Also Silence I was wondering if you could consider..........
1) Instead of the "Programs" tab on Manila 2.1 being 3 boxes across to store your programs if it could just display all the programs as if you were to hit the "All Programs" button?!
I love my 3 row programs tab!!
2) If the start menu had the smaller icons so more can fit on the screen at the same time than the default instead of it being the 3 rows going down with big icons there were the 5 rows going down with smaller icons?!
I really want to keep it finger friendly with the 3 icons..
3)Custom TaskBar which someone already mentioned?!
Might happen with the blackout out rom hehe..
4) If your Opera had flash?!
You can put flash on any opera almost with an exe located here
5) If you could the "Unattended Playback" feature back in so when I turn my screen off while playing my music, the music doesn't shut off too?!
6) If you can include one of those AudioPara fixes into the rom, I have one that works with your rom but always have to install and sometimes I forget!
Post it so I can test it..
7) Add the XDA_UC to your Manila 2.1 roms?! (If possible)
Yikes.. See the thing is that requires mortscripting and I dont really
want to have that for my fast and stable rom..
I did however put it in my 2.5 HD2 rom because I needed to mortscript the
footprint tab to work!!
Make it so the keyboard backlight is always on when the keyboard is out?!
9) Replace Bubble Breaker, Solitaire and Teeter with those emulators from the Touch Pro 1 days?!
Hmm not a bad idea.. Ill think about it..
10) And on the tenth day of Christmas we received these blessings from Santa Silence.................................
.............naw, but these are just suggestions I thought I would share, not demands or anything like that!
Thanks for the opinions bro..