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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 11:57 PM
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[02-08-10][6.1] Lead ROM v4

Hey folks, I made myself a 6.1 ROM since most of the Chefs have stopped support for it. I have been using it and tested it for a few weeks now, and it seems solid to me. Just thought I'd share.

Positive feedback and THANKS are always appreciated. You can also DONATE to keep me motivated.

-16 MB Pagepool
-Manila 1.2, NOT 2.1
-This should look HTC Stock with "Green" being main theming.
-I built it with packages compiled from xda and here, and my customizations.
-Meant as an everyday use ROM. (I usually test it before posting a release.)
-Of course, your phone needs to be unlocked before attempting to flash this.
-Though this ROM should work on other Carriers as well, I'm on Sprint, so I wouldn't know.

Changes in v4:
˄ Fixed buggy drivers, upgraded some, and finalized all
˅ Downgraded and redid Comm Manager settings for stability
= Made Opera 9.5 uninstallable (For those of you who want to install newer builds)
+ Added better and more accurate battery icon
+ Changed signal icons to 5 bar, better, HTC stock lookin' ones
= Attempted to fix iGO 8 TTS speech (If all else fails, you can disable Manila to get it to work.)
+ Added some flash support to Opera
˄ Improved YouTube playback
= Some other things I forget now 
Changes in v3:
= Upgraded build to 21055 ported from GSM devices (From XDA)
+ My T9 Words link, so you can edit your T9 words
+ Added Bing search
+ Added Wifi-Internet Sharing and New Comm Manager
+ Kinetic Flick scrolling in Contacts app
+ Newer Teeter
+ OBEX Inbox for better Bluetooth file sharing
+ A-GPS working with Google Maps
+ Fixed NFS Game not loading
+ Many other stability fixes
= Still looks stock and runs stable as ever.
= Sprint MR build 21054.1.6.7
JbedJava - 0_0_20080912_5_1
Arcsoft_MMS - 5_2_1_22
Album - 2_5_18201831_1
JetCet_Presentation - 5_2_1026_02
JetCet_Print - 5_2_1014_2
TouchInCallScreenTweak - 1_2_0_0
mHub_VO - 1_7_090813_0
AdobePDF - 2_5_1_0_395886_05H
AudioBooster - 2_2_19131926_2
AudioManager - 1_6_18221325_0
AutoRun - 4_31_6_0
AutoShortcut - 1_1_2_0
Boot_Launcher - 1_0_19181525_1
BTBPP - 1_6_5_0
BTFtp - 1_2_33281_9
CAMERA - 6_4_33477_00
ConcurrenceMgr - 1_2_18192826_0000
Dshow - 2_0_19163429_00
FlashLiteShareDLL - 1_0_19191932_0
FullScreenPlayer - 1_05_080926_0
GSensorCalibrator - 1_0_19121924_0
HTCAnimation - 1_1_5_999
USBtoPC - 1_21_0_0
HTCGesture - 1_0_30346_1
Labyrinth - 1_3_7071031_0
LockStreamDRM - 1_1_081216_O9_08
LongPressEndKey - 1_2_19134026_00
mHub - 6_57_090121_E1
MP3Trimmer - 1_1_18163629_1
Opera_Browser - 9_50_17658_0
OutlookEnhancement - 1_0_33540_4
PictureEnhancement - 1_50_18141822_c2
PlayShow - 1_0_18172431_1
QuickGPS - 1_00_18202228_0
RandomAccess - 4_1_18222125_0
RingtonePlugin - 1_00_080416_1
RSSHub - 2_1_1_1066_R3
SensorSDK - 3_3_18192831_1
I give credit to all the chefs on this forum for inspiring me to cook my own ROM. and as a given, please don't blame me for anything that happens to your phone as a result of flashing this ROM.

Sprint people should use the attached cab to get the PRL update, Profile update icons.

Attached Files
File Type: cab Sprint Carrier Settings.cab (1.78 MB, 94 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by leadpoizon; 07-06-2010 at 03:09 PM. Reason: Re-uploaded upon request
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 11:58 PM
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Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screen01.jpg (10.3 KB, 2175 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen02.jpg (7.9 KB, 1990 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen03.jpg (7.2 KB, 1978 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen04.jpg (13.1 KB, 1963 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen05.jpg (12.7 KB, 1950 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen07.jpg (12.0 KB, 1962 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen08.jpg (11.7 KB, 1954 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Screen09.jpg (15.4 KB, 1966 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by leadpoizon; 12-02-2009 at 01:46 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2009, 11:58 PM
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Cab Extras

These cabs are extras that aren't needed to run the ROM, but are just there for your liking. (HIT THANKS PLEASE!)

Manila Calendar Tab - An awesome member at XDA made this homebrew tab. It's NOT the HTC tab, like in the newer manilas.
Google Maps 3.2.1 - Google changed the A-GPS structure in the newer version of the Maps app, so A-GPS doesn't work as well. It works best in this version.
In-Call Recording - This is the In-call recording plug-in to the phone canvas dialer. It actually works and also enables you to record with the notes app (due to the newer wavedev.dll). The only problem with it is, it causes stylus detection to break. I can't fix this and don't plan to. If you don't care about your phone detecting when your stylus is in or out, then you can go right ahead and install this!
Sprint Navigation - SPRINT USERS ONLY- If you have the plan for it, then use this. I like Garmin and iGO8 better though, no plan needed, no service needed, so it's a one-time fee on those.
Sprint TV - SPRINT USERS ONLY - If you have the plan and stuff...
Sprint Mobile Email - MIGHT WORK FOR NON-SPRINT USERS - This application runs in the background and lets you set up one personal email account to have push-like email sent straight to your phone. The way it works: This is a Sprintified version of SEVEN and has the server send an invisible text to your phone that tells it to send/receive when you get new email. It only does text emails and it doesn't require you to have the data connection on at all times like outlook push.

Last edited by leadpoizon; 01-18-2010 at 07:54 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 08:28 PM
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Re: [12-01-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom

Thanks! I think I've grown tired of my phone breaking when I want to just answer the phone sometimes. Back to the basics of sorts for me so I can get off my work iphone.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2009, 03:36 PM
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Re: [12-01-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom

Upgraded to v3, much more stable and just better!
Please hit under my post, if I helped you!
DONATE to leadpoizon.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 02:40 AM
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Re: [12-13-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom (Lead ROM?)

Nice, i was beginning to think i was the only one who still liked 6.1. I've literally flashed every rom available the last few months but keep going back to stock with tweaks or other versions of 6.1, they seem to be the most reliable and fastest. Currently I'm running Silence/Mighty rom build 21051 with a few tweaks for personal taste, but I'll be sure to give yours a shot. Thanks.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 05:38 PM
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Re: [12-13-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom (Lead ROM?)

Thanks, I hate how slow the 6.5 roms are.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2009, 08:15 PM
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Re: [12-13-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom (Lead ROM?)

thanks for sharing. i will keep this rom around as long as i have the phone, although i may not always use it.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: [12-13-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom (Lead ROM?)

Thought this was a rom for Anons. No party van widget?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: [12-13-09][6.1] Anonymous Rom (Lead ROM?)

Hey leadpoizon

2 things about ROM

on your first release I was able to install igo8, and text to speech worked,
with this new release text to speech will not work, so something was left out, text to speech does work with HTC stock ROM, so something changed,

Also wasn't there a calendar in the manila 1.2 ?

Thanks lionedas
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