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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by iceman40 View Post
Well the pri updated, but not the radio

The radio is separate from the pri....you need to read this post and you will find the radio in .exe format

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by apristel View Post
Can someone post up the radio not in an exe or whatever so I can flash from the SD card? I gave someone my last USB cable not knowing it was my only one.

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
I too would like the .nbh, as I only flash from sd, since I don't own a windows box.
just use winrar to exract the exe and you'll get your nbh file for flashing from mem card
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

ahh thanks bro


I attached the .nbh for everyone, just unrar and put it on your sdcard and flash away!

Works Great.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Sprint_Radio_1.12.34F.rar (5.32 MB, 178 views) Click for barcode!
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Last edited by apristel; 08-03-2009 at 07:14 PM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:09 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
I ran the PRI update, seemed to go fine. However, now my 6.5 start menu icons are hosed. The first page looks ok at first but when I click on setting, that page does not scroll and the icons appears to be on top of each other. Then you go back to the first page and try and scroll the the icons just bleed all over the page....So I figured I would uninstall the pimp package and then reinstall and that did nothing. Another thing to note is that after a soft reset I see the normai NRGY ROM wallpaper, but as windows loads more I see an all white screen with the htc logo on it and then it loads to TF3d...so something in that pri does something weird...you've been warned.
this is a common 6.5 problem. for quick fix open slideout keyboard. for permanent fix goto settings....today pick a new theme, then go back to old theme, no more bloody start menu

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:09 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by rogerp View Post
not sure if this is correct or not but i searched for pri on mobile phone and got this
ISDN30e / ISDN30 / PRI GSM Gateway Products
The use of 30 channel ISDN30e GSM Gateways started in 2001 with many alternative carriers connecting them to VOIP gateways and terminating calls in large volumes to the mobile phone networks using the standard mobile phone tariffs. A carrier using a single GSM Gateway could terminate up to 600,000 minutes per month, and most carriers had banks of GSM gateways terminating sveral million minutes of calls per month.
This high volume and need for reliability has led to the continuing development of PRI GSM Gateway products which means that they produce consistently high quality calls with advanced SIM management to make the most of the multitude of tariffs available in today's mobile phone marketplace.
GSM SAVE have selected the most popular Gateways used by carriers and can now offer these to the corporate business user who find their cost of calls to mobile phones spiralling. These gateways are ideal for companies who make large volumes of calls to mobile phones such as call centres, recruitment and the service industries.
Not even close. The way PRI is used in that context is actually used in the telcom world. It's basically a trunk of lines used for voice channels. It stands for primary rate interface.

In this winmo world, I have no idea what it stands for.. but I think it has something to do with sprint provisioning. I'd like to think of it like a computer bios firmware but for carrier phones.

Update... PRI update apparently is carrier specific. it stores the band ranges that the carrier is supposed to use. I wouldn't use this unless you are a Sprint customer.

Last edited by quazimodem; 08-03-2009 at 07:26 PM. Reason: got more clarification on PRI
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:11 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

so why would 1 update the PRI ?
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:17 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
I ran the PRI update, seemed to go fine. However, now my 6.5 start menu icons are hosed. The first page looks ok at first but when I click on setting, that page does not scroll and the icons appears to be on top of each other. Then you go back to the first page and try and scroll the the icons just bleed all over the page....So I figured I would uninstall the pimp package and then reinstall and that did nothing. Another thing to note is that after a soft reset I see the normai NRGY ROM wallpaper, but as windows loads more I see an all white screen with the htc logo on it and then it loads to TF3d...so something in that pri does something weird...you've been warned.
I can second that, totally hosed them out got exact same effect. And I am on Nfsfans rom.

Be very careful running this.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
this is a common 6.5 problem. for quick fix open slideout keyboard. for permanent fix goto settings....today pick a new theme, then go back to old theme, no more bloody start menu
I know what you are talking about, but I don't believe this has anything to do with it, because it never did it before..ever! I just decided to flash the NRGY 8/1 anyway to no biggie
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:31 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

The wallpaper and icons issue you guys are seeing is a very, very old bug in PPST and nothing new at all. It does no damage, and is really not reason to be any more careful than you would have been otherwise. These updates are generally applied by a stock rom RUU on your running device *before* flashing the new ROM, therefore, they are followed by a hard reset. You are running the update manually and alone and may see the PPST bug.

No offense to anyone, but if you are not willing to hard reset your device you probably should not be here looking for PRI updates to apply manually.

Also I can't guess what PRI stands for but what it is is non-volatile settings. For example, if you go into PPST and change your audio codec from EVRC to Voice 13K, that setting will remain after a hard-reset or ROM flash, because it is an NV (non-volatile) radio parameter. These are what the PRI sets. A new PRI means a change in some parameter passed to your radio at low level.

It is my guess that Sprint has not made a change in an existing variable, but instead the new radio probably looks for new parameters that needed to be set by a new PRI.

Last edited by dcd; 08-03-2009 at 07:37 PM.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 07:35 PM
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Re: Updated Sprint HermannC PPST

Originally Posted by dcd View Post
The wallpaper and icons issue you guys are seeing is a very, very old bug in PPST and nothing new at all. It does no damage, and is really not reason to be any more careful than you would have been otherwise. These updates are generally applied by a stock rom RUU on your running device *before* flashing the new ROM, therefore, they are followed by a hard reset. You are running the update manually and alone and may see the PPST bug.

No offense to anyone, but if you are not willing to hard reset your device you probably should not be here looking for PRI updates to apply manually.

Also I can't guess what PRI stands for but what it is is non-volatile settings. For example, if you go into PPST and change your audio codec from EVRC to Voice 13K, that setting will remain after a hard-reset or ROM flash, because it is an NV (non-volatile) radio parameter. These are what the PRI sets. A new PRI means a change in some parameter passed to your radio at low level.
thanks dcd..learn something everyday....like I said I was not too worried with it because I was due to flash anyway....
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