_10R3_100HSPL which I used to unlock my phone. I havnt had that problem with any other ROMS, though with mighty's Project ROMS I did have the issue of the phone freezing and then when I soft reset it acts like it was hard reset and all my data is gone and does a first boot again. Not exactly sure whats going on, never had this problem with the 6.5 ROMS I ran or 6.1 just 6.5.x
There have been 2 revisions to the HardSPL since its initial release. There are usually reasons behind having updates and some of these were meant to adjust the code i.e. fix bugs.

A lot of the custom ROMs were having an issue where the device would spontaneously hard-reset (there's a thread on it) as well as some other associated quirks. Even I've seen that behavior on other ROMs.

In order to properly rule out extenuating issues and confounds, it is absolutely necessary that we are all on the same page i.e. we all have the latest HardSPL.

Once we know people are on that AND if they are still having problems, then we can move to the next level of diagnosis i.e. the ROM. This is just how science works. Otherwise I may be chasing ghosts.

To reflash with HardSPL costs nothing and does not wipe out the data meaning your current ROM is preserved. So there is ZERO downside from doing it as it only take about 10 seconds to flash. (Though one could argue that re-flashing the ROM after the new HardSPL would be even more preferable, since the HardSPL directly influences how the ROM is flashed in the first place).

Not having this issue on other ROMs actually means nothing since there is no way I can know all the dependent/independent variables (HardSPL, ROM, Settings, installed software, usage, etc.)

For all I know, you have corrupted data from the flash, which is why it is recommended to hard-reset after you flash a new ROM. Just saying, there's a lot variables here, I'm just trying to control what I can.

Last edited by Malatesta; 12-26-2009 at 05:07 PM.
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 05:00 PM
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Exclamation aGPS Quick-Fix!

>>aGPS Quick Fix for all current ROMs<<

Even I goof once in awhile.

Attached is an aGPS fix for this ROM. Of course this will be fixed in the next release.

For now, just install this .cab and soft-reset. aGPS now should work indoors.
Attached Files
File Type: cab MalWare aGPS.cab (1.8 KB, 17 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Malatesta; 12-27-2009 at 12:56 AM.
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 05:26 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Thanks Mal for a fast ROM. One thing I have noticed between 1.1a and 1.1.b is the Zoom Bar has stopped working (Opera 9.5 and HTC Photo application). Could you include this is in the next update.


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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: (Dec 24th) |MalROM| WM6.5.3 Manila 2.1/Titanium [Sprint]

Originally Posted by pyedanap View Post
Thanks Mal for a fast ROM. One thing I have noticed between 1.1a and 1.1.b is the Zoom Bar has stopped working (Opera 9.5 and HTC Photo application). Could you include this is in the next update.


Interesting, didn't even know it worked in the earlier versions (I never use it). Will look into it though, thanks.
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