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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 10:06 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

So far a few observations:

First thanks for making what seems to be a great ROM base on the 21xxx WM series without the big scroll bars on the bottom that to me take up too much real estate on the TP.

Also thanks for including so many programs for me to look through, it's like I'm getting a new TP all over again.

Finally, I noticed that Groovefish doesn't work. It says something about needing CF 3.5 to run...

Also, Touchpal already says it is expired. I'm just going to install FingerKB instead.

Once again, great ROM.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 10:18 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

+1 on groovefish.
is there any wm 6.5 slide lockscreen cabs floating around or RSTG can you cook that in--I'm not really digging the new lockscreen (not the screen changer-the actual slide to unlock)
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Net speed tweak by me and kozmo---give him a big "thank you"
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 10:39 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

GoogleFish works fine here, streaming some old van halen and it rocks! (try to disconect from activesync) and touchpal runs with a free/register mode.... Playing with different keyboards...see post #2 changelog...
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 10:56 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

FNKeyboard plays well

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
GoogleFish works fine here, streaming some old van halen and it rocks! (try to disconect from activesync) and touchpal runs with a free/register mode.... Playing with different keyboards...see post #2 changelog...
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 10:58 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Yep, I think I'm going back to the old combo and adding fingerkb... And I need to figure out UC...or delete it.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 11:00 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

rom looks great,i didn't see anything saying sprint only rom lol so gonna dl and flash and let u know how it works on a half a tp

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 11:47 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
rom looks great,i didn't see anything saying sprint only rom lol so gonna dl and flash and let u know how it works on a half a tp
roflmao. at least you know what you are working with!! i'm sure people would love some of your contributions on this new development num5kull you have been a great asset to the community lately.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.01 .-. 11/27/09

Here is the first update. I was gonna fiddle with the keyboard, but just added FingerKeyboard. A few tweaks, and adding a carrier versions. I don't use Arcsoft but here is a different version. Enjoy all!

WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post #38 - Updated 11/28/09)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Sprint Carrier Version)

rstg_tpro_21876G_Sense_v02 (megaupload)
WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post #38 - Updated 11/28/09)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Generic Carrier Version)

Version Sense v5.02
- Add Custom LockScreen...done.
- Change to Tachi Dialer...done.
- Tweaked InterNet Push Settings...done.
- Tweaked 20 ShortCuts a little...done.
- Switched to Sprint_Arcsoft_MMS_5_0_82_79...done.
- Added Finger Keyboard no Arrows...done.
- Added Generic Carrier version. "S" is Sprint, "G" is Generic...done.
Enjoy and report all your bugs-n-quirks!

Edit: Oh yeah, moved downloads to MediaFire until MegaUpload rights itself...

Edit edit: Reuploaded Generic version for download...

Last edited by rstoyguy; 11-29-2009 at 09:11 AM.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 11:57 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.02 .-. 11/28/09

Dooh, I haven't even had a chance to play fully with the last ROM and I'm off flashing again...

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2009, 12:12 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.5 WM6.5_21876_5.02 .-. 11/28/09

Waiting on the generic upload
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