Originally Posted by Technology1
Yes you can do it, use the public video feed with live talk, she tune into yours and you tune into hers... Set the video links up first, then do the live talk..... With the new set up, Detacher is not use anymore, all config is done through the second today settings only... Detacher is only used for the right soft key now, that it.... 
I dont see what we"re doing different. Thats exactly what im doin. the detatcher toggles touch flo with the right soft key. I know i can map touch flo to second today, but where would i put phatfinger. Plus there is an x in second today to close it, no task manager button. i install the detatcher file and the 6.5 detatcher, just as you are saying. the touchflo detatcher works fine. smooth. then i set second today to phatfinger. all three are runnin., but still no task button. that is exactly your instructions on the first page. What are we doing differently? Didnt you say you"re are not getting the task button in touchflo, only titanium? I dont know much about flashing roms, but its like the themes are cooked in over the taskbar, not within.
Will the clock issue with manilla 2 be fixed when the clocks go back?