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  #311 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 01:59 AM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

One other item to note. You will need to modify a registry entry as follows after the above fix, otherwise you will get a missing SIM card error:

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  #312 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

I installed this rom... love it due to the fact that its not bloated and I can install what I want... I also love that sms.mms works immediately.. which has been an issue with alltel carriers.

However.. I am unable to connect to the internet on my tp. I even installed the alltel carrier cab to no avail. Anyone got a fix for this or atleast some help?
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  #313 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

Originally Posted by xmln3x@gmail.com View Post
I installed this rom... love it due to the fact that its not bloated and I can install what I want... I also love that sms.mms works immediately.. which has been an issue with alltel carriers.

However.. I am unable to connect to the internet on my tp. I even installed the alltel carrier cab to no avail. Anyone got a fix for this or atleast some help?
I have had several alltel users.. there has never been this issue. I do not know if this is related but here is my story about sprint and TP and no internet:

I had a TP, got a TP2, transferred my number to the TP2. Decided I was going to start working on my last TP ROM, so I activated it on another number and started cooking. I found the data connection would not work no matter what I did (carrier cabs, even redid my whole kitchen with known-good packages - nothing worked.) I even flashed NFS' ROM and it also did not work. I was told by a friend of mine who works for sprint to flash to stock, hard reset the stock rom and data would magically work. It did. I then flashed my ROM back and it has worked ever since.

I don't know if that will help or if that even applies to Alltel, but it is at least worth a shot. Good luck!
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  #314 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

I've done that. I actually flashed to a stock rom before installing your rom. Also.. I've since installed rootrom, ski-rom, and energy rom.. and don't have a problem connecting to the net... although.. your rom is the only one with the sms/mms correctly configured. Otherwise I get no mms/video options, or freakishly tiny pictures. Perhaps you might be able to help me with the sms/mms settings? I'm not sure.. but would love to fully use your rom.
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  #315 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

Funny.. I tried the 2.1 and it works like a charm... was really hoping for the 2.5 tho.. I'm gonna give that another shot and see if it works possibly after another flash dance.

Edit: Ha! I got it to work! Yay!

Now.. when I go into msging... the font must be customized... is there anyway to change that?

Last edited by xmln3x@gmail.com; 01-20-2010 at 08:25 PM. Reason: Update
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  #316 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 10:22 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

Originally Posted by signothefish View Post
This is the source of the 2106 messaging error:

Both yozgatg and kimi_sae_ireba at xda have both been instrumental in helping me find a fix for it. It was a thread suggested by kimi that eventually got me where I needed to be:


I ended up installing the v2 beta3 files using Mortscript, and it works like a charm! It disables the Sense IM client, and uses the native poutlook client instead. SMS messages no longer appear on the Messaging tab, but the unread SMS message count icon still does. If you click on the notification of a new SMS message, poutlook messaging is invoked instead, which is a lot more responsive than the Sense UI, especially when you have a long history of text messages to someone. To add icing on the cake, you can still use the Sense Messaging UI to compose or reply to an SMS message displayed on the messaging screen, and the 2106 error is no longer returned. The recipient indeed gets your text.

One caveat: The mortscript assumes all files in the zip file are in one folder, but they end up in separate folders after unzip (I think each folder represents a language, with 0409 being English). Being unsure of which ones were needed, I copied the script into each folder and ran it from each folder. You may also need to use Total Commander to perform any copy operations the script failed on due to permissions (the script writes into the \Windows folder).

Anyway, follow the instructions exactly as amarullz mentions, and the fix should work for you.
I downloaded that folder a few days ago but I don't see anywhere where he tells you what to do? Are you talking about the whole editing of the reg files and changing CDMA to 1 and all that..?? Because if so, I already copied the 0409 files to my \Windows folder and when I click that app.reg all it does is open total commander, it doesn't import any files? I've tried opening it in File Explorer too and it does the same thing?

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  #317 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 10:47 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

Originally Posted by signothefish View Post
One other item to note. You will need to modify a registry entry as follows after the above fix, otherwise you will get a missing SIM card error:

YAH IT WORKS..!!! I already have the SMSFIX installed so I didn't get that error once I completed these steps... In the one link you posted he doesn't have the specifics like he does in post #5 prior to that one, but a lil sniffin around and i found it..!! Good shit man, thanks for ur assistance in helpin me track this shit down...!! Let's pass the word =)
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  #318 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

hey raid do u kno of any keyboards compatible with this rom? sometimes my spacebar on the screen will disappear and be replaced with a backslash?
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  #319 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 09:18 AM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

Originally Posted by jdmsohc22 View Post
hey raid do u kno of any keyboards compatible with this rom? sometimes my spacebar on the screen will disappear and be replaced with a backslash?
that is a bug in ezinput.. workaround is to open opera and go to the address bar, then go to the search bar. that will fix it. it changes to the backslash and .com whenever you enter the URL field in opera, and does not change back until you enter the search field
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  #320 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: [ROM][01-13]WM 6.5.5 23518 Manila 2.5&Titanium [UC/Sashimi] - FINAL TP RELEASE

Is there any fix for certain apps not being able to use the internet?

Example would be FIM, it worked on the 28011 build, but the newer one it doesn't work on.

Same thing with Facebook on SPB Mobile Shell, and trying to do Update PRL or even Update Profile... On those it errors.

What's strange is that sometimes I see that notification that says unable to connect with the #777 number listed AFTER trying to use the programs that DON'T work... there's something goofy here... I've tried to edit the settings on the connection, but no luck there.

Some apps work, others don't.... I always flash to Stock before flashing any new ROM, so I know it's not that it is a "bad flash." I don't know what else to try here...

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